The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Mine was eating brine, cyclopeez and mysis! I got him used to it while in QT.
I really think he was healthy. Now I will never know. They are finicky, and I do like CBBs a lot but I guess it will be a while till I get another one.
That growth is completely astounding! I'm just heading up now to re-scape my tank, and i'm really hoping I can get it done tonight. I guess we will see how it turns out, and i'll try to get some pics on soon
Well.. the growth so far is in direct relation to the loss of weight in my wallet!!!
Nonetheless some of the earlier pieces have double. In the case of the Green Bali slimmer it tripled!

Good luck re aquascaping. Take your time, make sure you have a good, safe, confortable place where to put the corals and fish while you are getting it done and watch out for nasty fetherduster cuts!
Well about 4 hours later last night, I had the rock moved to where I think it is a little better. Pretty much it's just a pyramid in the center, but it's not stacked as high, and already I have a lot more room for frags and such. I don't think it's all the way set how I'd like it, and I'll probably keep tweaking it for quite a while. Already though I am excited that it is different, and it looks so much better to me already than it did before. I only ended up with a couple little scrapes, but no smashed fingers or anything.

All my frags, corals, and smaller pieces of rocks went into to 5gal buckets while I layed out the base pieces of rock. Then I started working my way down to medium, then small pieces. The only thing that I forgot was that my Hammer colony was on a pretty large piece of rock, and I had to set it around the back of my structure for now. Some room will have to be made for it, as the colony is about mini-basketball sized, and the rock is maybe 8"x5", and about 2 or 3" thick.

Anyways, I'm headed out of town to Baltimore, MD next month, and with the new rock layout, I should be able to find a nice store near the city, and load up on frags:)!!

Pics will be posted sometime soon
There is a place in Frederick, MD called Mr. Coral. They are running a very good special this weekend. Maybe you should check them out. It is 50 miles west from Baltimore (rough estimate from city center to city center). This is their website If it doesn't come up in here just search on Google for "Mr. Coral".

Looking forward to the pictures!!! I think you are going to be very happy with more real estate for frags and coral growth.
My family will be driving down to Old Town Alexandrea, VA to stay with my brother for a night and go to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History so my son and daughter can look at all the cool stuff in there. Then we will be heading to a hotel in Baltimore for the next night, and make our way to the aquarium the next morning. I will search that store. Thanks!
Here's some pics of the new layout:

First, the old setup:

As you can see, there is not much more room to place any frags in this situation, and I had zero flow behind the rocks, as they were tight to the glass. Also, you could see a lot of the PVC bracing that I made, and that drove me crazy

Now, the new:


Now I have about 2-3" from the back edges to the closest rock and was able to situate a powerhead blowing behind them. I love how there is so much more room for frags! It also makes the tank appear much larger, and shows the depth from front to back better. Let me know what you think!
Forgot to mention that this is not how I'm going to be leaving things. The small pile of rubble is most likely going to be kept out of site for future frag mounting, and most of the frags and corals that are on the sand in front of the rocks will be placed somewhere up on the rockwork. I'm going to isolate the GSP on it's own island so it won't spread too much over time. I have a feeling that i'll be tweaking stuff for a few weeks, but once I get to where I like it, i'm going to try to keep my hands out as much as possible. A run to the LFS tomorrow is in store to pick up a new Dwarf Angel. I'm leaning towards either a Bi-color Angel, Midnight Angel, or Lemonpeel Angel
Hey ya'll. Haven't posted tank shots in about 6 months or so. If anybody wonders how the tank from which our corner group avatar came from, here's a couple updated pictures:


I've had some really good growth over the last month. My chiller stopped working and my temperature fluctuation is now 79 - 83 degrees and everything seems to be thriving. I'm considering whether to even get it fixed or not.
Thanks for the compliments. M.L. I like the much roomier comment. I believe you meant that tongue in cheek right?

My focus lately has been on breeding maroon clownfish, hoping to add a few from a clutch of eggs hatched about 6 weeks ago. Just hatched another clutch 9 days ago. Fun stuff but maintenance intensive.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15415688#post15415688 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by joeychitwood
gawf4fun, that is "Tank of the Month" quality. Congratulations!

Not hardly Joey. I lack all of the sophisticated equipment that T'sOTM have. But, I do appreciated your comment. Thanks.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15415700#post15415700 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gawf4fun
Not hardly Joey. I lack all of the sophisticated equipment that T'sOTM have. But, I do appreciated your comment. Thanks.

Not really true. There have been a few minimalist tanks there. And I must agree. Though you do need to put something just to the right of the torch.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15416107#post15416107 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Misled
Not really true. There have been a few minimalist tanks there. And I must agree. Though you do need to put something just to the right of the torch.


You may be right about filling the "gap" Misled, except that it is a tunnel through the rockwork that serves as a passage for all the fish. It's hard to see it in the photos, but I've got three good sized holes for increased flow as well as fish highways. I'm trying to add some zoos to the rockwork to add some more colors as well as depth to that gap. Thanks for the suggestion.
