Saltwater Addict
Unfortunately no. ETM ended up replacing both of mine back in January I think and the problem still existed. I continued to get the temp warnings so I lowered the power and continued to get warning as low as at 85% power. I had been following up with ETM because was told that their engineers were working on this and that they would get back to me. I have since changed the setting to reef crest and increased the speed on my 4 mp40qd's. I am very disappointed with how I cant run them in a constant mode at 100%. I set the tank up with closed loops because my wife didn't want to see any equipment in the tank....she said I could build as big of a tank as I wanted as long as there was no equipment in the tank. I achieved that with the closed loop and had amazing flow with the previous pumps I was using but I wanted to try something new to be able to control the flow and create periods when the flow is lower than others. I guess sometimes you really need to follow the "if its not broke don't fix it" rule.
At this point, I would not recommend this pump to anyone using it in an external application.
My L1 is being used at 90% during the day and 100% at night for my closed loop and though the pump is pretty warm to the touch I haven't got any motor heat warnings yet.