The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

I keep forgetting about this thread...

About a month ago, I moved to a new apartment and decided that I might as well upgrade my 29 gallon to something with more potential. Got a RR 54 corner used from someone local, with a second stand to use as a canopy. That's also when I joined RC...

Here's a pic before anything was installed:

You can see the backbone of my filtration behind the tank; my Marine Technical Concepts skimmer. It's a 4 foot air-driven unit that I'm not even sure if they make anymore. I've had that skimmer for close to 8 years and it has never failed me. It's the one piece of equipment that will follow me until it physically breaks. *knock on wood*

Obviously space in the stand for a sump is an issue, so the biggest sump that I could muster was a 16 gallon tank. I didn't want to mess with installing baffles, so I just put a 2 1/2 gallon tank inside the 16 to give any microbubbles a chance to rise before the return. Both the skimmer and the drain from the tank empty into the 2 1/2 gallon and I have to say, it's doing a pretty good job of eliminating bubbles in the display (so long as the return pump is more than an inch or so from the little tank. Here's a down and dirty shot from when it was getting set-up:


Lighting consists of 65 watts of power compacts that I transferred over from my old 29 gallon, as well as a 400 watt metal halide that I purchased with the new tank. Because it's such a drastic increase in intensity, I'm still gradually increasing the hours that the halide is running, so that all of the inhabitants can properly adjust. I'm up to about three hours now, with about seven hours of PC. The goal is about 6 hours of MH with an hour sunrise running only the PC's and an hour sunset.


I have to say, this is the first corner tank that I've ever owned and it is one of the most enjoyable that I've ever aquascaped. It's a nice change from the previous 29 gallon or the 55 gallon before that, which I always thought was way too narrow. Everything said and done, here's the first full tank shot that I took of the tank after aquascaping and adding all of the livestock from the original tank. I'm being ambitious and left a lot of height to allow for SPS growth.


You may notice the huge aiptasia immediately below the clown's tail, that's since been taken care of by my peppermint shrimp. You'll also notice a bit of cyano on the left side of the tank. That's also been taken care of; it pretty much withered away after pumping up the skimmer and adding a koralia 3 for additional flow. The last thing that you probably notice is the yellow plastic tunicates. That was an addition that my ex insisted on when we first set-up the 29 gallon. Unfortunately, it's since become part of the live rock, when a ruffly coraline algae grew over the base and an old monti capricornis grew on top of it. The only way to get it off now would be to literally crack open the rock, which I'm unwilling to do. I'll probably attach a millipora frag to it and see if I can completely overgrow it.

It looks so sparse now, but I've been slowly adding more specimens to help fill in:


Rainbow Acan and xenia peeking from behind the rock

New cap trio (orange, tyree purple rim and idaho grape)

I'm amazed at how fast those caps are growing. Two weeks and you can already see where they are starting to spread (this photo was taken immediately after they were added to the tank, to chronicle their growth). Also note the green polyps in the left of that last shot. In my 29, those were brown and there was zero space between polyps. Since putting under the halide, the tentacles have shrunk down to about a quarter of their original size and they are now teal with a green mouth and speckling. Awesome! They are busily working to fill in the empty space...

Next comes some more montis and acros, a clam and whatever else catches my eye...

Anyway, it's a work in progress right now, but I just thought I'd share...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15094883#post15094883 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tahammo
To answer Boret's question, I'm leaning more toward softies with a few LPS. I haven't tried SPS's due to my current tank size, my torch and BTA take up most of the tank.

My other problem is water temp. I had gotten 2 new Jager heaters(250W) and neither one of them worked worth a crap no matter what they were set on. I took the one out of my 29(15 years old) along with another spare but right now the water is only 73. The things seem to be tolerating it though.

Talk to everyone later, Thomas

Based on what yo want to grow in your tank I think you have enough light. I was concerned that you might not have enough for SPS and more light hungry corals, but I think you are fine.

As far as temperature.... man you are lucky. My biggest problem is keeping the temp down. If my house A/C fails the temperature easily raises to 82-83 and that is with 2 fans blowing air in the sump and cool air being channeled inside of the canopy and hot air exhausted with 2 fans. I finally gave up and I am purchasing a Chiller... for peace of mind.

