Using Tunze streams Without Plugging In




I am sure the title of this post might get some folks attention. I have an outdoor coral propagation system. I started working on a flow system last weekend using Solar power.

My intention was to use a solar panel to power a DC motor to a Hobby Toy Boat Propeller. Since there are no fish in the prop tanks there is no safety issue. A DC motor should be able to handle the varying voltage and wattage of the solar panel to provide constant variable flow.

This week I picked up 4 of the Solar Panels that ship with the new Volkswagons. They produce 18.8v at 3.2w. While talking with someone else he mentioned by wiring the panels together I could get up to 18w.

Then we were talking about DC motor options and we thought about the Tunze streams. They appear to be DC based pumps.

Are they DC based ?

Because the Streams are variable speed will they work off of the varying voltage of the solar panel ?

Do you have any streams, that are pump only that could be used for this experiment?

Thanks Dave B


The delivered transformers put out AC voltage. I do believe though that driver is capable of using AC or DC voltage but their are three terminals to connect and none are grounds their are two hot phases and a neutral. This is further complicated by the fact that the shell of the driver essentially acts as a ground plane to discharge the board of the driver. These pumps use very little power. My practical advice is to use them as delivered and connect the solar cells to a battery connected to an inverter. Buying the pumps less the transformer will add up to more than the cost of the units and you will have a dozen+ part numbers as this will be a spare parts DIY type delivery.