Unusual Hole In Maxima!?!


New member
My Long tentacle was on the move two days ago. In one day it made it all the way across my 75 gallon over to where my clams are resting on the sand bed. When I got home late on monday, the long tentacle was touching the maxima. I didnt think this should cause any problems, because sometimes my green star polyps and mushrooms or brain coral's sweeper tentacles touch the clam with no ill effects. now today there is a half centemeter hole in the middle of the mantle. The clam isnt extending as far as usual and i think its because if he does, then the hole will stretch larger. Could the anemone have caused this? Has this happened to any of your clams? What can I do the help this clam. I have had it for several months and I would hate to loose such a beautiful, and expensive addition to my reef.
How long have you had the clam?

Usually this middle hole is a sign of stress, and if the clam is healthy it should heal up fairly quickly.

Best of luck, Rob
I have had it for about 3 months. I rescued it from 55 watt pcs and it is now in my tank with dual 250 watt metal halides. It was bleached in the center when i got it, but its looking better lately.