The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Wow, I havent posted in a while but i've been trying to keep up to date with all of your posts. SOme great pics and lots of info! awesome!

A few Q's and comments generated...

Jesse, I have a 54G and thought that it was too small for a yellow tang but you have one...I'd really love to get one do you think it's ok? I have a diamond goby, clown fish and flame fish right now. Obviously they must be reef safe if you have one in there with some of those beauties. I was either going to get a big bright fish or maybe a few smaller ones like chromis and some wrasses maybe... any suggestions would be great.

and reefscape i LOVE that anlger of yours! It makes me want to set up a nano FOWLR just to get one! does he eat frozen food?
and I've been seriously considering going in with you on that acan package that you mentioned. Is that still an option? If so, let me know. (congrats on the job btw)
Kelso - Yes that is an option, however i don't know how soon i'll be getting up there now being back to work and all. And thanks for the congrats! Yes i usually feed him frozen krill, but sometimes i'll drop a dozen ghost shrimp in the tank and he usually gets 3 or 4 or them. On occasion i'll substitute frozen clam chunks or any other frozen fish food i can find. I always soak them in vitamins before i feed as well
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14681968#post14681968 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kelso1980
Jesse, I have a 54G and thought that it was too small for a yellow tang but you have one...I'd really love to get one do you think it's ok? I have a diamond goby, clown fish and flame fish right now. Obviously they must be reef safe if you have one in there with some of those beauties. I was either going to get a big bright fish or maybe a few smaller ones like chromis and some wrasses maybe... any suggestions would be great.

I have a 54 corner and am going with a Tomini Tang instead of the yellow. They're smaller and may fit in better with my system. I have heard of people keeping yellows in a 54 before though. HTH
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14681968#post14681968 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kelso1980
Jesse, I have a 54G and thought that it was too small for a yellow tang but you have one...I'd really love to get one do you think it's ok?

I personally think it's ok, but I'm sure others don't. He's the only fish in the tank that will get fairly large and I'd probably remove him at about 6 inches and replace him with a small one anyway.
I'm in the planning stages of building a fish room in the basement, but baby steps...I need to upgrade my return pump and skimmer and add an ATO unit, among a few other things, but those look like the most expensive.

I bought the tank as a whole (no water in it but all the equiptment) so I never had to learn about skimmers and such so I'd like to run this buy you guys... (again)
Someone is selling an Aqua c ev180 for ~$120.

It looks good to me, but I'd like some input from some pros. By the time my sump is done i'll have a total of about 75 gallons.
Kelso, look up i-tech skimmers (just google that)... contact them about the model 100 for pricing with the new tuzne pumps... should rock your system better than just about anything out there... (no I do not work for them but the amount of recommendations I've been giving them they owe me one by now.. lol)

I do not know Aqua cev180.. but at that price-point it scares me.. even used...

Tell me more about this "fishroom" I am intregued!!! I have over 150 gallons of sump in my basement feeding my 92gal corner... Got 100gal of water mixing for a massive change i'm going to do this week/weekend... I know im way overboard, but it's fun, I had the room, extra sump space is easy to add, and cheap.... so why not...

Wuts yer room planning?
One more question... are you asking us "what a skimmer does exactly"? It's hard to tell from your question... if you bought a "kit" then I could see how you have quite a few questions... ask away.. hell corner tank specific or not, we like to chat here....
1 yellow tang
4 pajama cardinals
1 sixline wrasse
1 rainford's goby

A buttload of sps frags, hammer, 2 different candy canes, an ora green toadstool, and Sunday's addition:

i cant see it being a problem ben, the 54 is nearly 4ft across, it has swimming space, but as mentioned perhaps if it ever gets near 5-6 inches it will need to be removed and re-homed
Date In Date Out Name Species Name Common Name

