The Scleractinia Shallows

Love the sand. Another step towards getting the acros back in there!
Can't wait to see this tank humming along again!
Things are looking really good Dom, and I love how the clam mantle is always on display.

Reef keeping is life!
Cheers man :beer: I'm pretty happy with how things are progressing and I always make sure that that mantle is always visible! There's no point of having her take up so much room if I can't see the mantle :lol:

Wow Dom, I was stuck way back on page 6. Sorry about the fish loss, and sorry to bring it up again. I like the new scape, especially that rectangular rock in the center.

Where are the acros going to go?
That's okay Mark, thanks for the kind words and while it's still upsetting not seeing some familiar faces, the newbies make me very happy! Also looking forward to getting my hands on a plectranthias longimanus :inlove: I've always adored plectranthias sp. and this is the first time I've ever seen one so I jumped on it!! haha It's going to cost a pretty penny though :( the joys of loving your unique fish species as much as your acro's lol

Acro's will be placed around and I'm going to do a Biggles inspired mount them all on smaller rocks so they can be dealt with and reorganised easily :) Some on the main rocks and lots on smaller ones!

Sand bed wins hands down, looks awesome Dom

I need cleaner shrimp again, look how cool those feelers look........ that chalice is made for sitting on a white sand bed wouldn't you agree mate :p

Don't forget you promised to come around and help me change the sump over in a couple of weeks........ i will be in charge and you and Kevin will be my reef minions.
Hands down indeed! Looks shitloads better and everyone seems happier with it! The stability it brings will also help a bit :)

Maybe we'll do a group buy and get Dave to get us half a dozen :celeb1: and that chalice on bright white sand is something else entirely!!

I haven't forgotten ;) I'm sure with Kevin helping out we can cause quite a bit of trouble for Dave and Mark! lol

looking way better with sand!

good job my friend!

Thanks Flo :beer: I'm really happy with it!

Nice job with the sand and scape!
Thanks matey! lol

Love the sand. Another step towards getting the acros back in there!
Can't wait to see this tank humming along again!
One small step for the tank and one giant leap for me haha
Nearly at humming point! Few more weeks and things should be looking settled and pretty good! Itching for the sump though! lol
Tank looks great Dom, I love the aquascape and all of the open space. The fresh sand looks pristine! Now get some acros in there!!
Tank looks great Dom, I love the aquascape and all of the open space. The fresh sand looks pristine! Now get some acros in there!!
That's a big compliment from you Conor so thank you lots! :) The fresh sand doesn't quite look quite so pristine today lol a little dusting on it!
Soooonnnn :wildone: I cannot wait!

Dom how long will i have to wait for pictures of the sump?

what´s taking you so long :lolspin:
You'll just have to wait until I have it :lolspin: you can't rush perfection Flo ;)
Got the camera back finally so took some nicer pics of the tank finally! lol
The little cave on the right side will be surrounded with nice deepwater pieces for the lower light and also the gentler flow that will come from the back draft of the gyre :)

Left side of the tank:
Low and open, lots of swimming space and plenty of places for acro's to be mounted! The reason for the sparsity and the pushed back scape is so that I can copy the Biggle style scaping with smaller pieces of rocks with acro's mounted for ease of movement and organisation.

Angled shots and a good view of down the tank :)

And lastly, this beauty! My absolute joy of the reefing world and possibly my favourite inhabitant that has been with me through thick and thin, tank changes and restarts, my muck ups and every day when I look into the tank!
There is nothing more that I love than being able to see my maxima every day and know that's she is happy! She's also my canary for a great many things, usually when I forget to turn the ato back on :p
The polyps on it are HUGE!

Reef keeping is life!
Yeah I love it, it's the only one I'll probably ever have but it's too cool not too lol

Looking forward to the re branding launch party!

"An Explosion of Colour"
The "Acro Nuke" is definitely going to make the tank explode in an amazing way! :D I'm stoked for it! I won't tell Andrew this but it's day three since I last cleaned the glass now and I'll probably do it today again as it's only just starting to get a minor dusting now haha

Looking forward to getting all my goodies that are on order though!! :D Vectra M1, Gyre XF150, new sump and of course a plectranthias longimanus!! :beachbum:
I see the dedicated real state for the acros mate, going to look amazing, I can see your long term goal, how the scape is laid out, awesome job so far :)
Yap , I wanted to post an update about my tank , however the glass was filthy.
The bio film grows quickly into a wavey algea. Gives me brain damage it does.
Having a good time trying to break the SPS colour code and fighting a bio film war.
I see the dedicated real state for the acros mate, going to look amazing, I can see your long term goal, how the scape is laid out, awesome job so far :)
Lots of dedicated space for acro's and sps! I wanted to make sure the scape was nice a low first of all but also fairly well spread to allow for lots of work to get everyone in the right spot! The other big aspect/element of the scape is to have lots of swimming room for the variety of unusual and different fish that I want to have in the tank. Caves and hiding spots for the species like plectranthias and wetmorella but also lots of open space for the wrasse and butterfly that will need the space :)

I like to think I've got this mostly achieved at the moment lol thanks for the compliments Perry :)

Yap , I wanted to post an update about my tank , however the glass was filthy.
The bio film grows quickly into a wavey algea. Gives me brain damage it does.
Having a good time trying to break the SPS colour code and fighting a bio film war.
haha I've got some great diatoms and cyano at the moment but the glass is clean :facepalm: :lolspin:
I'll choose my colours over clean glass haha