The Scleractinia Shallows

I knew you'd be in love the minute you saw that A. caroliniana Dom :)

She's very purty......... :thumbsup:
She's very purty indeed! There was a little green glowing piece as well that would have looked awesome but I spent my budget on the two fish, a titanium heater and the big caroliniana :uhoh3: lol

I am happy to see your about ready to stock your tank with SPS. You have been patient, and your patience will pay off.

Still needs a little more work just to perfect the parameters but I'm really happy with how it's come along :)
Alrighty, well I think it's time for a proper update rather than being dobbed in by Andrew.... :uzi:

A week or two ago now, I was finally able to pick up my Vectra :D because the delivery person changed as the previous one was delivery before opening hours that were plastered all over the front of the shop... :deadhorse1: lol
My homemade attachment has allowed an easy attachment with a little clear pvc tubing :)

Even though I'm only running it on the very lowest setting lol I'm really happy with it :) A little bit of filter pad while I have no sock holder helps lol

Up next is the tank and some new fish :D
Well Friday was one of the best tank days I've had in a while :bounce3: it began with a message to Andrew that was simply a picture and the statement "let it begin"

(I think I upset because he couldn't get away from work :uhoh3:)

Not only did I get to pick up the fish I've had on hold for nearly 2 months now but I also got to pick the other fish from my list that I've been waiting 3yrs for :inlove:
The first little guy I got to to cross off my list that I'm absolutely in love with is my liopropoma susumi!! These guys are nice and cryptic like the possum wrasses I want to add and make for a nice contrast to the out and about wrasse :) My little Susy has taken up residence next the clam under it's mantle :) not a great photo but in the bag before going in.

But that's not all... I picked up one of THE COOLEST fairy wrasse there is and the one I've been holding for some time!
Now for the equal best bit! lol the one everyone has been waiting for, the one I've been eluding too but not making any mentions of exact details. I've been very cautious about it because it has cost me an arm, leg and my liver.. I wanted to make sure that things went well when he went into the tank :hmm2: And I'm happy to say he's one of the quickest settling fish I've ever had lol starting smashing pellets within hours even though the longfin was picking on him to let him know who's boss! All aggression is now sorted and everyone is happy :D
May I present to you all my absolutely amazing cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis (Golden Rhomboid Wrasse) :inlove::inlove:

Funnily enough, this isn't the wrasse I've had on hold for the last little while lol I got in on Friday morning and low and behold there was another one in the stock tanks!! He was half the size of the other guy and a quarter of the colouration as he'd only come in the night before and so he was a little pale and still is a little pale as well but given a month or two he will be even more colourful :D

I'm happy to report that everyone is happy and settled and my wrasse tank is looking very nice lol
My sweetie earmuff is still going strong too!

And while he's a bit of a ***** to the carpenters sometimes the longfin is still one pretty fish!
They're all greedy little pigs too! lol

Also what's the point of all these updates if there is no decent FTS lol the tank has cleared up amazingly and the sump and skimmer has made a huge difference!! Not long till we really start becoming acro city again!!!
Awesome update man! That earmuff wrasse is something else, I have never seen one for sale in any of my LFS. If I had I would surely have one. That return pump is pretty sweet too :dance:
Love all the new additions Dom, and you won't be disappointed with that Vectra! I think your Rhomboid may be sub-male or female which is why it may not be as colorful as the one you had on hold, regardless in your situation it's a very smart decision to grab the smaller one, now you get to have it for even longer. It'll be a really nice terminal phase male in no time, fairies just can't help it in our small glass boxes. :)
I love the way your fish swim mate, kicking goals buddy!
Thanks man, this vid is for you then :) lol
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Awesome update man! That earmuff wrasse is something else, I have never seen one for sale in any of my LFS. If I had I would surely have one. That return pump is pretty sweet too :dance:
Yeah, he's (I completely missed the beginning of the transformation till someone pointed it out haha) is a wonderful fish! Doesn't care about anyone else and is a gorgeous and unique fish that I adore! Yeah I'm thrilled with the vectra!

nice pickups!