4/14/200 9/27/200 Joey Oxycirrhites typus Longnose Hawkfish
4/19/200 Astrea Astraea tecta Astraea Conehead Snail
4/19/200 Blue Hermit Clibanarius tricolor Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit
4/19/200 Emerald Mithrax sculptus Emerald Crab
4/19/200 Nass Nassarius distortus Super Tongan Nassarius Snail
4/19/200 Star Ophiolepsis superba Serpent Sea Star, Fancy Tiger-st
4/19/200 Troch Trochus sp. Banded Trochus Snail
4/19/200 Zebra Crab Calcinus laevimanus Dwarf Zebra Hermit Crab
5/22/200 Blood Lysmata debelius Blood Red Fire Shrimp
5/22/200 8/1/2008 Skunk Lysmata amboinensis Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
6/20/200 Marlin Amphiprion ocellaris var. Black & White Ocellaris Clownf
6/20/200 Nemo Amphiprion ocellaris var. Black & White Ocellaris Clownf
7/11/200 Ric Ricordea florida Ricordea
7/13/200 Blasto Australian Blastomussa Blasto
7/15/200 RBTA Entacmaea quadricolor Rose Bubble Tip Anemone
7/15/200 Star Polyp Briareum sp Starburst Polyp
7/15/200 Montipora Montipora digitata Montipora Coral, Branched
8/8/2008 Green Ric Ricordea florida Ricordea
8/16/200 Sinularia Sinularia sp. Sinularia, Green Finger Coral
8/16/200 Pavona Pavona decussatus Pavona Coral
8/20/200 Blue Milli Blue Millepora Blue Millepora
8/20/200 Ora Blue Digi Montipora digitata Montipora Coral, Branched
8/20/200 Slimer Acropora Sl Green Bali Slimer
8/20/200 Teal Staghorn Acropora sp. Acropora Coral, Blue
8/22/200 Favia P Favia pallida Brain Coral
10/17/20 Frogspawn Euphyllia paradivisa Frogspawn Coral - Branched
10/17/20 Yellow scroll turbinaria Turbinaria sp Yellow Scroll Coral
10/25/20 Flame Centropyge aurantonotus Flameback Pygmy Angel
11/25/20 Falco Cirrhitichthys falco Falco Hawkfish
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14685497#post14685497 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Hookup
Kelso, look up i-tech skimmers (just google that)... contact them about the model 100 for pricing with the new tuzne pumps... should rock your system better than just about anything out there... (no I do not work for them but the amount of recommendations I've been giving them they owe me one by now.. lol)

I do not know Aqua cev180.. but at that price-point it scares me.. even used...

Tell me more about this "fishroom" I am intregued!!! I have over 150 gallons of sump in my basement feeding my 92gal corner... Got 100gal of water mixing for a massive change i'm going to do this week/weekend... I know im way overboard, but it's fun, I had the room, extra sump space is easy to add, and cheap.... so why not...

Wuts yer room planning?

thanks hookup, I know what a skimmer does and the idea behind it and all, i just dont know which ones are better than others and which would be best suited for my tank.
But i'll look up the i-tech skimmers.

Right now I have a 10G sump under the stand and as everyone here knows, it's not a pretty sight. I have a 20 long that i'm going to modify into a sump to put in the basement. I have all of the baffles and such but I dont want to glue them into place until I have my new skimmer and return pump.

My dad is an electrician and he doesnt know much about keeping aquariums but he sure does love looking at mine. He's going to add a new breaker dedicated to the aquarium.

Directly under my tank is an area of the basement that is not used for anything. It's not it's own separate room, so I dont know if that'll be a problem. I'm going to reinforce an old work bench and add some shelves to the wall and insulate everything with foam board.

The plans now are to set up the sump with a rubbermaid tote for top off water to one side and another rubbermaid tote to the other side for water changes. I plan on hooking up access directly to drain out into the sewer and it wont take much to redirect a spout for water.

I wish I had a scanner so I could show you my drawings...

I know someone will say something about me not using RO/DI water, but #1 I dont have the money to buy a unit right now. Skimmer and return pump are a higher priority. and #2 I've been using Rochester city water (with water conditioner) for almost 3 years now and i've never had a problem with phosphates or algae. In fact, everything is looking so good and I've had the best growth i've EVER seen in my tank that I'm afraid to change anything right now. That's why I'm not in a big rush to add this new sump in the basement, because i dont want my tank to crash.