I am surprise that your temperature stays that low. You could have a faulty heater (or both could be faulty) but I am guessing that it has more to do with where you have the temp set in the heaters. I have several heaters and none of them have an accurate temp selector. In order to get to 78 I have to put the heater at 82. So maybe that's what is happening to you.

I gave up long time ago with timers, manually checking temps and relying on the heaters thermostats to control temp. I bought an AquaController III and I couldn't be happier. Neptune Systems just came out with a new model, the Apex, so in the following months you will find great deals in used ACIII. In my opinion it is one of the best investments for the tank.

Mine controls everything and I rely on it for Temp control, pH monitoring, light cycles, etc... By far, the best is to forget about temperature. The controller turns on heaters when needed (I have 2 for back up) and fans when it gets hot, and it will turn lights off if it gets too hot. And I can see everything on my iPhone or online, as well as controlling Calcium effluent pH , etc... or get notify by email with alerts. LOL I sound like a salesman!!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15101634#post15101634 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lotusstar
Hey gang, I have a lighting question. I have a 400w MH light hanging from a canopy over my tank. However that is the only light I have and don't want to run that all day long. I was hoping to maybe get some moon lights or something so I can still see into the tank even after the MH is off for the day. What my question is though is does anyone know a way to get some other lights without interfering with the MH light? I don't want to cast shadows in the tank, or burn anything up because of the heat bearing down from the MH. Is there maybe maybe perimeter lights that would go around the top edge of the tank? I tried browsing a couple sites but couldn't find anything. What do you guys use? suggest? deal with lights?
Oh yeah, 1 other thing I was considering was putting mirror on the back 2 walls of my tank. I did this for my FO tank years ago and it looked great, made the tank look huge when it was only 55g. Now I'm wondering how would mirrors reflecting light back into the tank affect corals? Good thing? Bad thing? Has anyone tried this?

I have 1 20K Radium 400W MH, 2 24' VHOs and 3 moonlights.


I am very happy with the setup, but with the close canopy it does get hot. Adding a chiller soon. I love that fact that I don't get any light flooding from the tank into the room.

What I might change is adding a 3rd VHO and I will lower the current VHOs a few inches. I dont have any shadows being cast on the tank.
Of course, with the MH on I get the highest par dead center and in goes lower as you move to the sides. So I try to put all the corals that need more light towards the center.

The Moonlights I took from a light fixture that someone was throwing away. I scavenged the LEDs and the transformer. The hole in the right is an aluminum tube that brings cooler air into the canopy. Only runs when the MHs are on. You can also see that I have a temp probe (one of those cheap digital ones) to see the temp inside of the canopy.

Right now I am running this photo period:

11:30am VHOs ON
14:30pm MH ON
20:30pm MH OFF
22:00pm VHOs OFF

Moonlights ON all the time... but I want to change that.

I am shortening the time the MHs are ON because I've been reading in RC that some people have better growth and coloration with shorter light periods.

So that's 10hrs 30 mins of VHOs
6 hrs of MH
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15102245#post15102245 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefscape15
Red Colony Worm Rock, Watermelon Zoas, and Orange Plate

Purple and Green Favia i've had forever!

Pink Palys

New Pink/Green Trumpet

More to come!

Reefscape15, you have a great collection of corals!!! It is looking great.
How much do you supplement? Or do you rely only on adding trace elements with water changes?
What is your feeding regimen?

Again, looking great man!!


How high is your canopy? I recently borrowed a PAR meter from my local club and you would be amaze and the amount of light you lose in just a few inches. I also recommend that you change your reflector. I am very pleased with the lumenarc mini that I am using. I originally had it all the way up inside the canopy, now I lowered so it is about 8 inches from the water. I am getting great growth.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15103300#post15103300 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ocean Mang
Boret, What spectrum are your VHOs?

UV Lighting Super Actinic 75W - 24" VHO Bulbs

100% actinic blue spectrum.
With the internal reflector I dont need to add extra hardware. I am running them with a 7 WorkHorse ballast.
nice to see this threads still alive and kicking, reefscape the tank is looking amazing, it shuts the rectangular tank owners up who slate our corners thats for sure.
Thank you everyone! And thanks for the proper ID on that blasto. I wasn't sure, but it looked so much like my old green Trumpet coral that I just assumed it was the same.

