The Reef Central Corner Club Thread


Wow! You're story had me on the edge of my seat! I really wish I knew what was going on with the little guy. It almost sounds like stress to me too, but I have no way of proving it. I hope you get it worked out. :(

On another note, it's a small world. I used to live near Columbus, OH and me and the wife would drive to Rossville, IL every now and then to visit with a friend of hers. We used to travel through Danville all the time. Cozy looking town, but Rossville is barely a blip on the scope. :D

Good luck with the tang... If anyone's got anything to add about Simon's problem, please pipe up!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14844814#post14844814 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SimonSKL
I almost lost my Hawaiian Yellow Tang this week. I saw it spinning around in the corner of the tank Monday afternoon with tearing or damaged fins. I was lucky in catching it and put it in my quarantine tank. The tang went horizontal and spinning around endlessly on the bottom of the hospital tank. Its whole body was rigid and really couldn't control its body orientation and direction.

Because of the damaged fins and the fish looked it was dying, I put some Melafix in the water and hoped for the best. Monday night was the worst for the fish. Just watching the tang spinning horizontally and endlessly was exhausting to me. I didn't expect it to live thru the night:(

Tuesday morning the fish was still alive! but not much better. I did a 30% water change with water from the main tank. Gave another dose of Melafix. Did another water change in the evening.

Wednesday morning - the fish finally stop spinning and was able to get upright part of the time. I did another water change and gave another dose of Melafix. In the afternoon, the fish was fully upright. I tried to give it some seaweed and it started eating it. I now think the fish might have a chance to make it.

Thursday - the tang is doing a lot better and kept on eating the seaweed that I put in a clip. I gave it some mysis shrimp and it ate them all. The fins are all healed up and the body is once again flexible and it can swim easily in both directions.

Today, I decided to "discharge" the tang from the hospital tank and back into the main tank. I went thru the same acclimation process to re-introduce the fish into the main tank. It went hiding immediately. I was still able to see it with my flash light (the lights were not turned on yet).

20 min later, I saw the tang's top fins started to split. I did not see any fighting between the tang and other fish. It could be due to the stress related to moving.

My question is: do Hawaiian Yellow Tang split their fins under stress? Anyone got a sick tang and then recovered like this. My past experience with sick fish has always been 100% fatality. This is a success story, I hope.

simon my immediate reaction to your post was "i wonder if simon has an ammonia problem in his dt" it seems very strange that the tang is distressed in the dt but fine in qt, and even though you took the time to reintroduce him to the dt with salinity and temperature via a decent acclimitisation period he suddenly is distressed again, have you tested for ammonia lately? and whats the ph, since youve been experimenting with calcium? hope all works out simon, best of luck:)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14845119#post14845119 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Michael
no not at all, when you add kalk to a resevoir you should basically add 2 spoonfuls of kalk to every gallon of ro-di, then stir it in thoroughly, once the water is saturated the waste sediment drops to the bottom and is no longer useful, the water is still saturated and so i cant see the point of just stiring sediment into saturated kalk, its saturated and wont get any denser, i use kalk myself all the time in a resevoir which is supplied via another resevoir via my top off, i think my method will be adequate for most reef aquaria except the very most bioload systems, then a reactor will be required:)

Michael, thanks for the response. It just seems there is a lot of impurity and waste sediments in Kalk which will require regular cleaning of the reservoir. Taking my ATO reservoir out regularly for cleaning is not an easy task for me.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14845443#post14845443 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SimonSKL
Michael, thanks for the response. It just seems there is a lot of impurity and waste sediments in Kalk which will require regular cleaning of the reservoir. Taking my ATO reservoir out regularly for cleaning is not an easy task for me.

i can understand that, luckily the remaining sediment can remain in the resevoir for a while, i dont clean mine out that often tbh, if you can get to the resevoir easilty enough without removing it then you could mix up the kalk and pure water in a container and pour it in and forget the sediment, just clean it out when you can, 1 thing though it will start to smell a bit if left in the resevoir too long, i doubt its harmful though
It is a small world indeed. Danville, IL is just a little quiet town and not as famous as Danville, CA where our hero US Airway pilot, Capt Sullenberger, lives. At least Danville was mentioned in the news:) If you happen to come by this area, send me a PM and may be we can have a visit and you can see my tank.

Michael, I was thinking the same thing about my water quality when I saw the distressed fish Monday. I tested my water and everything was fine. The fact that the fish recovered with the water changes from the main tank proved water was not the problem. I did observe some skirmish between the Yellow Tang and the Cherub Angel a couple times but I don't think that was the cause of the distress. My Yellow Tang has been in the tank for almost 9 months and lived peacefully with all the fish, including the Cherub Angel.

Anyway, this was the Yellow Tang in the hospital tank on 4/14.

This is the picture today. You can see the split dorsal fin. The fins were completely healed when I put the fish back in the DT.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14854571#post14854571 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Michael
any update simon?

