The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Oh, and do not even ask what my paramaters are... my test-log shows that as of Jan 6th, 2009, they were spot on! As for what's happened between now and then..... duh.. dunno... haven't got the heart to test.... Going with 40gal water changes every-other day for about 5 days... try to slowly (ish) bring back the system to its glory...

I'm frigg'n pi$$ed at myself... such a nub
Reefscape, check out the dimensions on those octopus skimmers. I saw one once at an LFS and that mutha was huge. I only saw it from across the room, but I'll bet it was a foot wide by 2 feet deep. I wondered if my tank could even hold it up. Because of that I didn't think to ask what model or how much it cost.
vortech in a corner

vortech in a corner

hey all I'm a newbie to the corner tank after downsizing from a 90 I will soon be building a 54 using most of the equipment from the piece I am planning on is my vortech MP-40 which puts out about 3200 GPH and is controllable....has anyone used a vortech on their corner and how does it do seeing that it can not be directed???? at about 60x turn over and hour I wouldn't think there would be much of a problem....but what do I know...???
I have 2xMP40s in my 90 corner... for a while i just had one.. no issues... In your 54, it's going to do the job... However, personally, i like having more than one point of flow, if you could work a deal and get 2xMP-20's, much better...

A few pages back, on this split, I have posted a video of the wave I was able to create, in the 90gal corner, using the MP-40's in pulse mode... It's also posted in the EchoTech forum, if thats easier to find...

Also, keep your rock-work very open with only one source of flow... 60x turnover is nice, but it won't work well on a heavy rockwork/wall/fruitstand style IMO.... that said, there are dozens of tanks that have single-pumps (tunze, or other) that are looking successful, so your milage might vary... :)
Lighting for new 92

Lighting for new 92

I just got my new 92 and stand and am looking for ideas on lighting. I would be keeping a mixed LPS/softy/SPS (maybe a few montis) reef. My thought is to have a 400 watt MH with T5 actinic supps. Anybody have any suggestions??????
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14866306#post14866306 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by flipsideleo
Man, Hookup... sorry to hear that. Don't be so hard on yourself... sounds like you'll get it under control soon.

+1 with the statement above. I'm sure almost all of us have done this at one time or another, and it will only make your future maintenance that much better. I hope your tank bounces back quickly!

Big benji - I haven't checked out the dimensions yet! I can't believe that i haven't even thought of doing that really, but no matter the size, if they really work like they should I am willing to accomidate with some minor bracing if necessary.
I don't think that you'll find any fixtures that you would like over your tank, as you have to hang anything from above on these corners, and the front and back end up having no light directly over them. I would have to suggest DIY canopy or a little shelf

This is my lighting setup. It's just a triangle shaped shelf that is braced against the wall. I have a Nova Extreme 24" fixture from my old tank, 4 dual bulb LED's and a DIY 250watt 20K MH behind them. I do wish i had a closed canopy just to keep the light enclosed as the tank is in our bedroom. Hopefully you will be able to find something that suites you!
Reefscape: I have a Octo DNW 150 recirc skimmer that I used on my will definately pull out the crap big benji said it is large!!! the foot print is 17" by like 8" or 9" and it is 28" tall.... it will not fit under a regular 24"-30" stand you really need something in the 36" high range to have plenty of room to work around it.... I am thinking I may get rid of mine just because of the size and go to a ASM or Euro-Reef in sump
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14871942#post14871942 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Hookup
I have 2xMP40s in my 90 corner... for a while i just had one.. no issues... In your 54, it's going to do the job... However, personally, i like having more than one point of flow, if you could work a deal and get 2xMP-20's, much better...

A few pages back, on this split, I have posted a video of the wave I was able to create, in the 90gal corner, using the MP-40's in pulse mode... It's also posted in the EchoTech forum, if thats easier to find...

Also, keep your rock-work very open with only one source of flow... 60x turnover is nice, but it won't work well on a heavy rockwork/wall/fruitstand style IMO.... that said, there are dozens of tanks that have single-pumps (tunze, or other) that are looking successful, so your milage might vary... :)

There's an Ecotech forum? Would love a link
Thats cool man. If i could run a sump i would most definately be looking into something huge, but my current setup will not allow me to do so. I think the recirculating skimmers are totally awesome! I have seen Reef Octo Dual Recirc skimmer in action and i was amazed by the crap it was pulling out. That thing was so awesome! 10" diameter? SWEET!!!!
I'm pretty sure the one I saw was an Octopus, but searches for the model aren't finding it. It looked like a huge cpr bakpak. It was at least twice as wide, and probably twice as tall but only had 1 pump. My wife is telling me it was at Salty Critter on one of their tanks.
well i figure I should put up some new pics... SOrry about the quality the were taking with my iPhone... but the first two pictures are the from a couple months ago just because...


now the new pictures





BTB - Boy that sure makes me want to have a larger tank! I'd love to have a bunch of fish sparking up my reef. It's hard to believe that 140gal can fit in that small of space. Very nice looking setup.

On a little side note, after going through the TOTM's and looking at them, i realized 2 things. Not all, but most are just the standard rectangle shape, and SPS dominated. Now i completely loved seeing Seapug's tank as he has more of a mixed reef setup, but when are we going to break out of the rectangle shaped tanks? I think that Sdoggssf's tank is completely breathtaking, and may really have a chance at TOTM. The amount of different corals in his tank is really something that most TOTM's all have going for them, but i'd have to say that his is somewhat extremely packed! I'd just really love to see a corner as TOTM, and IMO sdogg's tank is probably the most like the SPS dominated tanks i've been seeing lately.
Ya it's a three foot deep tank. Pain to keep clean but love the look of it. Sump is real hard to fit reactor and everything else into.

On the cbb note, ya he is a champ. Have had him for three or four years. Only eats mysis which is a pain but feed once a day or sometimes every other day. Huge fish best cbb I have ever seen. Do you guys have any advice on the tank?