The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Thanks Guys, I appreciate the kind comments.
I posted my setup once before, but here it goes again.
-400wMH 20k XM (Galaxy Electronic Ballast) + 2-24 inch Super Actinic VHO's with Lumenarc reflector
-30 gallon sump with refugium, Euro Reef skimmer, Phosphate+Carbon ran in individual phosban reactors.
- Mag 12 as main pump, two tunze 6105's running on a multi-controller.

Did I forget Anything?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14653987#post14653987 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefscape15
Wow that controller sounds pretty amazing! I only have HOB stuff so i guess it wouldn't really do me any good, but all my lighting is on timers. As for the HOB fuge, it's better than nothing, but i wish i would have gotten one with a skimmer for the intake. There is a layer of detritus on the sand, but it doesn't affect my parameters at all. IT's just unsightly, but you can't really see my fuge anyways. There is TONS of pods and about 6 varieties of caulerpa growing and a ball of chaeto. I put a few small pieces of rock in and the algae became attached to it which is kind of cool. I put a handful of tiny brittle stars and 2 Nassarius snails in to hopefully clean up the detritus a bit. If you have a sump though, you can use your return to feed your fuge and just have that overflow into your tank. I wish i could've done something like that but i don't have room for a sump.

Hey reefscape,
Ever have any problems with calurpa going sexual in your DT? I had a few small pieces of rock I added to my refugium that were thoughly cleaned but some calurpa stuck and after a few weeks started to bloom in my DT.

The calurpa is a PITA because its growing over frags(and fast) so I want it gone. I was thinking a sturgenfish would probbly help since my blond naso tang took care of any calurpa that ended up in my 135.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14656509#post14656509 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sdoggssf
There has been some nice corners posted lately....
I just took a few pictures of the 54 earlier today.




Love the SPS collection! :)
sdogg - Those are some very impressive pics! I love the Wrasses as well as the corals! I don't think many of us on here have such a mature tank. How long have you been running it? You don't really see Halmidia in peoples tanks that much anymore, but it's an excellent contrast next to those Zoas. I really wish i could have ran a sump, but i've heard that using the 2 reactors (phosphate and carbon) is a very great thing for your tank. Have you ever tried Chemi-Pure in your reactor? Also do you have just a plain front shot of the tank? Although those pics are beautiful, its hard to see what it looks like if you saw it face to face.

Pulp - What an appropriate time for you to ask that! Yes i have it in my display and just got a False Lemonpeel Angel last night to hopefullt take care of it. Any Tang other than the bristletooth varieties will remove any spots of algae in your display. I'm going to give the Angel a while to work on it, but if he doesn't take care of it, my LFS has a Powder Brown Tang i would add.

This pic was about 2 or 3 weeks ago

Same spot just a few days ago

A small piece that settled on the sand. Now it's about 10 times the size just over 2 weeks time!
Here is a picture from the front of the tank. My tank has been running for almost two years now.

I have never tried chemipure in the reactor, to be honest Im not to familiar with the product.
So, I am looking to get a new skimmer. Any 92 owners out there with opinions on the BK 180mini, ATB or ITech cones?
Were those corals bought as frags? That is an amazing tank you have! It makes me want to rework my tank now! The wrasses you have, it looks like a Yellow Coris, Radiant African, and the one in the first pic is some type of Leopard? I have an Angler in my tank so small wrasses are out the window, but i'd love to set up another tank for wrasses! Um...Chemipure is a very nice type of carbon, and now they make Chemipure Elite which has phosphate removal media in with the carbon. I'm thinking about setting up a reactor to run the Elite in, and hopefully it would work good.
Yes, all of my corals were small frags when i got them. Now I'm having trouble keeping them from touching one another, mostly due to them encrusting into eachother. Your correct on the species of wrasses i have. I keep the wrasses because I'm always in a constant battle with the Acro Eating Flatworms, which is a headache. They do a decent job though. The carbon and the phosphate remover I use is from The carbon is ROX 8.0, and the phosphate remover is high capacity GFO. I feel both of these have worked very well for me.

Ive been researching like mad on a new skimmer... I can offer the following....

The i-tech skimmer 200 model will suffice, however I would want to run it on a laguna pump... which I've seen someone running.. talk to the i-tech owner about, emailing through their forum..

