Tide Pools in Washington


New member

Made it washington. So far this place beats the desert by far (sorry). Made it to the ocean today. Thought id share some pics.




Hey Ryan,
Washington. WOW! How are you liking it so far? Where in Washington are you staying--Seattle, Bothel, Tacoma?

My wife and I are planning a trip there around spring time to visit the campus of UW-Seattle or Bothel. Let me know how you like it. People either love it or hate it who we have spoken too.

My heart is telling me that UW is the best fit for me for school. My wife fell in love with Boulder, CO. Well so did I. Its going to be tough to pick a school and a new place to call home. Thanks.

PS: You can also PM me and I can give you my info so we can communicate more in depth.
Nice pics, Ryan. I guess you don't need a tank when you can get to the ocean and see the tide pools :) Don't be a stranger!