The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

I don't think you have to worry about extra support. As long as the bulkheads are tight it won't be a problem.

I do have a question though.

Top bulkheads= two outlets on overflow.

Bottom bulkhead = closed loop drain???

Two centers = return for closed loop.???

How are you returning the sump? Are you using one on the overflow as a return??
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15504174#post15504174 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Misled
I don't think you have to worry about extra support. As long as the bulkheads are tight it won't be a problem.

I do have a question though.

Top bulkheads= two outlets on overflow.

Bottom bulkhead = closed loop drain???

Two centers = return for closed loop.???

How are you returning the sump? Are you using one on the overflow as a return??

cool the holes are exactly as you stated as for the return i will have it go over the top i know ur thinking after drilling 5 holes y not one more the reason is im trying to make this the safest tank i can so with the amount of power outages we get in south florida i dont want to take the chance of flooding
Hook - That setup is completely awesome! I really hope you're not still getting out of the tank world, because that would be a real PITA to tear all that equipment down. Very nice designing of your basement system. Most basement sump systems that I've seen are just a huge tub filled with rock and sand with a skimmer standing on a milkcrate. Yours goes above and beyond for a basement sump! Very nice!!!!

Eos - That looks like a pretty cool little tank you'll have there! I can't wait to see it start filling up!
Hookup, thanks for the tour!! :)
I really dig all the stuff you have put in there. I have also been reading about the different carbon dosing methods. I have not read much on Ultralith, but will soon. I can see that you have spent time thinking your setup through, and the design is superb. Even though I am sure you have accounted for it but, tank 4 doesn't seem to have a lot of room to hold all the water from all the tanks in case of a return pump failure (or power outage). Have you tested it?

Are you going to document the coral growth/coloration with the ultralith system? That would be very informative.

Would you be so kind as to direct me to the right thread where this method is being discussed? What vendor do you use for the ultralith stuff?

Any reason to go the Alk supplement route instead of the more typical Kalkwaser stirrer/ATO combo? Concerned about kalk overdose? I like the addition of kalk myself because is fairly straight forward, helps with pH and precipitates phosphates.

So I am guessing you time the dosing base on a ml/per day regime to compensate for its depletion in the tank. I am also guessing these supplements are mixed up with RODI water. So you are also compensating a bit for evaporation but not completely, right? One of my concerns with dosing systems like that is how complex it seems to me to achieve a good balance between top off water due to evaporation and water you are adding through dosing. Depending on the humidity level in the house, the season of the year, overall temperature, your evaporation rate can fluctuate. With so many open tanks I am sure you are around 2-3 gallons per day. Would you care to enlighten me on your calculations to achieve balance?
Which brings me to my last question.... how do you control the salinity. You mentioned a salinity meter. How is that working out? Do you see any salinity swings in your setup?

Sorry about all the questions, I am just interested on how you have everything connected. It is different from mine, which relies on your typical Ca Reactor and Kalk through ATO, so I want to see the pros and cons of your system.
couple shots of my 92

couple shots of my 92

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="hood"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="full tank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="92"></a>
david821 your tank looks great!!! A lot of nice corals in there and great color distribution. Wouldn't mind seeing a few more pics ;)
How do you get inside the tank? Do you lift the whole canopy? It looks like it seats on the tank.... I see what it looks like a small door in the front. Is that enough to get in?

Welcome to the thread!!!
few more

few more

its cut into the top wood also about 4 inches alows me to clean and get aroun fairly well
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
David - That is a beauty of a tank you have! The coral colors are very nicely balanced, and the rock looks extremely covered in coralline! Very nice! BTW, I also have one of the small white shark/wood sculptures on top of my tank:)
Very Nice David. Very nice mix of SPS, LPS, & softies. As reefscape stated the colors are nicely balanced. How long has this tank been up and running?
@david.. Very nice looking setup... It looks like a Lumenbright reflector you're using... I've read they need to be 16-18 inches (bulb height) above the water for best results... Where's your's at cause your results fit into the "best" category... but your canopy looks like it's got the bulb around 8 or 9 inches above the water line.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15505831#post15505831 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by boret
Hookup, thanks for the tour!! :)

No issues... loved showing it.

