The Scleractinia Shallows

Just now saw the pics from the 13th. Looking good! Time for more now. :)
Thanks Mark :) It's cyano and diatom city at the moment lol but when that clears up a little more I'll definitely be taking some more pics! :) Not that it bothers me lol it's all part of the dry rock and fresh sand cycle lol

uhhh i can´t wait!! :bounce3:
Obviously you and Andrew are planning something very sneaky.
No question!!
I already have my socks duct taped on.
It's very exciting but not quite acro related yet :hammer:
The sump is in, it's nearly full with RO and almost ready to come online! :bounce3: Just waiting on the return to come in and hopefully that will be today!! It's a bloody amazing sump and the RO reservoir is just fantastic! No barrels or anything next to the tank and it's out of the way under the sump.
I've done some cable management, mounted the Kore, the cabinet lights and organised things in general but I can't finish cable management until the sump is online and things are in the sump to route. I'll snap some quick pics today of how it looks :)

The really exciting news is fish related though, one fish I've been chasing for about 2+ years has been caught by one of the suppliers :D and I have a wrasse that I never thought I'd own but no pics on him until he's settled and happy as he cost me more than my liver is worth :blown:

Things are progressing along really well and aside from the new tank uglies which got a good cleaning with a 25L water change done on Tuesday and yesterday everything is happy and growing! I can't wait to have the sump online and to fill it with **** lol
Thanks Mark :) It's cyano and diatom city at the moment lol but when that clears up a little more I'll definitely be taking some more pics! :) Not that it bothers me lol it's all part of the dry rock and fresh sand cycle lol

It's very exciting but not quite acro related yet :hammer:
The sump is in, it's nearly full with RO and almost ready to come online! :bounce3: Just waiting on the return to come in and hopefully that will be today!! It's a bloody amazing sump and the RO reservoir is just fantastic! No barrels or anything next to the tank and it's out of the way under the sump.
I've done some cable management, mounted the Kore, the cabinet lights and organised things in general but I can't finish cable management until the sump is online and things are in the sump to route. I'll snap some quick pics today of how it looks :)

The really exciting news is fish related though, one fish I've been chasing for about 2+ years has been caught by one of the suppliers :D and I have a wrasse that I never thought I'd own but no pics on him until he's settled and happy as he cost me more than my liver is worth :blown:

Things are progressing along really well and aside from the new tank uglies which got a good cleaning with a 25L water change done on Tuesday and yesterday everything is happy and growing! I can't wait to have the sump online and to fill it with **** lol

that sounds great!!

can´t wait to see some pictures! :fun4:

cheers mate
that sounds great!!
can´t wait to see some pictures!
cheers mate

Cant wait to see the sump online

Pics or it didn't happen!
Well I suppose I've left it long enough now :fun5: we're nearly there now!! I spent today adding salt and temp to the sump and it's all mixing and circulating now :) The Vectra will be in on Wednesday and by then all the plumbing will be set and cured so we'll be completely running! I'm looking forward to the smoothness that will come with the sump running and everything going again, I'm going to change up to component 1, 2 & 3 for the dosing as it's easy to get hold and just a cost effective as Randy's

I suppose some pics of the sump might be nice ;) this is the left side with the shelf, doser and frag tank, I'm so glad the Kore has holes to be screw mounted!

Then there's the right side which houses the overflow, skimmer and heater in the first chamber, the RO section underneath which I LOVE! lol. Along with all of that is the power management centre of two powerbars for 16 plugs lol not that I currently use them all! I still need to finish the wiring but that needs to wait for the equipment to be in the sump lol

Then when have the shelf where I've got the ballast living and it will also hold the dosing containers and other misc sh!t lol

As you can see I've mounted some led's down the guts of the cabinet and they work a treat :)

As some of you may know I've got a once in a lifetime fish currently being held in the acro tank at Deer Park and I am beyond excited to get this gem of a cirrhilabrus! Of course once I put down my liver to ensure my name went on him, I got a message from Dave a few hours later with a screenshot from one of his suppliers....

The bugger had finally sourced a l. susumi for me after three years of chasing one! It doesn't help that I have to pay half a kidney to get this guy too, he's gorgeous though, waiting patiently in store till they remove my kidney :lolspin: looks like I can manage without some vital organs and food for the next month hahaha
Hey Dom what DJ strips are those? They look really nice, might pick some up myself. Sump is looking really really good and I wish you'd stop teasing us with invisible fish. :lolspin:
looking good dom!!!
hope everything works as you planned it!
Thanks Flo :) I think it should be a pretty smooth operation to get it running :)

Hey Dom what DJ strips are those? They look really nice, might pick some up myself. Sump is looking really really good and I wish you'd stop teasing us with invisible fish. :lolspin:
One of the stores here gets them custom made. They're a PDU that's got no brand on them, very similar to server rack PDU's though :)
Thanks Josh, I'll hopefully fill it with zoa's today :P
The invisible fish will stay invisible till he's in and settled as I don't want to jinx it haha only a few people actually know what I'm getting lol. Andrew has had no trouble telling me I've lost the plot though :wildone:
Well I suppose I've left it long enough now :fun5: we're nearly there now!! I spent today adding salt and temp to the sump and it's all mixing and circulating now The Vectra will be in on Wednesday and by then all the plumbing will be set and cured so we'll be completely running! I'm looking forward to the smoothness that will come with the sump running and everything going again, I'm going to change up to component 1, 2 & 3 for the dosing as it's easy to get hold and just a cost effective as Randy's

I suppose some pics of the sump might be nice ;) this is the left side with the shelf, doser and frag tank, I'm so glad the Kore has holes to be screw mounted!

