Tunze 9015 DOC skimmer and Ozone


New member

I have just connected up my ozoniser to the 9015 skimmer. From reading posts on here I am sure I have connected it up right to the little nipple on the skimmer body near the air screw.

My question is after turning the ozone on I am getting a strong fishy/salty smell from the skimmer, is this normal? I am running the ozone with a small 50lph air pump. I don't know if its just the ozone escaping and thats what I am smelling but its different to what the ozone straight from the ozoniser smells like.

Thanks in advance,

Ozone is a powerful oxidizer, for all practical purposes you are burning the waste with a chemical reaction instead of fire, but the end result is the same, waste is being oxidized and chemically changed and that can create odors, same as if you were to set it on fire.