The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Great setup M.L.Fish. Do you have any issues with low pH? It looks like there isn't much oxygen exchange going on.. on the other hand you have had the tank for 2 years and from the pictures the livestock looks very healthy!
Boret: pH is not a problem. You can't see very well from the pics but the return line agitates the surface pretty good.
Yes, that is a little snow. We had a cold winter last year. Usually don't get much snow. Avg. winter temp is about 52F and temp range from 65 to 90F
Thanks for all the intreset, the tank is drilled for reef, and closed loop since there will be no place to stick power heads I have braced the bottom here and will take measurements for sump and fuge, Ect.

I feel I will run out of funds before I ever see a spec of life in my tank.. LOL but my wife already told me that.. :rolleyes:
Boret I have thought of many things but someone always thinks of one I have forgot, I am a little concered about lack of ventaltion in bottom for heat of pumps and humidity so I will be venting with the use of house AC to pull out stale air and pump in cool air hoping it will help with water temps also but will get more in to that as I progress, Thanks for thinking of possible issues. I thought I had got them all but still think of something new every night...LOL Guess thats why its a Hobby..
I am using a 1" intake for my CL. It feeds a Little Giant 4 and that pump uses a 1" intake so I thought that would be enough. Well, a couple of days ago a Copperband was trapped in the 1" intake screen. I am very sad to say that I didn't catch it on time and the fish perished.

If I was doing it over I will use 2 1" intakes feeding into a T and then into a single 1" pipe into the pump. That will reduce the suction power at the screen and probably avoid killing any livestock. Now it is too late for me unless I want to take down the whole thing. My only option is to use a T inside the tank with 2 screens thus taking a lot of real estate.

I took almost a year in planing and getting all the things ready... but still there is always something you forget... so take your time, make sure you keep a list and get as much info and advice from others.

I recently acquired a Chiller. It cost me about $300. Mainly because of this: one day my A/C stopped working (btw, remember to clean/replace your filters!!) the temp in the tank jumped to 83. The Aqua Controller shut down the lights. The 2 fans in the sump and all the ones in the canopy were working full-time... nothing die, mainly because the outside temp didn't go any higher. With the chiller I feel safer. If my A/C goes at least I have another layer of security.
I really don't need it, with the fans over the sump and the ones in the canopy, with the A/C working in the house the chiller hardly ever turns on. I have it so it will if for some reason a fan or the A/C fails.

The way I see it, a couple of the SPS colonies dying will cost me as much as the chiller did.

Getting back to your issue... simple computer fans work wonderfully to remove humidity, hot air and help with removing stale air. Icecap makes fans with temp sensors that will increase rpms. A bit loud in my opinion but very good quality. You can also use 120v fans.

Do any of those two walls lead to any back room? Do you have a drain close by to help you with water changes?
I am sorry to hear that, I had my tank drilled with suction being a concern with that in mind the bottom is drilled with 2 x 1.25" intakes that I will tee together and 2 x 1" returns for closed loop. mabey a Snapper or Dart pump?? My Ro/Di is in gargage with extra salt water mixed up in 32g Brute cans mixed with a Mag 9.5 pump that will pump in new water up through my attic through a .75" line that is inside a 1.25" for safty of a leak. Ro/Di the same for a Spectrapure autotop off system on sump. old water will be pumped out same line using main pump off mainfold line, once saltwater is mixed change should take less then 10 minutes to pump out and pump in.. I will update that as I finish..
ML Fish - Your tank looks very nice, and welcome to the corner thread! I love the rock work. The one stack of rock on the right side makes it kind of like a hidden paradise when you peak around it and see the rest of the tank. Also it makes your tank look very large front to back. All the rocks and corals look very mature and healthy. I hope you don't mind if I take a couple ideas from your rockwork.:)

Boret - Sorry to hear about your fish! I know all to much about that as I just lost 2 dwarf Angels to a disease of some sort. It looked like fin rot that i have seen in freshwater, but i'm not sure if it's the same in saltwater. Also, I believe that Backspin is having the tank viewable from all 3 sides, so i'd assume there is no extra fish/filter room behind the tank.

I am in the process of taking all rock out of my tank and giving it a pretty good cleaning. I've had algae problems for quite a while due to an undersized skimmer. I have not been too happy with my rockwork, and i'd rather change it now before my corals get too big. I had the 2 back walls lined with rock, which is what I had in mind when I got the tank, but it's just not really what I want. I have a friend coming over Friday night to help out with the clean up, so i'll get some pics on after that.

