Yeah, I remember those chat days, staying up way too late on work nights with the group. We had a lot of fun in those days. I echo a lot of the sentiments in this thread. I absolutely cannot stand the (I'll call them) cutsie names for corals. I much preferred those days where we broke out our Veron books and tried to ID the Acros by their scientific names.Yea I live near Phil but I have not seen him in a long time. He moved and I did about the same time. I have not been to his place or he has not been here yet but he is not to far. I contacted him a few weeks ago. I see Carlos more and he asked me to stop by Tim's and pick some stuff up from him. I go to Ohio allot since Sandy is from there and two of her kids still live there.
I have not seen or heard from D and actually the last time I saw him was at Phil's. He came down with his wife. I see post on FB from him he is big into BBQing now.
The old days, hobby was so much more fun.
I miss Chat on IRC.
It is.
On a side note, I've been looking for an A. Sarmentosa for a long time. I found a frag a couple years ago on ebay and bought it. Then, had some tank issues and lost it. I'm not sure I'll ever find one again unless I can figure out the cutsie name for it today