Even though I am sure you have accounted for it but, tank 4 doesn't seem to have a lot of room to hold all the water from all the tanks in case of a return pump failure (or power outage). Have you tested it?

Good catch, and yes I have tested it... though not really visible from the photo, there are two pieces of tape on the glass, low water line and high water line. I do not have the ATO installed at this time (waiting on hobby-based cash flow to return) so I manually do water changes and balance the salinity.

Are you going to document the coral growth/coloration with the ultralith system? That would be very informative.

This is the intent. I have not setup the ultralith system since I took it off-line 2 months ago from the crash. I want the system to stablize a bit first so I can start a photo-journal of the effects of the baling system.

Would you be so kind as to direct me to the right thread where this method is being discussed? What vendor do you use for the ultralith stuff?

Also, I built a calculator for the FaunaMarin Ultralith system that helps with ramp up. I'm kind of a "take it appart to understand it" kind of guy... so I just didn't understand Ultralith as described in the manuals and there were so many recommendations and scenarios that seemed to be based upon chicken bones and moon phases I needed to gain a better understanding. Building the calculator, then running scnearios against it that were posted in that above forum to see if my "calculator" gave the same results / recommendations provided me with a pretty good understanding of what each component does and why it does it.

Here's the calculator.

I gave it to my LFS if they agreed not to charge for it.

Any reason to go the Alk supplement route instead of the more typical Kalkwaser stirrer/ATO combo? Concerned about kalk overdose? I like the addition of kalk myself because is fairly straight forward, helps with pH and precipitates phosphates.

The baling method itself is designed to use the ml/day to achieve the exact balance that your system needs, thus creating the most stable environment. Though some people do report pH swings when using the Baling method the documetned events prove contrary... yes, ph might swing from 8.29 to 8.20 over a 24hr period... but that really isn't a swing.. it's a variance.. :)

I also have heard way to many KALK overdosing horror stories, so staying away from that possible problem was attractive to me.

So I am guessing you time the dosing base on a ml/per day regime to compensate for its depletion in the tank. I am also guessing these supplements are mixed up with RODI water. So you are also compensating a bit for evaporation but not completely, right? One of my concerns with dosing systems like that is how complex it seems to me to achieve a good balance between top off water due to evaporation and water you are adding through dosing. Depending on the humidity level in the house, the season of the year, overall temperature, your evaporation rate can fluctuate. With so many open tanks I am sure you are around 2-3 gallons per day. Would you care to enlighten me on your calculations to achieve balance?
Which brings me to my last question.... how do you control the salinity. You mentioned a salinity meter. How is that working out? Do you see any salinity swings in your setup?

First, I'm assuming you are refering to the evap in the dosing salts/mixes. Because the salts last for 3 months, they are VERY prone to evap... Right now I've got glass on the tops, save a very small corner cut out of them where my airline tubing goes into the container. This has not been up and running long enough to say with confidence that I have the evap problem licked.

I would NOT recommend doing it the way I have done it. I would recommend getting some plastic jugs where you could mod the cap to allow a pin-hole for air in, and the airline tubing to be inserted into the luqid. This would solve the evap that would occur.

I do not have the salinity probe at this time. It's a future purchase and like the ATO is waiting for more free hobby-money... :lol:

The evap from the main system is not an issue when dosing btw. The dosing is to replace what your system is consuming and is not based upon current salinity levels (yes, it's related but not to a point where we would care or have an impact assuming we are keeping our salinities within 1.024 - 1.026 swings). The amount of Ca,Mag and Alk consumed is constant, and therefore the dosing amounts are constant.

