Thinking about trying a clam. Advice please


New member
Well I am thinking about trying a clam in my 32gal reef tank. I am using a 150 WATT MH 65K. My water is running good pH 8.2-8.4, Ca 400, alk 3.14

It is mostly corals with 1 damsel, 2 sand stars, 1 serpent star, 2 mantis shrimp, 1 large hermit(I plan to move him when I get a clam) and 1 purple linkia starfish. I know you will probaly say "Mantis are you nuts" Neither bother any of the inhabitants and they are hand tame.

I am thinking of starting with a derasa. If that goes well maybe another species but I want to make sure I can keep one alive for a long time before I buy a second.

So far I am 4 chapters into the giant clam book. I have already learned great deal about clams but I still want to ask if anyone has any good pointers or tips on keeping these beautiful creatures.

Hi Alex,

First I would like to say that I think you are doing the right thing in reading that book. Lots of great information. :)

I think you lighting is fine but IMO, might lower the pH down a little. Again JMO. Most inverts do well with the highter pH but I personally like mine in the range of 8.0 - 8.3 with 8.3 on the high side.

Sounds like a great set-up. Please do not take this wrong but mantis shrimps that are hand tame to me means they will eat a clam out of your hand. Next the hermit is a clam eater so good move to remove him. and the damsel is a toss up.
Not to sound harsh here but...

You do realize that many of your inhabitants are not appropriate for a 32g tank, right? Sand stars (if we are on the same page here) quickly decimate your sandbed of the very infauna you want to maintain for janitorial duties. One sand star would require a significant amount of sandbed area, more so then your tank provides, and you have two. IMO you're sandbed will be devoid of life in very short order, then the stars will slowly die of starvation.

Linckia spp. tend to get extremely large, larger than a 32g tank can handle. Also feeding requirements of Linkia spp. are not fully understood, but it is believed they feed upon bio-film. Unfortunately there is no way you could cram enough live rock into your 32g tank in order to provide for your linckia.

Finally, saying that your pair of mantis shrimp are tame is like saying your pet lion or tiger is tame. Perhaps as infants they are cute and cuddly, but eventually they will grow up to be the beasts nature intended them to be.

My advise would be for you to seriously reconsider your stocking techniques BEFORE buying any clams. Probably wouldn't hurt to consult a few good books (Giant Clams is a great start) so as to learn a bit about the animals you might choose in the future, before buying them.

Please don't take this as flaming or chastising. Look at it as the constructive criticism I intended it to be.

Well I must say this in regards to the sand stars, mantis, and the linkia. NOT FLAMING JUST GIVING THE STORY OF WHAT IS HAPPENING.

The sand stars have been in the tank for 2 months now and I did figure they would eat all the sand life but every day I look at the sand I see more new worm holes and can actully see worms all the time. Its weird but true.

The purple linkia can be moved to another tank when he gets larger. As for the feeding he lives on the rock and also eats squid. In the 2 months I have had him he lost one arm that looked bad when I got him I thought he would die for sure when it started wasting away but it is starting to regrow to my suprise.

The mantis is another story the large one is 5 inches long and the small one is 2 inches long. I really don't think the small one will have interest in a clam but the larger one might. It is a toss up he might eat it in a day or might never touch it. He can easily eat my large hermit or damel but has not yet. I must say he has snagged 2 other fish but I just wont know until I try it. Atleast I think that is right.

I do like the coments though they did have lots of really good points I will keep them in mind while I am considering this. Thanks for the information MiNdErAsR.

No flames please I am not trying to be the mean man on the boards.
