@tangers; I made the rock-walls out of Greatstuff foam, eggcrate and zpoxy finishing rezin. The entire "build" of the walls is documented here
@Misled & Boret - The total volume is around 240gallons. The sump-room consists of 2 40gallon breeders(upper tanks) and 2 55gallon tanks (lower tanks).
@boret; - here's a walk-around of my sump room.
1- Tank 1 - this is where the DT water enters (above grey line) and is directly fed into the skimmer's input. This tank also holds the ultralith reactor which is mid-progress of a DIY automation.
2- Fuge tank and future frag-rag. Water comes from Tank 1 into Tank 2.
3 - LR tank - From the fuge water goes to the LR tank, which is above the fuge so it gets light, on a reverse photoperiod stabalizing ph swings. It holds about 200lbs of LR at the moment an has a discusting amount of sponge
4 - Level Tank, this is the last tank in the system. It's where the water evap is shown. NOthing going on in there now... Will have the ATO sensor in there
a. Ultralith Reactor - Turned off, with airline hoses coming out.. I want to inject air into the reactor I have to "tumble" the rock every 4 or 6 hours and make that part of the system "automated". That is in progress DIY right now... Need to find a really high-powered pump.
b. 2xTwo Little Fishies reactors - activated carbon and Phosphate Remover (btw my fuge NEVER GROWS between ultralith and this reactor.. Its for copod production only).
c. Tungeston 500w heater & controller - connected to proflux powerbar, linked to proflux temp sensor - auto-power off at 84 deg.
d. 2xT5HO 24" strip with reflectors, good enuf to grow-out frags kept 3-6" below the surface... this is controlled via the proflux on a timer from 12-7am cycle.
e. MRC's MR4 Skimmer. Man I love this thing... IT IS AWESOME!