This old 1500 gallon reef

Glad you're back Bill. Tank looks great 'scaped like that.

If I remember correctly you were using a series of plenums in a rack of some sort. How did that work out for you?
I noticed something from these really huge tanks... You have room for it. I live in cali and my house is well... 5 ft from the next house, so in a way you are lucky to be in illinois, but we have the beachs :p

Haha, jk. Nice tank.
wow bill thats a very nice system yor re doing there. would you mind commenting on what you are changing and what you will be leaving alone?
the other question i have is that skimmer is a comercial model. what size pump is that run off of and how many watts is it to run it? i have been doing some needle wheel testing with a 1700g reef. your system would be a wonderful test of this new design. it might be alot more effecient to run. i would be willing to build the needle wheel for free and send you one if you wanted to try it out. or for that skimmer you might need 2. either way i would be willing to build them for free if you wanted to try them.
keep up the good work its an awesome system. you dont see vey many tall tanks like that.
Iam from Cailfornia , I want to go back , But I cant get any land for a decent price , Out here I have an acre .
IAm running a modifyied Rk2 , I cost me about 4K back in the day .
I love this skimmer , It built like a brick **** house . Ive know Bob at Rk2 for many years so Iam kind loyal to his products , It has a Half horse power pump on it now :( , It really sucks the juice . But it pulls close to 300 scfh . Ive been toying with the idea if a needle wheel for a while , Been reading your thread and bought so Titanium to make one with but havent got around to it .
Wthi th eheight of it ,it would require a pretty large NW pump .
The chamber is 18 inches across and 7 feet high .
If you had a pump I woulnt mind putting it on there to see what happens .
Ive don all sorts of things to it over the years , Had a wet neck for awhile , sawed it off and made the riser 6 inches instead of 4 . Now iam running a type of perforated difuser plate like A BK , Works Amazing .
I ditched the peniums an dwent with a deep sand bed , what a mistake . Thats part of why I took it apart , to go to a differnt garin sand .
The tank is 8 ft by 6 ft by 4 ft .
Theres also a 6x6x24 inch tank in the same room , Thats The hotel riight now fro every one .

Ill post some pics .
the biggest benifit to my idea is using the effecient air pumps to supercharge the dart needle wheels. the darts just chop up the bubbles. let me find out the results from the florida test and then maybe we can figure out a good needle wheel set up for you. im hoping that the results we get back from florida will be under 200watts with both pumps running and put out about 180-200 scfh through 1 dart needle wheel. im not sure of the wattage that 1/2 hp pump takes but if its more than 400watts than i think i can beat that and give you some more air in that system. it would require 2 air pumps and 2 dart needle wheels to do it. but it would be alot more air that your get right now. and in super fine bubbles too.
we will see how florida goes first then we can go from there.
thanks for your time bill.
Herers teh epoxy iI use to bond the rocks , Great stuff but it cost 15 bucks atube an dI used 20 tubes . But it hold like a mother .
I tesed it at work With one of our GCMS to see what it gave off after it cured and nothing major , I will fill the tank a few time with ro water to leach any thing out .
The other pic is of my new light rack , its not done yet but the frame is tther so far .

The otheis a pic of my messy fish room .
one last question bill. how would you rate the bubble size from that current pump and set up? do you feel the dwell time is good with the bubble size you have. or do you think there is room for improvement?
i love the size of the fish room. its bigger than your avrage 2 car garage. that has to be nice for working on the system.
I looked ta the pump and it rated at 8.6 amp at 120 volts , Thats a lot of watts . The bubble size and density is great . Just wish it was cheaper to run .
I wish I had made the room a bit bigger . It is 18 by 32 right now .

Hers some more pics of the closed loop , I finished it tonight ,
one of the 1000 watt light I will be using and a wet neck I made for my skimmer . It for a 4 inch tube , If anyone has a use for this thing let me know I would like to get rid of it
Does any one know wher I could get a large amout of frags , I need to repopulat this thing . I gave most of my corals away when I took it apart .If any one has any let me know I have a few things to trade or I will buy them out right ,If you really twisted my arm I could arrange a ride in my Ferrai :rollface: :rollface: :rollface: What a horriabe bribe .
1032 watts is a ton of power. that number wouldnt be hard to beat. thanks for your time bill.
i will keep in touch after i get more concrete results in.
Thaks for th eoffer spazz , That was the economy pump , I had two 1 Hp running also , Part of why Iam remodeling
Saw you were interesdted in cnc routers , Hers on I built a year ago .

I used it to make that wet neck in the pic .
I've seen this pic before:


Truly awesome setup. Why did you take it down originally - just for the change? What's the dimenisions of the tank?