I heard from my Brother-In-Law yesterday, and he told me that he will be sending me a sump/overflow/skimmer/return pump!:)!:) All I have to do is pay for shipping, so the check is in the mail. He said the sump is only 10gal, but I have my old 20 high that i'd like to plumb into the system as well, and maybe use the 10gal for skimmer and the 20 as a fuge and return area. The skimmer he is giving me is just a Coralife Super Skimmer 65, which I feel is undersized for a 54gal. I've been looking into the new Vertex IN series skimmers, and I've found the IN-180 for as low as $250 online. So, again i'll ask for some skimmer suggestions from everybody. I think I asked this just a few weeks ago, but then wasn't sure if I'd be getting that sump.
Thanks reefscape. You go right ahead and take any ideas you want. To make the rock pillar on the right I drilled holes in the rock and threaded them down a PVC pipe to hold the whole thing together. A bit of a PITA but once finished it worked good.
Reefscape15 you are correct there is no room anywhere but below the tank main display is in living room, one side will be master bed and other side will be seen in front game room, I have toyed with the idea of building a area in game room to put a sump and reactors, Ect. but have since nixed that Idea and will be craming all that I can below the main display.. ..
Boret sorry to hear about the loss of your CBB. Guess that just shows how ever much we plan some surprises will always pop up on us.
M.L. Fish - Ugghhhhh.................I had an idea that's how you did that rock form, and I'd really hate to start all the way over like that. Some of my rock has been in my tanks for over 6 years or so, and i'd hate to loose all that time of colonization by having it drilled and everything. I do have some PVC bracing in my tank now that I was planning on removing, but maybe I can use it and just stack some rock around it. I think your tank looks very interesting, and it makes you want to walk up to it and see whats around the corner. Very smart design!

Backspin - I think the idea of a little filtration area would be kind of cool, and maybe you could've had a fuge as a mini display in the game room. But if not, you have quite a bit of room under your tank for sump and all. I just hope you can get a tall enough skimmer that will keep your tank clean. I think SWC has one that is 10 or 12" in diameter, but not incredibly tall, and is "rated" for up to 300gal I think. Or do you already have all your equipment?
Reefscape15 I've got right at 32" to top of cup for clearence and I have a 30" skimmer now and will see how it keeps up. I build stand alitte higher to keep things at eye level and now I am regreting going with a 30" tall I need a latter for everthing and will be taking a bath to reach anything close to the bottom even with my long arms.. O well only time will tell. Have a great weekend all, will update if possible this weekend...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15403092#post15403092 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lotusstar
Boret sorry to hear about the loss of your CBB. Guess that just shows how ever much we plan some surprises will always pop up on us.

I know... it sucks!
here its a picture where he was taking center stage. He will be missed!

Hey Boret, I ran a 1.5" intake for a couple years. I am sure you do not want to redrill, but this never killed any fish that were not already on the way out the door.

BTW, I am just throwing this out there because I know CBB's have a tendency to not do to well. Do you think he may have been weak anyway?
Backspin - I know what you mean about getting a bath! I'm only about 5'3", and with my standard 54gal and stand, I need to stand on a chair to reach anything on the bottom that is away from the front glass at all. Every time I try to move anything around, I almost always forget to roll my sleeves up on my t-shirt, then i get water on everything!!!! I couldn't even imagine a tank your size. I could swim in there!:)

Boret - Every time I see pics of your tank I am amazed yet again! Very nice, and so jam packed with frags.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15410238#post15410238 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Husky_1
Hey Boret, I ran a 1.5" intake for a couple years. I am sure you do not want to redrill, but this never killed any fish that were not already on the way out the door.

BTW, I am just throwing this out there because I know CBB's have a tendency to not do to well. Do you think he may have been weak anyway?

A bit too late to redrill now.... I really don't want to take it all apart. I might add a T and put 2 screens if any other fish gets caught.
I agree, CBB are difficult to keep and it might have been weak. However, it was eating, didn't present any marks or spots and was getting along with everyone... so who knows. This is the 2nd one I've tried in 3 years. I really thought it was going to make it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15410250#post15410250 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefscape15
Boret - Every time I see pics of your tank I am amazed yet again! Very nice, and so jam packed with frags.

Thank you!!
I just added about 20+ ricordeas on the bottom left and 3 ORA frags.

Check the evolution from March to today.


Nice growth. Tank looks terrific.
Sorry to hear about your CBB. They're tough to keep. Are you going to try another one? I've got one in my 225g reef and it will only eat fresh clams. I've tried everything, even went to all the work of stuffing mysis into crevices in the rock for him to pick at. Won't touch it. The more aggressive-feeding fish in the tank, (Aussie Tuskfish, Lunare Wrasse, 6" Foxface) tend to get most of the clams so I had to rig up a feeding box for the CBB. It's a small, plastic, lidded box with holes drilled in it. He can get his pointed snout in the holes and pick at the clam without the other guys able to get at it. PITA but it works good and at least he's getting enough to eat.