Thinking About Going Big! Ok... I'm going BIGG!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15429394#post15429394 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lightsluvr
Can you point me (link) to some of those long tools?

The only tools I can find are cheap plastic and worthless for picking up anything small (too crude), or heavy (too flimsy).

I have been thru many 'aquarium' tools that could not handle anything heavy, and usually didn't last 6 months (broken plastic, or rusted out metal). About a year ago I purchased an aluminum 'grabber' approx. 4' long, from Home Depot, don't remember $, but I think less than $30. Already got my money's worth, and when necessary will buy another!
Seriously Delayed Response Tank Ordered

Seriously Delayed Response Tank Ordered

So my Ph.D is coming to an end and my dissertation misery is over. The tank has been ordered the dimensions are 96"x30"x36" with dual corner overflows that are 8"x6" delivery date is around August 8. I went with acrylic this time and the stand is complete with the 1st coat of paint. I was originally going with a bare bottom but my kids seemed to love black sand so we're going with that.

My 750 was 48" tall would never do that again as i had to get into tank to clean(with a full coverage wet suit) Now i have a 30" tall build going this would be my max height even at 6' tall and on a step stool still a little tuff to reach bottom.

Good Luck!
Okay so my computer decided to lose its mind and I lost many of the pictures documenting the cabinetry build. Here is the example I drafted using SmartDraw. Wasn't sure about the program, but after seeing it in action guess I'll have to buy it now.


Spoke with the tank manufacturer yesterday, I'm probably nagging them on when it will be completed it feels like its been months. This one is also going to be acrylic, I guess I'll have to be scratch patrol. My tank ships out by freight with free shipping next Friday and as soon as it arrives the fun begins. :dance::bounce3:

I am going with LED's to light the system.
Just to make sure I understand, the way you've written the display tank dimensions is 96" Long x 30" Wide x 36" Tall. Is that correct? Usually you'd want to make the width of the tank at least the same as the height to increase gas exchange at the surface.

Also with such a tall tank, I hope you have access from both sides. Reaching the bottom can be quite a chore from one side, even with tongs.

Tank finally arrived

Tank finally arrived

The tank arrived today YAY! .....Finally! :dance: It took months for them to finish it. Felt like years! Let the fun begin:celeb3::bounce1:

I am working on uploading the updated pics and I picked up the supplies. Salt and sand has arrived. I'm still debating on what skimmer I'll be using.
Okay, so I took this picture with my phone so it's a little dark the tank has been unpackaged and currently just taking up space sitting on some cushion and two crates until the actual stand is complete. The two side columns are done. The tank stand and hood are their final process. It has dual corner overflow 1" drain and 3/4" return.


I am currently out to lunch on a skimmer and plumbing with this one. I guess it'll be sitting here until after Issac makes up his mind. And to think for months I thought I knew for sure how I wanted the plubming done and what skimmer I was buying:headwalls:. Wish I could just skip to filling it with water!!!! Guess I'll come up with some plumbing options as I wait for Issac to pass. :deadhorse1: I am pretty sure I will changing a few things around to see what works and what doesn't over the next few months.
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thats just a single 1" drain in each overflow box?

that is kinda small for a big tank with 1" draining a max of ~600gph.

BTW, where in LA are you?
Just to make sure I understand, the way you've written the display tank dimensions is 96" Long x 30" Wide x 36" Tall. Is that correct?
I realize that it's hard to judge from a pic...BUT that tank does not look anywhere near 36"h...unless that stand is 6' tall
The two single 1 inch drains are something I've been thinking about. I'm open for suggestions.
IMO*. you should enlarge all 4 holes to 1 1/2" drains, (2 as 'emergency' drains), there are other options for returns
*I have a similar tank 96"x40"x27"h w/ dual 24" overflows