The other two skimmers you're looking at are tried and tested 100%, no way to go wrong there, but the i-tech will save you money and from everything i've seen/read/talked about, will do exactly the same thing for less $$.
sdogg - That is impressive growth out of those corals! I too am dealing with flatworms, but they are Acro eating, at least that i've noticed. I'm having a Christmas Wrasse ordered for my tank and hopefully they'll do a good job. Also is your tank covered? You ever find a Wrasse on the floor? I've been told to cover my tank, but i'd loose all my cooling! I don't have a sump and not getting a chiller, and my 250watt MH is only 6" off the water surface. Evap is my only cooling. Hopefully i can get a couple more wrasses and they won't escape!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14665453#post14665453 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefscape15
sdogg - That is impressive growth out of those corals! I too am dealing with flatworms, but they are Acro eating, at least that i've noticed. I'm having a Christmas Wrasse ordered for my tank and hopefully they'll do a good job. Also is your tank covered? You ever find a Wrasse on the floor? I've been told to cover my tank, but i'd loose all my cooling! I don't have a sump and not getting a chiller, and my 250watt MH is only 6" off the water surface. Evap is my only cooling. Hopefully i can get a couple more wrasses and they won't escape!

Do you have any fans between your light and tank top?
no not at the moment, but i'll see what summertime does to the temp, and might have to add them. Also i've been looking for a new HOB skimmer for my tank and pretty much had my mind set on Reef Octo 800s, but just got looking at DIY overflows and i think i might go this route. I have my old 20gal tank i could use for sump, and in sump skimmers actually seem cheaper and more efficiant. For the $225-250 for the 800s i think i could make an overflow and get a better in sump skimmer for around the same cost. Anyone on here have an overflow box or are your tanks reef ready?
I have had a couple wrasses jump out of the tank in my days. Just as long as the wrasse are feed well, have space to swim, and aren't being picked on by another fish you should be ok. I do know of some people that covered there tanks with a screen, but i have decided to stick with an open tank...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14666230#post14666230 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefscape15
no not at the moment, but i'll see what summertime does to the temp, and might have to add them. Also i've been looking for a new HOB skimmer for my tank and pretty much had my mind set on Reef Octo 800s, but just got looking at DIY overflows and i think i might go this route. I have my old 20gal tank i could use for sump, and in sump skimmers actually seem cheaper and more efficiant. For the $225-250 for the 800s i think i could make an overflow and get a better in sump skimmer for around the same cost. Anyone on here have an overflow box or are your tanks reef ready?

During summer, I have 2 computer fans that sit on the top of the tank between the tank and the light. I have them go on when the MH's go on. It really does help to reduce the heat.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14662449#post14662449 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Hookup

Ive been researching like mad on a new skimmer... I can offer the following....

The i-tech skimmer 200 model will suffice, however I would want to run it on a laguna pump... which I've seen someone running.. talk to the i-tech owner about, emailing through their forum..

The other two skimmers you're looking at are tried and tested 100%, no way to go wrong there, but the i-tech will save you money and from everything i've seen/read/talked about, will do exactly the same thing for less $$.

Thanks Hookup, I was looking at the 200 as well but I did not know about the laguna pump. Have you looked at the MSX/SWC's cones at all?
I have been talking with one manufature directly who has given me enough of a reason to NOT buy MSX/SWC.

I would stay away from MSX/SWC at this point.
Wow, I havent posted in a while but i've been trying to keep up to date with all of your posts. SOme great pics and lots of info! awesome!

A few Q's and comments generated...

Jesse, I have a 54G and thought that it was too small for a yellow tang but you have one...I'd really love to get one do you think it's ok? I have a diamond goby, clown fish and flame fish right now. Obviously they must be reef safe if you have one in there with some of those beauties. I was either going to get a big bright fish or maybe a few smaller ones like chromis and some wrasses maybe... any suggestions would be great.

and reefscape i LOVE that anlger of yours! It makes me want to set up a nano FOWLR just to get one! does he eat frozen food?
and I've been seriously considering going in with you on that acan package that you mentioned. Is that still an option? If so, let me know. (congrats on the job btw)