To achieve the "what is the right amount to dose"... Well i'm currently working on a calculator for that as well... it'll take a bit more time because I have to dose the products into a 10gallon bucket of water and run the tests to see how much 10ml of the product, mixed according to the instructions (my instructions btw, not the ones on the product box) raises the levels... then based upon a week of daily testing in a given tank, I can calculate the starting point for dosing, the ramp-up schedule to achieve the target levels that you want to sustain, and the sustainment dosing levels....

In short, test daily while dosing until you are "stable" at your desired levels of Ca, Mg and Alk... If you add a significant amount of coral in one shot, you'd better go back to frequent testing to see if there was an impact... as corals grow, they consume more (larger bodies etc..) so testing every-two weeks of Ca, Mg and Alk would be required.

Sorry about all the questions, I am just interested on how you have everything connected. It is different from mine, which relies on your typical Ca Reactor and Kalk through ATO, so I want to see the pros and cons of your system.

No problems. I love to chat about this stuff. And most importantly, i can only tell you why I did things my way, but I cannot say that "its the best, or only" way... there are about 100 differnt ways to skin the cat here.

I've got an Constant Trickle ATO system all planned out that's getting added to the system next... After I get the Ultralith reactor modded and automated... (and the hobby cash appears again too).
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15508528#post15508528 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by M. L. Fish
Very Nice David. Very nice mix of SPS, LPS, & softies. As reefscape stated the colors are nicely balanced. How long has this tank been up and running?
tank has a little more than a year on it I guess, it was moved from a 72 bow that was a little over a year alot of the life is a couple years old ....the bulb height is around 9 or so inches above the water line you see where it sits under the stairs thats my spot only there dont think about moving that tank lol so I had to fit in there and to lower the already no room stand wasnt an option.If any body likes a challange the corner tank is it,thanks for all the kind words
also nice to see a union brother reefscape sprinklerfitters L/U 821 here
Yes I do like to run into other union brothers (or sisters). Almost all of the people I've worked with think I waste my money on this hobby, but I'd rather be spending it on something that I can enjoy than sitting at the bar every night!

Boret - I took your advice after seeing that pic of the older TOTM. I took the large rock off the top and moved it to the back of the tank, and now I have a HUGE top spot to place all my SPS pieces. I'll get some pics up soon, once I get the tank cleaned back up a bit.

On a side note, I just bought a 4" Maroon Clown over the weekend, and before the next morning it was eaten by my 3" Angler!!!!!! Talk about an expensive meal!!!! I barely ever eat that good!:)
So I removed my purple frag rack tonight. I only kept the Hydnophora that was one of my original frags as I only want healthy ones in the display after this weekend. I'm going to a friends house sometime this weekend to do my frag shopping. I'm also getting the phosban and carbon reactor flushed and ready to put on the tank. Nothing showing up anywhere, but why wait. Oh yea, my scroll still has some good life and it's still there also.
Cool Misled! Can't wait till you get that going and post some pictures.
Here are a few of mine.




As of 3 days ago I started dosing Vodka. Starting at 0.7ml per day. Tomorrow the first increase to 1.3ml. So far the skimmate looks about the same.
I am taking pics with my iPhone but I really need to get a DSLR. Talking about which, what do you recommend Misled.
I am torn between the Nikon D40 (after reading Ken Rockwell and all his praises to that camera) and the Canon Rebel XT which seems to have several features better than Nikon's. I can also do a Kit and get a 55-200 lens on top of the 18-55 that comes with either one of those. Any advice?
Thanks Michael I can't wait to get a DSLR though. There is one decent thing about the iPhone camera, it reproduces the colors of the tank better than my point&shoot Olympus. But I don't get many details and no close ups.
I found a refurbish Nikon D40 with the 18-55mm lens for $375. I might go with that one. I am just concerned that without "live view" it might take me a bunch of pictures until I figure out the proper white balance.