I have been trimming and removing some colonies to make room. Recently sold some really large colonies as well. Boy, it is really hard to break a two year old colony off at the base--both physically and emotionally. But the exciting news is, I have more real estate to grow new colonies. I have been searching and hunting for some unusual colors and brightness. I have slowly but surely found some new frags that I think are really neat.
To really know that I have chosen well, I just need to watch over the next 6 months to a year and see how they color up and grow. I have twenty plus new frags planted, some placed months ago and some planted today.
As any crazy sps guy, I have the names down pretty well of each of my new frags but I'm not going to identify them for now. I am pretty sure most will be recognized by all the sps aficionados out there. Of course a few are unnamed so no one will guess those and some will take time to grow before they are really recognizable.
You are free to take your best guesses along the way and try to id some of these.
1.) my frag is the top left one, and the one to the right is my friends. He asked if I could get any color on his. Not sure that this is going to turn out as colorful as I want
2.) I expect the green to fade significantly
3.) I have posted and id'd this before and it is pretty recognizable. It seems to grow like a week
4.) I think this is my favorite. Should also get much lighter in color
5.) this is supposed to turn into an amazing beauty. There is so little contrast then when I was focusing, I could not even make out the polyps but somehow they are there, even if a little blurry.