Boret - This may come as a shock, but I almost never supliment, and only feed the fish every 10-14 days. I'm running an undersized skimmer, so i'm very hesitant to put anything in the tank that I don't have to. I have a 2.5gal fuge with about 5" of sand. Between that and the 100+lbs of LR in the tank, i thing the buffering is naturally taken care of, and PH stays stable. The only thing I ever add is Purple UP maybe 2 or 3 times a month, Trace Elements every 2 weeks or so, and Iodide once a month. I use Kent Chlorine/Chloramine/Ammonia remover with the new water for water changes. Every morning I add about 20-30oz. of fresh water thats left over from my and my wifes water glasses at night. I dump them through the fuge, so i'm sure that doing that flushes some stuff out of the fuge to help keep the tank fed. Thats about it. I only do a water change about every 3 weeks. New skimmer is on the way soon, and Acan frag pack and lots of clams. I'd like to add a few more montis and acros, then i'll probably just let everything grow.

BTW I have a Wartskin Angler that I feed either frozen krill or live ghost shrimp every 10 days or so. I always take some krill and mash it up a lot in hopes that it feeds the coral. I also soak the food in the Seachem coral vitamin suppliment before feeding. Here's a shot of my little buddy, "Squirt"

Michael - Thanks! It's nice to see you back around here. I've been missing you and Jesse lately, but i've tried to keep the ball rolling. I always keep my eyes out for new corner tank owners, and i think i've refered 3 or 4 here! YAY!!! I'll keep the pics coming. I took a TON of them on my phone
HAHAHA!!!! WOW that was a fast response! I just reloaded the page and i wasn't the last poster anymore! Yea when i started I fed like the LFS told me; a few times a day as much as the fish can eat in 2-3min. Well this led me to HUGE cyano problems, so I drasticly cut back and added the HOB fuge just to keep a very small constant supply of food. Things have really turned around for me in the last few years in reefing. I added more light, a fuge, modded my skimmer, and cut back on feeding. Things in my tank look better than ever and they are starting to grow pretty quickly!
Go figure!!!! All the stuff about feeding daily and you get away with that and successfully!!! This world of reefing is a fricking mystery!! LOL
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15103469#post15103469 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefscape15
HAHAHA!!!! WOW that was a fast response!

He he he he!!
Well is either entertain myself with the "interweb" or stick my hands in the tank!! LOL
So I think my livestock appreciates the fact that my hands are on the keyboard for a change! ;)
I purchased a Sailfin (Lawnmower) Blennie and an acropora three-pack from They arrived in great condition yeswterday. The corals are mounted on nice pieces of LR rubble, but in such a small tank (54 corner) I find it difficult to place the frags in a spot which allows good current and lighting while avoiding the reach of the other sPS in my tank. I also haven't had great luck with epoxies or cyanoacrylate gells for fixing the frags to the aquascaping.

Here are a couple of photos of two of the frags. I'll try to adjust the white balance to get better photos, and I'll post a shot of the third acro as well later. If anyone has any idea what they are, let me know.


The firsts one looks like a Blue Acropora Tortuosa, maybe Oregon or Cali.

The second one looks like an Acropora Millepora.

I love the Tortuosa. The Millepora looks like a pinkish one.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15103425#post15103425 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefscape15

Michael - Thanks! It's nice to see you back around here. I've been missing you and Jesse lately, but i've tried to keep the ball rolling. I always keep my eyes out for new corner tank owners, and i think i've refered 3 or 4 here! YAY!!! I'll keep the pics coming. I took a TON of them on my phone

yeah sorry pal, ive been a little slack here lately, im not posting as much these days, i need to get back into RC really, thanks for holding the fort:)
This is an Oregon blue Tort:


It is one of the bluest acroporas and if you got that one you got a great piece. I also love the Becker tort.
I'd say 1 is Tort, but also looks a little like a Chips Acro. #2 is deffinately Rose Millie. I'm excited to see the 3rd!

Yes I hear you Boret - I had plans to get all the coraline off my front glass last night, but ended up on RC all night instead. I just moved all my stuff around the night before, so I think that my tank is happier that it was left alone as well.

Michael - I can't really take much credit. You're the one who started this thing, so i'll have to thank you! There have been quite a few newcomers to here, and most often you'd be the first to welcome them to your thread. O well, just as long as you keep us all informed on your tank situation, and chime in from time to time. BTW, how is that Monti frag that you added a few weeks ago?