So you don't run a Quarantine?
I think I scored pretty darn well haha
And I don't, it's a big risk I know but I trust my lfs completely. The guy is absolutely fish crazy. I know every one says it but I simply do not have the space to run one either, the apartment we live in is minuscule lol and even a 10g wouldn't fit.
My method of insanity is just feeding a sh!tload of high quality food and knowing what each fishes requirements are so they get the best chance possible :)

Love all the new additions Dom, and you won't be disappointed with that Vectra! I think your Rhomboid may be sub-male or female which is why it may not be as colorful as the one you had on hold, regardless in your situation it's a very smart decision to grab the smaller one, now you get to have it for even longer. It'll be a really nice terminal phase male in no time, fairies just can't help it in our small glass boxes. :)
Thanks Josh and I certainly don't think I'll be disappointed :D
You could be right :) He did only come in the night before I picked him up so I think a lot of the colour loss is transit stress but give him a week and we'll know for sure! I cannot wait for terminal phase though!! I think rhomboids are one of the nicest fairies out there :inlove:
I asked Dave about getting one of the three $50- longfin's for my tank last visit Dom.

' Oooohhh no they're jumpy, VERY jumpy '

' So what you're saying is i might as well throw it in the gutter as soon as i leave the shop Dave '

' Well you have lost a few to jumping '

' You sold me jumpy fish that's why Dave '

I then walked off saying ' yeah yeah yeah ' over what ever it was Dave was trying to reply with............. THAT is how you win an argument with your LFS owner people. :smokin:

Looking good Dom, the new non jumpy fish that Dave got in for you look awesome buddy :)
Looking great, Dom!
You know how you feel about me and my mitratus? Well the feeling's mutual for you and your caroliniana!
I'm betting the next round of photos has a slightly more branchy reef..
Can't wait!
I asked Dave about getting one of the three $50- longfin's for my tank last visit Dom.

' Oooohhh no they're jumpy, VERY jumpy '

' So what you're saying is i might as well throw it in the gutter as soon as i leave the shop Dave '

' Well you have lost a few to jumping '

' You sold me jumpy fish that's why Dave '

I then walked off saying ' yeah yeah yeah ' over what ever it was Dave was trying to reply with............. THAT is how you win an argument with your LFS owner people. :smokin:

Looking good Dom, the new non jumpy fish that Dave got in for you look awesome buddy
Trust Dave to not let you buy a jumpy fish and then try and blame you as well, the nerve! lol

Thanks Andrew :thumbsup: I'm pretty happy with it at the moment and I think over the next week or two we might need to have a play date and get some acro into the tank :dance:

looking good Dom!
wonderful fish addition!!! :bigeyes:
Thanks Flo :beer: It's a fish I never ever thought I'd ever get the chance to see in person let alone have the ability to actually buy! So when I saw it in person in the store, I jumped on it straight away lol then when it came to the big buy day and the little guy was there as well I was sold even more immediately!! lol happy days :)

Looking great, Dom!
You know how you feel about me and my mitratus? Well the feeling's mutual for you and your caroliniana!
I'm betting the next round of photos has a slightly more branchy reef..
Can't wait!
Cheers Matt :)
As soon as I walked into the store I got Mark to put it aside for me, there's not much that beats caroliniana and those that do we can't get so I'm stoked!! There were a few other stunner pieces there but two fish and my favourite acro of all time was enough for me in one day :cool: that being said I might not be so contained when I head over tomorrow :lol:

I'm hoping so too! lol
Thanks Flo :beer: It's a fish I never ever thought I'd ever get the chance to see in person let alone have the ability to actually buy! So when I saw it in person in the store, I jumped on it straight away lol then when it came to the big buy day and the little guy was there as well I was sold even more immediately!! lol happy days :)

would have bought it too!!

how do you like your Vectra so far?

Cheers Buddy
Headed down to Dave's yesterday for my weekly visit, stayed a few hours as usual.. Dave said he was going to get me a blankie and pillow for my next visit which will be nice :lolspin:
The sad part about my visit was my budget and my clam-saturation level in the tank! :headwallblue: because he had some AMAZING tiny clams in :inlove:

Along with a pretty cool piece of monti!

My purchases were purely boring but cool none the less! I was finally able to get a set of 5L bottles of AF Component 1, 2 and 3 :) I will be switching to DIY once I finish them but they're fantastic dosing containers :D Also got some phosminus as well just to run as I feed so bloody much!

I did manage to score a couple of corals though, a super glow in the dark green smoothskin and a rock of Clementine zoa's :spin2: I got home to find Piggles asleep in his favourite spot though, basking in the glow of the frag tank!
Aside from that the tank is kicking goals here and there! Everything is looking really clean and happy. Hopefully the first acro bomb drops in the next week :blown:
Some quick shots of the tank though:

A few months and this rock will look pretty special!

And a friend come to say hello :)