Michael, my Yellow Tang has made a complete recovery and doing great in the tank. Its bright yellow color has returned and is actively swimming all over the tank. There is still one split in the dorsal fin. One thing I noticed about my Yellow Tang is it does not eat artificial food, pallets nor flakes. Everytime I feed those food, it just went behind the rocks. Seaweeds and frozen food (mysis shrimps and brine shrimps) are the only food it eats!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14855110#post14855110 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SimonSKL
Michael, my Yellow Tang has made a complete recovery and doing great in the tank. Its bright yellow color has returned and is actively swimming all over the tank.

fantastic news, thanks for letting me know, i was wondering how he was:)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14855214#post14855214 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by joeychitwood
Nice job recovering the fish in the Q tank.

Thanks Joey. As I said before I had little luck in the past to save a saltwater fish from dying. I was kind of undecided whether I should remove the fish from my DT because of my past experience. I decided to remove the fish because I didn't want to look for a dead fish behind all those rocks. The use of Melafix is simply a gamble as I had some success with using this product on pond fish. It is a natural antibacterial with a unique smell. I was glad it worked out. Did anyone use Melafix on marine fish with positive outcome?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14843235#post14843235 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefscape15
Nice DIY's everyone! Jesse, you really like to change up that avatar huh?

Kelso - Here is the link to " the Frogfish Files" thread if you want to take a look. There is some very good info, and the people on here will be able to answer any questions you have.

Haha Awesome. Hopefully by the fall i'll be able to save enough for a little frogfish paradise.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14844276#post14844276 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefscape15
Jesse - Any recent pics of the frags you got? I think the last i saw they were still on the eggcrate.

Still there. A couple didn't like the light, (a bit too much I guess), but the acro's are doing really well and have almost fully encrusted their plugs. They've really colored back up also. I'll be getting them on the rock soon.

On the avatar, that's my original!!!!
Can I ask for some input? Is an ETSS 600 skimmer going to be ok for my 55g? I'm going to upgrade my sump...still in planning stage and I want to get one of the troughs from tractor supply company. I am planning on getting the skimmer used with a mag 9.5 for $250. Think that's a good deal? is it going to be too big?
My opinion, I use an ASM g-3 skimmer on a 54 gal tank. While some say it's overkill, I feed quite well. The more you import, the more you have to export.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14856858#post14856858 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kelso1980
Haha Awesome. Hopefully by the fall i'll be able to save enough for a little frogfish paradise.

Theres someone on the Southern Tier Chapter thats trying to sell a Frogfish right now because they have too many tanks. I'm not sure if a tank and setup is going to be for sale also, but if you can get set up it's a nice local fish for only $100. I'm sure it was a black Wartskin that has changed to Yellow and Purple. The link:
Good! I know you've been thinking about one for quite a while, and i'm glad that i could help. I still have to make my trip to A Reef Creation, but i'm sorry to say it will have to be put on hold for a little while. I feel like i'm overdue for a new skimmer, and there's about another $75 at Finnyas Reef i need to spend this weekend, then another $50-100 on powerheads and things. I was planning on the frag pack from Buffalo, but now that i'm going to be behind about $300-400, i'll have to let you know how soon i can get out that way if your still looking to split up that frag pack.

On the note of a new skimmer, does anyone on here run HOB? It seems like lots of you have sumps (which i'm not so lucky :( ), but i'm looking to overskim quite a lot if i can afford it. I've been interested in the Reef Octo 800s and Octo BH300F. They are both oversized for my tank, and both "rated" for 135gal. I'm planning on very heavy bio-load, but i'm not sure if these will suffice, or if i'd need to go with ASM or Deltec for $500-600. Please let me know what HOB you're using, and any suggestions that you have for 54gal that needs serious overskimming. THANKS EVERYONE!
no it's good that you're putting it off. cause i'm upgrading my skimmer too, and then with the new angler...and I got my car towed this weekend ($180!!) So much for being responsible and taking a cab home. It was the most expensive night of drinking i've ever had!

YOu just let me know when you do plan on heading out. I'll hopefully have the money saved by then!
Well i'm glad to hear that you only paid a towing ticket and not a "get out of the drunk tank un-free ticket"! Still sux though, and i'm sure Roc is not the cheapest place to pay off a ticket. But i'm glad that you have to wait to get some of those sweet Acans too. When i'm getting ready i'll try to get some color choices from you and see what Randy can do for us.
My Fav SPS RTN'd and is no more... 24hrs to dead... I admit to completely slacking off on my maintenance... The tank is a mess.. (chemistry wise)... No skimming for about 1 month... (thought he MR-4 from MRC is in the basement)...

Here's hoping I do not lose more before I get things restored...

I'm so ****ed at myself... I'll post some photos of the new basement sump room/area, which is 1000000 times better for doing maintenance...