The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Sorry its been awhile not much to update I have received my sump and skimmer from Jeff at LifeReef wow what a guy he stands behind what he builds and is a work of art. Tank will be finaled this week and build will start next week.



Sump has probe and float switch rack built in


Sump is almost 4 feet long and holds right at about 30 gallons
Skimmer is run by a Mag 9.5 and has 3 seprate reactors that are feed from main pump.

backspin that sump looks sick!!! Very nice!

vickreyreef the chiller will limit the output quite a bit. Depending on the tolerances maybe the input from the 9.5 is too much and the output not enough for your tank. My 1/10hp chiller needs between a min of 300 to a max of 600 gph. A 9.5 straight into it won't do. I used a 500 gph pump for sometime and the output of the chiller was maybe 200gph. If you split the 9.5 it could work.
Also, I failed to mention that the most important thing to consider when thinking about a return pump is to make sure your overflow will handle the GPH.
In RR tanks the corner overflows are limited to a max 600gph unless you use both pipes as overflows. So keep that in mind and use a pump that is rated 15-20% below the max that the overflow will handle.
Boret, Thanks it just barely fits and will need a little modification but overall I am happy to have went that way I was on the fence about getting it. I am working on my plumbing now manifolds and such, will keep you up to date, Thanks and you are right about RR overflows I will be using a Blueline 40hdx or a 55x not sure if I am going to add a seprate fuge, but will probaly only use one drain and pull a full syhon and keep one for backup and kinda risky but have some time to figure these things out.
How much calcium are you adding to that tank?? You have very nice coraline covering everything! When are you going to start adding more corals? BTW love the ghetto frag rack ;)
My thoughts exactly boret! I guess I should start dosing some chemicals at some point!!!

Some quick/crappy photos to give more of an idea of my re-scaping attempt. I still have a pile of rubble that I'm going to mount some frags on and stick in a few spots I have found.


Corals should be within the next week or so. I'm back to just doing all top off dripping Kalk. For a couple months I tried a two part system and between the ph and ca swings, I decided to stay with the kalk drip.
I would still take about 3-5 inches of rock off the top.
You want to grow corals, a lot of rock will limit the space for the corals to grow.
ROBZ's tanks have been an inspiration to me. His 90 gal 2003 TOTM was stunning and made me believe I can accomplish a great tank without needing 100+ gallons. Now, corner tanks are tricky but some of the basic concepts still apply. Take a look at ROBZ's tank when he first set it up a couple of years ago:


And look at it now:


Do you see any rock? He has some fantastic corals in there and his reef husbandry skills are amazing. But still, the idea still applies to our tanks. When he first saw my tank he was like: " Nice rock display you have in there, now, how about removing 3/4 of that rock for some room for the corals?"

Man, the tank was so empty when I was done... but now I am so happy I did so.

Also, you should try to get some more cleaning critters in there. I have about 200 snails and about 150 small hermits that keep my tank clean and algae free.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15468121#post15468121 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Misled
Corals should be within the next week or so. I'm back to just doing all top off dripping Kalk. For a couple months I tried a two part system and between the ph and ca swings, I decided to stay with the kalk drip.

I use both an ATO through Kalk stirrer and Ca Reactor. Got great deals on both used so I went that route. I can wait to see your corasl Misled, with your photography skills I am sure we are in for a very nice photo report once everything is in place!
So going back to a Sandbed for me has mixed emotions. While I like the look, I am finding it hard to adjust my flow.

I was wondering how you guys with Sandbeds adjust your flow so that you have a pretty even sandbed. It seems like the corner tanks are exceptionally hard in yet another aspect. :)

Currently my flow is about 600gph from the return and 2 2100gph maxijet mods. I find that the sand is being pushed towards the center of the tank.
Husky_1 I have very random flow in my tank with a Close loop with 6 outputs, 2 rotating tunzes and the return through a Sea Swirl. I also have very find sand, which was a mistake, but live and learn. It took me almost a month to get the tank sand-cloud free!! When I added the rock some of the flows changed and I was getting different pockets and mounds of sand at different locations. When I started placing corals, zoas and ricordeas it also changed. What I did as recommended from another reefer was to add a thin layer of coarse crushed coral on top of the fine sand. That did the trick. Today I barely have any more sand showing with a bunch of clam, rics and zoas on the sand bed. I still get a bit of sand moved from here to there. You can do something similar adding heavier coarser crush coral where you see the flow making a dent in your sand bed.
You probably have a powerhead hitting the front glass and the flow in turn goes down into the front bottom edge pushing the sand towards the middle. Try adding a strip of crushed coral there to hold the sand. The modded MJ 1200's push a lot of water. Maybe consider changing the propeller to the smaller one.
Thanks for the reply....I know what you mean about sandstorm. While mine was clear in about 5 days, I tend to mess with the sandbed and cause another couple of cloudy days.

You mention having some crushed coral, and I did end up adding about 5lbs at the beginning, and have regretted that as I am trying to pull it out of the tank now (causing my cloudy days). But, I may just keep some in, as this is the only stuff that is staying around the front.

I was also thinking about changing the prop, and may do this. I followed SirJohn's advise and positioned them on either side of the overflow, about 6" from the top, both pointing up. The top of the water actually does get a small wave , and based on what I see when I feed, the water movement looks pretty random, but that is hard to judge until I have polys flowing in the current!

I guess I will just live with it for now, and worry about more important things like when I am going to put the next fish in, more CUC, and the introduction of corals.
I used the small props till the sand had a chance to pack in. After a couple months, I went with the larger and things stay put pretty well.
Looking to light my new tank!

I'm looking to light an 80 gallon pentagon corner tank, for which i plan to have mainly as a coral tank with some fish. The tank is 30 inches deep and about 39" across the front. I would prefer to have Euro style lights for the aesthetic appeal.

I am looking for suggestions on combinations of MH/T5/VHO, etc. I have been doing a lot of studying but am confused on Wattage requirements. I realize 14000-20000k would probably be the best for this tank, but the Watts issue is escaping me. I do understand the more watts the more my electrical bill will go up, but how does this effect the light on the tank, if it does?

Any suggestions and clarifications would be great!

Thank you
A good reflector, like a lumenbright, with a 20k 400Watt Radium, powered by an electronic ballast (magnetic ballast sometimes fail to start up the radiums) and a couple of T12 VHO Super Actinics to really pop the colors. You can get 75wat per 24" T12 VHO and they have their own internal reflectors. Making it very easy to place almost anywhere in the canopy. I have that combo with 4 VHOs and I love it!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15479265#post15479265 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by boret
BTW those cables "hanging" in there are currently properly secured ;)

To what???? J/K :lol:

I agree about the luminarc or the Coralife Luminbrights. I ahve a luminbright mini only on my tank. If I didn't have sand I could grow sps in my sump.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15479323#post15479323 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Misled
To what???? J/K :lol:

I agree about the luminarc or the Coralife Luminbrights. I ahve a luminbright mini only on my tank. If I didn't have sand I could grow sps in my sump.


When I was planning the corner tank I made a couple of cutouts of the reflectors to get an idea:



I end up going with the Lumenarc III Mini because I got a good deal on it, but if I find I good deal on the Lumen Bright 3 MINI WIDE i might change it.
Being wider than the Lumenarc I think I could get a better spread even lowering the light an inch or two from where I currently have the Lumenarc.