Getting really frustrated with the big 3 parameters within my tank right now. I've been dosing for Magnesium manually every few days since 01/02/16, following the calculator using 49g of Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2.6H20) and 7g Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4.7H20) to raise the level by approximately 50ppm - and all it's done is shown in the table below :
Untitled by
DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr
Same can be said for Calcium, really struggling to get it past 380ppm, though I noticed yesterday that the solution seems to have separated - could be to do with the cold temps in the room it's situated in?
KH has also taken a turn for the worse, so right now all 3 parameters are not looking great.
A couple of points. I use pharmaceutical grade salts for all three solutions, all mixed to the concentration recommended by Fauna Marin for their Balling method. Also added to the containers of Calcium and KH solutions (the only ones dosed several times a day via a doser) are the Fauna Marin trace elements additives, again at FMs recommended concentration.
Secondly, I use Salifert test kits for all elements, all are in date and i'm reading them correctly (as per Saliferts instructions), though with any visual test it's subject to individual discretion and I understand this. I also have the red sea pro reef test kit but it reads magnesium very high in contrast (@ circa 1300) which seems a common trait in their magnesium titration test.
Getting very frustrated as to why this is happening, as Magnesium is one that people seemingly don't ever need to dose and I can't get it to increase.....
The corals aren't sulking but neither are they at what i'd call their maximum potential for colour and / or growth.....