Then there's the right side which houses the overflow, skimmer and heater in the first chamber, the RO section underneath which I LOVE! lol. Along with all of that is the power management centre of two powerbars for 16 plugs lol not that I currently use them all! I still need to finish the wiring but that needs to wait for the equipment to be in the sump lol

Then when have the shelf where I've got the ballast living and it will also hold the dosing containers and other misc sh!t lol

As you can see I've mounted some led's down the guts of the cabinet and they work a treat :)

As some of you may know I've got a once in a lifetime fish currently being held in the acro tank at Deer Park and I am beyond excited to get this gem of a cirrhilabrus! Of course once I put down my liver to ensure my name went on him, I got a message from Dave a few hours later with a screenshot from one of his suppliers....

The bugger had finally sourced a l. susumi for me after three years of chasing one! It doesn't help that I have to pay half a kidney to get this guy too, he's gorgeous though, waiting patiently in store till they remove my kidney :lolspin: looks like I can manage without some vital organs and food for the next month hahaha
This is damn fine tech porn!
And what I like most about tech porn is that it is a teaser for the coral porn to follow. :)
This is damn fine tech porn!
And what I like most about tech porn is that it is a teaser for the coral porn to follow. :)
Thanks Matt :beer: I'm pretty happy with the cabinet and everything underneath :) I should have some decent coral porn in the next couple of days though ;)

The tank has come together really nicely and I love being able to see the sump and everything too :)

I must admit I was terrified taking some frags home from the frag meet the other night but I'm glad I did in the end, they seem to be really happy :)

(excuse the dirty glass lol)
One of the stores here gets them custom made. They're a PDU that's got no brand on them, very similar to server rack PDU's though :)
Thanks Josh, I'll hopefully fill it with zoa's today :P
The invisible fish will stay invisible till he's in and settled as I don't want to jinx it haha only a few people actually know what I'm getting lol. Andrew has had no trouble telling me I've lost the plot though :wildone:

Of course they're custom made! LOL -- really nice though, but not worth the trouble getting them shipped I'm sure. I'll find something else when I'm officially in the market. :)

I'm really excited for you, hopefully these new fish are in top shape and do well for you in your new tank. I also can't wait to see your tinkeri when you get it. Are you going to let your tank mature a bit before grabbing that one? Or is it another fish you'll have to jump on when you see it? I have plans on getting some sort of potential SPS nipper but I don't wanna do it while I have small frags.
Thanks Matt :beer: I'm pretty happy with the cabinet and everything underneath :) I should have some decent coral porn in the next couple of days though ;)

The tank has come together really nicely and I love being able to see the sump and everything too :)

I must admit I was terrified taking some frags home from the frag meet the other night but I'm glad I did in the end, they seem to be really happy :)

(excuse the dirty glass lol)

Did you get two of everything like i told you to or are you not wanting anything from the frag night i wasn't invited to............ ;)
Andrew, let me get this straight, Dom is now part of the Thursday night crew, and he goes to a secret frag swap night, and doesn't even let you know? Oh my.


Did you get two of everything like i told you to or are you not wanting anything from the frag night i wasn't invited to............ ;)
I bet you look as happy as the frags do,dom:beer:
Nice picks mate!
Tank looks better every day.Can't wait for the days to come:beer:
Of course they're custom made! LOL -- really nice though, but not worth the trouble getting them shipped I'm sure. I'll find something else when I'm officially in the market.

I'm really excited for you, hopefully these new fish are in top shape and do well for you in your new tank. I also can't wait to see your tinkeri when you get it. Are you going to let your tank mature a bit before grabbing that one? Or is it another fish you'll have to jump on when you see it? I have plans on getting some sort of potential SPS nipper but I don't wanna do it while I have small frags.
Yep lol the good things usually are :lmao: I'm sure you could find something very similar!

They're definitely in top shape! I get to see them every time I visit lol. I won't be getting a Tinkeri though :( There's 1200 reasons for that haha. I'm going to get the poor mans version, a c. burgessi but that'll come whenever it does. Most of my fishlist is a order it when it comes up and pay it off as I go, simply due to the uncommon nature of most of them lol. I wish I could order things in a specific order but I can't afford that luxury with the fish I want lol. I think it'll be a while off though, I want to add the butterfly last once the tank is well established!

nice frags mate!
can´t wait to see what the look like under lights on!!
Thanks Flo :) Just for you!

Did you get two of everything like i told you to or are you not wanting anything from the frag night i wasn't invited to............ ;)
haha I would have but they're all one's you got anyway lol :rolleyes:

Andrew, let me get this straight, Dom is now part of the Thursday night crew, and he goes to a secret frag swap night, and doesn't even let you know? Oh my.
haha I'm not a Thursday night person either, I only go when I know a few of my mates from around town will be there so I can catch up with them! lol Like Andrew, I opted for the Friday morning leftovers haha

I bet you look as happy as the frags do,dom
Nice picks mate!
Tank looks better every day.Can't wait for the days to come:beer:
Cheers Mike :beer:
Getting even better now the sump is running ;) Got a new update or two about to be posted! lol