Iam from Cailfornia , I want to go back , But I cant get any land for a decent price , Out here I have an acre .
IAm running a modifyied Rk2 , I cost me about 4K back in the day .
I love this skimmer , It built like a brick **** house . Ive know Bob at Rk2 for many years so Iam kind loyal to his products , It has a Half horse power pump on it now

, It really sucks the juice . But it pulls close to 300 scfh . Ive been toying with the idea if a needle wheel for a while , Been reading your thread and bought so Titanium to make one with but havent got around to it .
Wthi th eheight of it ,it would require a pretty large NW pump .
The chamber is 18 inches across and 7 feet high .
If you had a pump I woulnt mind putting it on there to see what happens .
Ive don all sorts of things to it over the years , Had a wet neck for awhile , sawed it off and made the riser 6 inches instead of 4 . Now iam running a type of perforated difuser plate like A BK , Works Amazing .
I ditched the peniums an dwent with a deep sand bed , what a mistake . Thats part of why I took it apart , to go to a differnt garin sand .
The tank is 8 ft by 6 ft by 4 ft .
Theres also a 6x6x24 inch tank in the same room , Thats The hotel riight now fro every one .
Ill post some pics .