Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

I noticed some of designs use an eggcrate base. What are the pros/cons of it?

This looks good, but I'd remove the smaller rocks on the sandbed and remove the two rocks below the overhang. The overhang is great, but the rocks below it distract from it. I like to take small chunks of rock and epoxy them into the cracks between to big rocks. This makes the two big rocks look like one. This could make your rocks look more natural.

The other suggestion I have is to build the base of that shelf rock a bit more. It looks a bit unnatural.

Super glue gel and plumbers epoxy is your friend. Once you one it, lock it down. You can always tweak it by epoxying smaller rocks to your main structure.

Thanks. Are you referring to the base of this shelf Rock?

I used a lot of epoxy [emoji3] or was it this shelf that you think I should build the base more? I was worried about not having enough low light coral spots that's why I added a few pieces on the sand but I also want to get some nice shadows from the overhangs so I probably should remove the rocks underneath it. Thanks for the feedback.


Btw great post. I used a lot of info from it and appreciate the time you took to share it. I also tried to do some forced perspective for depth. I also used this article series.
I think I have them both memorized by now. Lol
Matt, that's awesome. Should look great with all the display areas filled in with corals, but I'm loving your sump/equipment setup even more.

Thanks man. Here is one quick pic of the sump area. I don't want to take this thread way of track but you can view my build on reef central under Florida Aquamarine Society (FMAS). I spent a lot of time on the details for this build.
This looks good, but I'd remove the smaller rocks on the sandbed and remove the two rocks below the overhang. The overhang is great, but the rocks below it distract from it. I like to take small chunks of rock and epoxy them into the cracks between to big rocks. This makes the two big rocks look like one. This could make your rocks look more natural.

The other suggestion I have is to build the base of that shelf rock a bit more. It looks a bit unnatural.

Super glue gel and plumbers epoxy is your friend. Once you one it, lock it down. You can always tweak it by epoxying smaller rocks to your main structure.


Also, it looks like in your pictures the rocks are almost the same height? If so try to make one side a little higher than the other....

Looks great tho!!!!

Also, it looks like in your pictures the rocks are almost the same height? If so try to make one side a little higher than the other....

Looks great tho!!!!

Yea the pics don't really show the height well. I made a conscious effort to make them different. The two main structures look similar in the pics but with the slope of the top of the left piece they are different heights in the tank.
Im really not happy with my scape, any thoughts on what i can do with it?



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New aquascape

New aquascape


Many thanks for this post and all the helpful tips. It is very enlighting. This is my first reef aquarium. I am doing now the aquascape. Can you give me your advices or suggestions in order to enhance it, or make it more harmonious?


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Can I get some opinions on my aquascape for a soon to be sps dominated tank?

I think this looks great as is, once you add sticks it's going to take on a whole new shape anyway.
One nice colony on top of left will give nice varying height, especially if you do something low on right, maybe something plating or a tabletop
Here's what I've got going right now.
I like height and since I like where we have quakes I always make these type of acrylic rod stands for pillars.

I always form rock around on a template of tank and overflow.

This is what I'm looking right now, tank is still new and cloudy.
I'm undecided on if I change anything around, feel free to comment.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 9D052DF3-27FB-4B4E-ABC6-0C54583D2CE4_zpso3mnuozy.jpg"/></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo ECB7B36D-CB22-4068-AFA3-E92451754EA6_zpsrkndqe2v.jpg"/></a>
This is really a great thread I have only made it through page 30 so far. I noticed a 54 corner tank in the tread. I am just starting a 92 gallon corner bow front. Completely new to saltwater. Anyone have any advice for this shape aquarium?
Can I get some opinions on my aquascape for a soon to be sps dominated tank?

Nice structures. Vertically, you have nice non-symmetrical rocks. You want to create the same horizontally, so if you think visually of dividing the tank into eight parts you would want one of the structures at the 3rd divide and the second at the 5th divide. As the OP points out at the beginning of this thread a 5::3 ratio tends to be the most pleasing aesthetically.
Here's what I've got going right now.
I like height and since I like where we have quakes I always make these type of acrylic rod stands for pillars.

I always form rock around on a template of tank and overflow.

This is what I'm looking right now, tank is still new and cloudy.
I'm undecided on if I change anything around, feel free to comment.

I would suggest considering a 5::3 ratio both vertically and horizontally...just a thought. Beautiful aquarium by the way!
I would suggest considering a 5::3 ratio both vertically and horizontally...just a thought. Beautiful aquarium by the way!

Thanks, in my FW tanks where hardscape stays relatively the same I would follow that rule more, but in reefs our structures are basically framework for corals, so I look at it like a two step process, basically eyeballing what coral will be placed on rockwork and how that lands, or grows out.
Also I have to keep in mind that I will be adding a magnifica anemone, a rock dwellar that will want to be fairly high up reaching for light, so I have stepped it to accomidate that.