True Blue Monti Cap?


New member
Does anyone have a Blue Montipora Cap? Any pics? I saw one at the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific recently and fell in love with it.

My next question is trade/sell a frag?
I dont have any True blue cap yet but I will soon. I have lots of caps and plan to get more. You can see a few of them in my Gallery:D!
Blue Based. I saw a blue based with blue polyps. It wasn't a navy or dark blue, but i guess more of a royal blue.
Blue/purple with bright blue polyps

No I don't think. It's just a cap that has been traded around the club for a few years. I wanna say it started with VCoo71.
It is very nice though.
That's a beaut kpk. Very vibrant purple and blue.

I wish I took a snapshot of the one I saw. I may have to take another trip back to the aquarium.
I've seen the same cap under different tank has different color under different lighting. I've seen it the most blue under Iwasaki, less blue and more purple under radium and purple under 10K to brown in low light conditions.