The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15103607#post15103607 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by boret
Quick question guys. Did a corner tank ever made it to TOTM?

not on reef central boret no, on other boards maybe, definately on one:D
Boret - I was thinking about that a while back, and i think i posted something on here also. I really loved sdoggsf's tank. I think it was right around the split, and I thought that it had a great shot at TOTM! I'd love to see something different on there. I think they did a great switch up featuring Seapugs tank. It was nice to see something that's not all SPS for a change!
Do I have to ask for the linky???

Well that sucks because it takes quite a bit of ingenuity to come up with a successful corner tank when you have limited space and most of the equipment out there is catered to rectangular tanks. Starting with getting decent flow all the way to lighting everything properly.

DonÃ"šÃ‚´t get me wrong, I love those crazy 20,000 gallon + tanks in TOTM, and they are an inspiration. But many of us can't really afford/place those big tanks in our houses.

I have seen a nano as a TOTM, I think it would be great if a corner tank ever made it there.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15103640#post15103640 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefscape15
Boret - I was thinking about that a while back, and i think i posted something on here also. I really loved sdoggsf's tank. I think it was right around the split, and I thought that it had a great shot at TOTM! I'd love to see something different on there. I think they did a great switch up featuring Seapugs tank. It was nice to see something that's not all SPS for a change!

I love those SPS intensive tanks!!! But I think sometimes you have to keep in mind the effort and dedication that some of the smaller tanks require. I guess I am just jealous because my wife wont let me convert our whole basement into a reef tank!!! LOL
Sdoggfs give us a picture update of your beautiful tank!!!
I totally digg his ricordea garden on the left side.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15103316#post15103316 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by boret

How high is your canopy? I recently borrowed a PAR meter from my local club and you would be amaze and the amount of light you lose in just a few inches. I also recommend that you change your reflector. I am very pleased with the lumenarc mini that I am using. I originally had it all the way up inside the canopy, now I lowered so it is about 8 inches from the water. I am getting great growth.

Lights are about 10" off the surface. That's great advice! At the moment though, I'm still trying to acclimate everything to the significantly brighter light that's already there! Once I'm up to a full photoperiod, I'll possibly look to improve the reflector. Right now, I'm more worried that I'm going to cook something! :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15101076#post15101076 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by boca rat
Folks, word of advice - COVER YOUR OVERFLOW!!!!!

After 6 carefree months with a 54g corner, 3 (YES THREE) fish decided to make a leap for freedom at the same time. Yep, you guessed it, over the overflow. And the drain was cemented by previous owner, as was return, so no flushing them out...

I have a drilled 1 1/2" overflow, with a 90 degree elbow and I use semi rigid plastic screen that I rolled in a tube inside of the elbow intake. I has worked great so far.

The screen is like this one:


I will try to get a picture up soon.
Hey everyone, I am looking for suggestions please. I have a 400w MH light that I use for day time use but am wondering about moon lights. I am very happy with the day light but want to have a light mainly for my family and I to see into the tank well after the MH has gone off for the day. The MH light is hanging from a canopy suspended over the tank by about a foot or so.

One option I've looked at are the lunar lights.

These lights I could easily retrofit 4 or maybe 6 into the canopy but wonder if anyone knows how well it would light a tank that is 24" deep, and the canopy 12" above the water.

Or I was thinking of the power brites. I have heard that work well for smaller tanks, but with my tank being 92g, 24" deep I am curious if anyone knows how well these would penetrate?

Also I recently found the sunbrite led lights and was wondering if anyone has tried these, wondering if they would work well?

Again, I'm not looking for a main lighting option, that's what my MH is for. I am merely looking for something to allow us to view the tank when the lights are off and maybe kids are watching tv. To see my corals and the nighttime activity. If anyone has any other suggestions I would be most appreciative also.

I posted this over in the lighting thread but didn't come up with any responses so hoping you guys can help out a bit.

Thanks all
I have 4 of the Current Lunar Lights/Links over my 54 which is also 24" deep and it lights up everything all the way to the bottom. It's really not very bright, but you can see whats going on in there, and the colors that come off your corals when only these are on is completely amazing! My friend uses one Powerbright on his 56gal which is i think 24" tall. It's 24x18x24? I'm not sure if that's the dimensions, but he wanted something close to a 60 cube, and this was pretty close for only $120. Anyways, the Powerbrights are VERY bright, and very directed. They really light up stuff all the way at the bottom of his tank, but the spread on them is not as great. The Current Lunar Lights/Links come with these little rubber spacers to help you somewhat aim the lights where you want them. I have mine just pointing every different direction to try to completely cover my tank. The only spots that aren't covered are where my MH reflector gets in the way, but i'm going to re-arrange everything soon. I've been very happy with these, and I think you can get the main light, and 3 links for about the same price as one Powerbright strip. It won't be as bright, but is easier to spread.
I have the blue lunare lights by Current Two on a 54. The color that comes out of the coral is amazing. Just bright enough for the moon effect for me.
Be careful not to put to much Moonlight or at least don't have them on all night every night. I have red in here (RC) that corals benefit from dark time... some people say that most of the growth is done during the total absence of light.

I use to have my Moonlights on all the time, only really viewable at night when the VHOs and MH were off. Now I have it so it only turns on for a few hours after VHOs are off until around 12pm. I will let you know how that goes.

I use blue LEDs I got from a light fixture someone was throwing away. I drilled holes in the top of the canopy and connected the LEDs to a RadioShack power supply. The whole thing cost me $10.

You can get nice LEDs from an auto parts store and get a 12v transformer from an electronic store or scavenge a power supply from an old electronic device. All you need to do is to drill small holes for the LEDs.
You can see one LED on the top right of the picture and another one (half of it) in the middle top of this image. I have a total of three going in a semicircle following the shape of the front curve of this 92g tank.

A couple of days ago I lowered the T12s so now they are just below the rim of the MH reflector. I am still adding a couple more 24 VHO that I want to put in the door. (I might add only one but got a ballast and hardware to run two)

I also added a chiller to the system and now the temp is stable between 77.3 and 77.9 all day.

Even though I have a total volume of around 150 gal with tank, sump and fuge, a 1/10HP chiller is enough to keep the temp at check.
Well that settles it!!!! After new skimmer, and upped flow, I am definately going to start a canopy project! Maybe over the winter this year I can get it going. I was given a link to a very nice breakdown on someones build, but I don't have that link anymore. It shouldn't be all that difficult to figure out on my own though. I do have a 400watt and 2 175watt MH ballasts that are laying around, and a bunch of T-5 ballasts, so maybe once I do the canopy, I could also add more lighting. Vacation is in July this year, and I think after that, i'll be able to start getting things in order with my tank. I've been in serious need for a skimmer!