The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Hey misled, I posted a new thread titled everything is dead. All the details are there. Wasn't heat, my parameters have all been pretty consistent since May when I bought the tank established from someone else. I use 2 temp devices, an old school like stick on gauge and a newer digital probe and they've stayed pretty close to the same. 77-79 degrees. I've been home, my LFS kept trying to get me to buy more livestock because my parameters were supposedly near perfect. But I was taking things slowly.
Hey guys. Sounds like the general consensus was my adding 40 lbs sand may have caused my system to go haywire. I would have thought if that was the case then some of my parameters would be off but guess not. Oh well we live and learn.
So now I will be starting over. The corals I have in the tank are looking great. So I'm trying to figure out, how long should I wait before trying to add fish again? Think when it finally comes time I will introduce a pair of true perc clowns. Maybe it's for the best. I will have time to focus on the canopy and things I want to get done.
Normally is kind of the other way around, right?. Fish seem to be more resistant to worse water quality than corals. If your corals are thriving I don't see why your fish wouldn't.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15325796#post15325796 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by boret
I was thinking about getting a blackfin myself as a backup of my Dart. I hope they are still running the special.
the special ended last friday for the 1800 and the 2500 the rest are still going for a while.
Hello all I know this is a older thread but I am finaly starting to build my corner tank and wanted to join the corner club.. Here is the begining

This is before I start the demo this week.. I will keep up on posting as I go..
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15333318#post15333318 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BackSpin
I was 666, man I wish I had seen it I would have waited....

more like 1,066, this thread has split before :)
Nice pics sirjohn.

And hi to everyone.
I am new at this reefing stuff and am very surprised to find a thread for corner tankers.
Mine will be a 54 but I don't have it yet. Near future I hope.
At present I am running my 2 tanks to get some LR and H2O and sand into shape for the new tank. Snails are working hard on the algea and I now have some pods moving around in th 15g.

Building my own stand and using double 2x4 for framing, with oak outside and doors. Will be neat.:hammer:

Been reading for days, but found a lot of info I needed as a noobie. You will be asked many questions.
I only wish I could have that much Sump/fuge Room!! What a great way to build the tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15320012#post15320012 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tangers
Hey guys just figured I would introduce myself in here. I am in the process of collecting parts for my new 92 gallon corner upgrade. I moved last year across the country and we sold our tank and took what we could in a red sea max. Needless to say it is time to start again. We will be getting the tank the end of July and I will probably be starting a build thread then with updates on this thread.
List of equipment so far-
Oceanic 92 gallon corner
2x250w ice cap/ reef optix III pendents/ Pheonix 14k bulbs
4x24 w t5 retro
profilux II plus controller with stimu stick and ato
70 gal rubbermaid refug.
125 gal rubbermaid sump
Reeflo orca 200 skimmer
2x tunze 6055's
Reeflo blackfin 2500 return pump
and much more stuff I can't remember or need to collect. Looking forward to setting up my first "corner" though!
Hello corner tankers!

I have a 44g pentagon, and am trying to upgrade the lighting. Tank dimensions for light are 22"x22" and the front 3 sides are 13".

I would like to go with T5s, I was looking at this option:
The 24 in. AquaticLife T5 HO Lighting Fixture Includes:
(2) 24W, 24 in. T5 HO Bulbs with 420/460nm output
(2) 24W, 24 in. T5 HO Bulbs with 700+nm output
(2) 1W LED lunar lights for night time viewing.

I have 2 questions:

1. 24in w/ 8in across won't fit my tank, even with a custom hood. What do you guys do to fit lights to your tanks?
2. Since corner tanks are deeper than most compared to length, how do you know what the right amount of light is?

Please help!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15340043#post15340043 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by papania
Hello corner tankers!

I have a 44g pentagon, and am trying to upgrade the lighting. Tank dimensions for light are 22"x22" and the front 3 sides are 13".

I would like to go with T5s, I was looking at this option:
The 24 in. AquaticLife T5 HO Lighting Fixture Includes:
(2) 24W, 24 in. T5 HO Bulbs with 420/460nm output
(2) 24W, 24 in. T5 HO Bulbs with 700+nm output
(2) 1W LED lunar lights for night time viewing.

I have 2 questions:

1. 24in w/ 8in across won't fit my tank, even with a custom hood. What do you guys do to fit lights to your tanks?
2. Since corner tanks are deeper than most compared to length, how do you know what the right amount of light is?

Please help!


IMHO, your best bet is a retrofit MH, a 175w or a 250w would be enough and make it a 20k and you get great blue coloration. Maybe with and extra blue T5.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15338691#post15338691 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gerryo
Nice pics sirjohn.

And hi to everyone.
I am new at this reefing stuff and am very surprised to find a thread for corner tankers.
Mine will be a 54 but I don't have it yet. Near future I hope.
At present I am running my 2 tanks to get some LR and H2O and sand into shape for the new tank. Snails are working hard on the algea and I now have some pods moving around in th 15g.

Building my own stand and using double 2x4 for framing, with oak outside and doors. Will be neat.:hammer:

Been reading for days, but found a lot of info I needed as a noobie. You will be asked many questions.

Do you have the room for a 92? :D
At the end of the day the tank its the "cheapest" thing and the most difficult to upgrade if you decide so down the road. I wanted to go bigger, and I might some day but it required redoing the basement, eliminating a fireplace and a bathroom... lets say the wife, who is extremely supportive of the hobby, wasn't too thrilled with the idea. :)
The 92 was as big as I could go without taking walls down.

I have seen great 54s, but more water gives you more stability and more room to put things in... and the corner has that depth that is fantastic.
I got my 92 used with a stand for $250. You can always find good deals. Just a thought! :rollface: ... The suggestion kind of applies to papania as well. You are going to go through troubles trying to light, keep cool, skim, etc... the 44 pentagon.. have you considered going bigger?

Oh, WELCOME to the Corner Tank thread!! :)
Sirjohn welcome to the Club!!!
I love the stand and canopy but... :) ... I think you have too much rock.
I made the same mistake at the beginning, I guess because I wanted to see the whole thing filled. The less rock you have the more room for your corals to grow.

Same design, same curve, same tunnels, I love it, but half the height.

Btw, how do you like the flow with a single Vortech?
What kind of light are you using?
Are you using both holes in the corner for overflow or one overflow and 1 return?
Keep the pics coming!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15340239#post15340239 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by boret
Sirjohn welcome to the Club!!!
I love the stand and canopy but... :) ... I think you have too much rock.
I made the same mistake at the beginning, I guess because I wanted to see the whole thing filled. The less rock you have the more room for your corals to grow.

Same design, same curve, same tunnels, I love it, but half the height.

Btw, how do you like the flow with a single Vortech?
What kind of light are you using?
Are you using both holes in the corner for overflow or one overflow and 1 return?
Keep the pics coming!

Thanks Borat.

I know what you mean about the rock. I'm thinking of moving some to a 34g Nano I'm setting up.

I actually have two vortechs. You can see them in this picture. Flow is a bit TOO much! :) You can see where they have pushed the sand to the sides in the front of the tank. I have them dialed down to 50% or less each (always hard to tell where you are at with vortechs--my only complaint.


Here are some pictures from my build thread that show my lighting (T-5s--overdriven), sump area, etc.


