Thinking about Clams - Lighting & General ???


Premium Member
I haven't kept clams of any type before. Just wanted to check here to see if my lighting would cut it. My tank is 24" deep and I have 800 watts VHO on it. Will this work? If not, would it be feasable to get a MH pendent and keep the clams under it on one side of the tank? Also, which clams would be the least light hungry?

Looking forward to the info.

Well i have seen somewhere Derasa's and Squamosa's keep in a 75 gallon under 440watts v.h.o. oh no wait i know it was in my tank till last night when i reinstalled my Halides(not due to clam trouble) also seriously i have seen it done like that before with pretty good results. I woulnt go any lower on the wattage with a tank that deep though.heres my Derasa under v.h.o. lighting

I just mentioned in another thread a bit ago that if you are concerned about the light supply you do not have to keep the clam(s) on the bottom either. Also what size is the tank gallon wise i mean you did not say?
Up here is Austin dersas, squamosa and hippopus clams do very well under VHOs. A MH pendent would be better and allow you to keep maximas and croceas. Maximas IMO if located closer to the VHOs will do fine. But also feed them with DTs.
Kewl, thanks guys. That's what I thought, I just wanted to be sure. I'll start with the Deresa and Squamosa clams. It's a 135g tank.