Not very long. I was only dosing 5ml per day.
Here is what you would need to do if you want to set up an alarm for the DOS.
First, you will need to create a virtual output. If you have never done this then go to the outputs page and click the gear in the top corner to add a virtual output.
Then give it a name. VO_DOSALARM
Find the newly created VO and open it up. I would say having it alarm after running for one minute will be fine since it only doses small amounts throughout the day. You can change that at any time.
The following code will need to go into the configuration box.
If Output DOS1-L-A4R = ON Then ON
If Output DOS2-R-A4R = ON Then ON
Defer 001:00 Then ON
If you want a longer or shorter time before it alarms, then change the Defer time.
Now you will need to put this in the Email Alarm output. Mine is named EmailAlm_I5. Open up that output and add the following.
If Output VO_DOSALARM = ON then ON
Now every time the DOS runs for more than the Defer time then you will receive an alert.
Do you have a remote display? If so, then you can make it alarm as well when these go off. If you don't have the email alarm set up to sound your display, then I would do this because it is a tank saver.
Find your sound alarm output. Mine is labeled SndAlm_I6. In there, just have this code. Change the EmailAlm_I5 to whatever yours is called.
If Output EmailAlm_I5 = ON Then ON
That is it, and you should be good to go. To test it, just set your doser output to ON and wait until the set time to see if it trips.
Let me know if you have any questions.