Doesn't have a name as it's a wild oneWhat's the monti?
Hologymnosus doliatus and will get even larger haha I'll try and take some pics of him soon but he's a serial snail killer and will be going to a new home soon!Dom, that one wrasse is getting large. What type is it again? And could you feature it in a photoshoot sometime in the future
Doesn't have a name as it's a wild oneI'm thinking the Ginger Minge though :lmao:
Hologymnosus doliatus and will get even larger haha I'll try and take some pics of him soon but he's a serial snail killer and will be going to a new home soon!
haha Andrew's roof maybe? :uzi:Reece's tank?
Shipping related?Some exciting tank related updates coming soon!I promise no more peppers [emoji38]spin:
Some exciting tank related updates coming soon!I promise no more peppers :lolspin:
Shipping related?
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Alright Wrangy!!
The red stripe wrasse! He was eating too many snails and I bought some of these gorgeous little strombus snails (conch)! Which I was not going to let him eat hahaWhich fish did you remove?
The red stripe wrasse! He was eating too many snails and I bought some of these gorgeous little strombus snails (conch)! Which I was not going to let him eat haha
I also added a most adorable little blenny too! He's like a puppy, comes out with his fin up when I go near the tank and it's only been a couple of days haha he's a high fin blenny but I think he may be a sabretooth blenny but I need to find the actual ID on him yet!
Wasn't too painful given how many snails he ate and that he wasn't an "on the list" wrasse lol he was getting way too big anyway hahaIt must of hurt a bit having to get rid one of your wrasses.
Thanks Josh! I need to take some new pictures of the tank soon! The colini gets nicer by the day! The blue is just glowing!Dom your tank is looking really good man, love that C. colini in there.
How large are those conchs? I wish we could get those here, they look really pretty, I have a tonga fighting conch and always enjoyed having it.
Thanks Josh! I need to take some new pictures of the tank soon! The colini gets nicer by the day! The blue is just glowing!
The conch's are like half a pinky in size! So they're tiny haha I love them so much that I'm going to get another 2 or 3 haha
Colini's were never on my list to start with but when I saw this guy in the store, his personality killed me! (his refusal to eat prepared foods for several months nearly killed me too haha) but he and Burgers are best friends now and hang out together most of the time, never far from each other!I've always thought colinis were underrated, but I'm not risking my blue squamosa to a Centropyge.I never have good luck when I roll the dice.
Ship some to me! :lol:
Thanks man, I'm pretty happy with it!Things are coming along nicely!