The biggest motivator is temperature stability. In the summer my tank is going to fry. I'm hoping the chilled basement will help, but I'm thinking a chiller is going to be a necessity.

another motivator is an ATO because i'm evaporationg ~ 1/2 gallon a day and that's with a glass top over the tank. I really want to get rid of the glass top, but my light is being held up by 2 paint cans sitting on top of the glass. :rolleye1: The legs for the light are on order.

That's pretty much the rundown of my plans so far. Suggestions/comments are GREATLY appreciated because I've never done this before and i'm sure there will be lots of bumps in the road.
Kelso - My list as of now is Wartskin Angler: 3.5", Bi-Color Pseudo (dottyback): 3", False Lemonpeel Angel: 3.5", and soon to come a Christmas Wrasse and Powder Brown Tang. I definately feel that if you find a smaller specemin, you could keep it for quite some time in a 54gal. Corals don't really matter how many you have if you have an oversized skimmer. I have a large Hammer Coral: 10" diameter, somewhat large patch of Anthellia: 8" or so, and about 40-50 LPS and SPS frags. I'm just waiting for them to grow out now! As for the Tomini Tang, i think they are awesome, but they will not help control Macro Algae as they are a Bristletooth variety. They may get some while they are grazing, but they don't eat it intentionally. If you are going to plum into your basement for the sump area, I'd really try to find something larger than a 20 gal. If you have a larger sump in the cooler basement, you probably wouldn't need a chiller. Hope this helps a little!

Another thing you might try on your sump to keep it cool is a RANCO controller. I think its about $100 to $150 dollars but it is well worth it. On my 54 gallon i put my sump in the garage so that i could upgrade it to a larger size. The other benefit is that it keeps my tank cool all year round. I plug my heater into the controller as well as a fan pointing at the top of my sump. The controller is programed to turn on the fan if my tank exceedes 80 degrees and my heater if my temp drops below 77 degrees. It does everything for me at a cheaper cost than running a chiller.
Just another option...
I know I said livestock list, I guess I meant fish list. I'm just trying to figure out which way to go. I'd like a BTA for my clowns, but I'd also like to try a copperband butterfly and I know they don't mix.
Basically, my wife wants a couple bright fish who won't hide all day. I currently have 2 false percs, a sixline wrasse, and a lawnmower blenny. I'd like to add a small angel (flame or bicolor) and a small tang. The only corals I have right now were hitchikers and I don't really care if the angel gets them.
Hello All,

I too have a corner tank and would like to be a part of this. Forgive my ignorance but I've looked at the FAQ and can't find anywhere where I can join this or any thread. Can someone explain it to me? Thanks in advance and forgive me if this is beyond simple.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14695657#post14695657 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by twjmb02
Hello All,

I too have a corner tank and would like to be a part of this. Forgive my ignorance but I've looked at the FAQ and can't find anywhere where I can join this or any thread. Can someone explain it to me? Thanks in advance and forgive me if this is beyond simple.

consider your self a member:) when you can post some details and a little history, welcome to the club and

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14695657#post14695657 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by twjmb02
Forgive my ignorance but I've looked at the FAQ and can't find anywhere where I can join this or any thread. Can someone explain it to me?

Sure joining is simple, but we do have standards...

First you have to successfully capture a breeding pair of monarch butterflies with a nikon 100macro from a distance of no less than 100feet, on a Tuesday while a monkey is present in the background holding a current copy of the new york times.

Second, you must then have an interview, you conducted within the past 6 months, with a group of freedom fighters published in no less than three international newspapers. The article must not include the words, freedom, guns, or warfare, but must include butterfly, ice cream and banjo.

Finally, you have to perform two military HALO jumps over two separate continents within a 48 hour period carrying an umbrella and a photo of two friends who have been romantically engaged. This must be filmed and broadcast on twitter, youtube and MSN in real-time in HD quality video.

As you might expect, all of the above is at your cost, but on the plus side, we do not have a membership fee. We do however have a management fee of 1.89% per word posted on Wednesdays and Thursdays and every other Saturday unless the month starts with the letter J. On alternating Mondays, we do take a collection, which a minimum donation of 25$ is required. Finally, on the second Friday of each odd-numbered month, we require a renewal fee be paid, in cash, to We do accept pay-pal.

We thank you for your interest in our club and look forward to having you join once you complete the above. :rollface: