The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Dude, the smiley ment I was kidding. I really do think you have one of the nicest tanks I've seen here.
Reefscape15 great job with the rock work. I like it much much better. I look forward to the updated pictures as you dial it down. Old town is 30 mins east of my place (not during rush hour though!!) if you ever come to the area and can escape from family obligations you are more than welcome to come by. Just PM me!

gawf4fun looking great! You are an inspiration to many of us here. I am curious about the temp being a factor in the growth. I recently added a chiller and I noticed the opposite. I keep my tank now in the 77.5 to 79.0 range and it seems to thrive. Has the chiller, or lack thereof, been the only thing you have changed?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15416289#post15416289 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Misled
Dude, the smiley ment I was kidding. I really do think you have one of the nicest tanks I've seen here.

That's funny. I have been told by my wife that I don't take constructive criticism very well, so I've been working hard to change that. LOL. I appreciate the positive comment about the tank as well, particularly coming from a former TOTM owner.

Boret: Seriously, the only thing that's changed is the lack of the chiller. I'm not big on testing; I look at the health of the corals to determine if something needs tweaking. I'm still doing 20% water changes every three weeks, feeding and supplementing the same. Unless I see some degradation in corals, I'm sticking to the current system.

Misled ... one question: July 2009 TOTM???? Where is the link? I can only see up to April 2009. Congrats!!!!
That is interesting gawf4fun keep us informed. If that works I might need to increase the temp to 79-81.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15416794#post15416794 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by boret
Misled ... one question: July 2009 TOTM???? Where is the link? I can only see up to April 2009. Congrats!!!!

It's a running joke in the lounge. May, June and July weren't done because of the upgrade RC is going through.

It really started in the F&Q forum because of people crying about not having one. I still have a frag rack in the middle of mine, though that will be changing in the next couple weeks. Company bonuses are supposed to be on there way and it's gonna be happy stocking time!!!!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15416641#post15416641 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by boret
milkit is that an older tank or is your signature out of date? Regardless, welcome to the club ;)

sig needs updating :) its brand new
Hi guys, I just found this thread and am so happy! we have a 90G corner (will post pict later) but we did something really really really really stupid when we moved it to a new house Aug of 2007. We had the stand in the convertible and like the idiots we are, we forgot to tape down the smoked glass door that goes to the stand and a good breeze grabbed it and whipped it off (hinges and all!) and it shattered. I need to find a way to get it replaced....sounds easy right? I admit I haven't worked on it hard or long (just had two kids -one in 2007 the other in 2008) but I have tried in spurts and end up chasing my tail. It is an Oceanic unit...and you can't order parts directly from them only through a supplier....I have tried every single fish store in my area and none have been successful in getting oceanic to send them one so I can close the stand.....anyone have any idea what I can do to get this replaced? Do I need to have one made by a glass company custom or something???
any ideas are greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry to hear that just call your local glass shop they will cut a replacement in the right shape size and type of glass you need, I have had this done many times and have work in the field with glass. Hope this helps.. Good luck.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15421223#post15421223 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BackSpin
Sorry to hear that just call your local glass shop they will cut a replacement in the right shape size and type of glass you need, I have had this done many times and have work in the field with glass. Hope this helps.. Good luck.
The glass is curved though
Depending on the shop this still should be doable a radius bend with temperd glass, call around. Last year I had two custom made doors for my home theater AV racks that were made with 1/4" smoked tempered to fit a custom arch with holes drilled in them for lock holes I had built. You must make sure your measurments you give them are exact and almost any glass shop will only garantee they can only get it within +/- 1/16 to 1/32" depending on shop and if they outsource there work. Best way is to trace out the curve on carboard off the stand and take it to them and have them measure the curve. The biggest problem with this type of glass is you only get one shot once it is cut, drilled, bent, Ect. and tempered thats it. Hope this helps..
gawf4fun do you have any pics of the 20gal pentagon in your tank info? If you do PLEASE post a few. I don't think I've seen a nano pantagon tank and think that would be pretty cool.
see? One act of stupidity and you are on a path that gets tougher everytime you try to solve the problem LOL....thanks everyone this is starting to make more sense and in the back of my mind I think I had a nibbling fear that it was curved...I also remember the sound it made when you pushed it in and the spring magnet released...I am sure that is a whole other issue LOL....
I wonder if I can bribe a glass guy to come to the house....I serve the coldest beer in town....
Which model is it?
I know you said you contacted them but did you contact the parent company Central pet?
I guy on a different site was quoted ~$50 from a glass shop. He got lucky though and end up finding a store that had one from a water damaged stand.
Good luck!

One last thing... it seems that it is a fairly delicate piece of glass... with small kids around the house now... what about getting a wood replacement? I am sure you can have someone build one for you.
we were just thinking of a wood one also .....great minds...any downside to wood vs glass that anyone can think of? is it harder to curve or anything?
I didn't contact central pet...that is an awesome thought! thanks for the links....

ETA: yes it is an oceanic 92G bow front corner tank...unfortunately not the new ones that are on the site now...I would love that stainless was bought new in March 2006...
I don't see any downside to wood, only aesthetic if the glass somehow matched the style of the room. One advantage with wood is that you can easily paint it to whatever color you like. It also gives you more options for hinges and you might even be able to add a lock so the kinds cannot mess underneath the tank.
I would check with the your local marine club. Many times you have reefers that are also carpenters. I see 2 ways to go about it:

1. Get 2 inch slabs and attach them (as many as you need for the total width) together to create the round door. Basically what they do with the regular AGA corner tank wood stand for the doors.

2. Get two pieces of wood that can be left in water overnight so they are more playable, those would be the support horizontal beams in the back of the door. Bend them to the desired arch. You can use Racket tie down straps to bend them (ghetto style) or you can create an outside shape radius like it is shown in this video. Let them dry overnight and they will hold the shape.
Then get a piece of thin laminated board and glue it to the curved boards. Paint it to your liking. If you are not handy or don't have the tools it is worth getting a carpenter do it for you.

If this is too complex or much of a waste of time just get a new wood stand :)
Making curved wood doors: 101

First lat a piece of 1 by, (I used 6 but you may need deeper for a wider door), in the opening and trace the curve of the tank. Cut the curve with a jig saw. This is the only thing I didn't take a pic of but you can see it in this one after assembly.


You will need 2 of these one top, one bottom. Next chose what your front will be. I used standard 2 inch baseboard fron HD. I then made a jig to cut them so they were all the exact size.


Then I made a jig to keep the door square while I glued and tacked the door together.


Finished door before painting.



Finished stand.
