Vectra L1 performance and test


New member
So I been suspecting that my brand new vectra L1(3100gph) is not pushing enough flow. But been lazy to hook it up to a flow meter.
Today I did so, hooked up an apex flow meter and OMG vectra performance was bad.
My vectra that is suppose to be 3100gps was pushing only 380gph at 100% power.
My plumbing setup is simple: 1" pipe to tank bulkhead to ad lock hose.
I did swap test and hooked up my old syncra (900gph) to my existing setup and my flow jumped to 550gph...
My God, I paid around 500$ for vectra and it's doing worst job than 150$ pump...
Super disappointed.
I opened a ticket with ecotech to see what can be done. Will keep you all posted.

Anyone have such experince with vectra L1?

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Some pics of the setup and flow reading

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Vectra L1 performance and test

And I thought those DC pumps had finally arrived. Somehow I thought the L1 was very powerful and I've even considered it I've used Reeflo pumps from day one for
My large system. I guess I'll be waiting much longer as I need at least 2500 gph. Interested in finding out what happens.

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And I thought those DC pumps had finally arrived. Somehow I thought the L1 was very powerful and I've even considered it I've used Reeflo pumps from day one for
My large system. I guess I'll be waiting much longer as I need at least 2500 gph. Interested in finding out what happens.

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Your best bet is the abyzz. These puppies are no joke..srsly, no joke..

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I've looked at them but for the prize of one Abyzz I can buy several Reeflo as spare. If money was not a problem that would be my favorite. Wish they make the Abyzz pump and a simpler controller for half the price, then we all would be all over it. I thought the L1 was such a pump.

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I've looked at them but for the prize of one Abyzz I can buy several Reeflo as spare. If money was not a problem that would be my favorite. Wish they make the Abyzz pump and a simpler controller for half the price, then we all would be all over it. I thought the L1 was such a pump.

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Completely feel you:))
Unfortunately the L1 is no way near close.
I just changed temporarily to syncra 5.0. Pushing 1100gph steady. Then will see if I should get a RD or abyzz..both ar expensive but at least RD is like half the cost of abyzz :))

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Who makes the RD

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Royal execlusive. German I believe, They are THE standard in skimmers and return pumps. Absolutely incredible.
Their red dragon 3.0 series is amazing for both skimmers and return.
What you see on their spec sheet is exactly what you will get. So simply look at their chart of a given pump, overlay your height preasure(how high is your bulk head return from the pump) you get exactly the flow rate you will have when you set up the pump. Do not over size they are spot on.

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Some pics of the setup and flow reading

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you are going to have a lot more problems then flow if you use metal hose clamps in the tank. old pump was showing signs of rust already.

I think you should tell a little more about the tank size and the turn over rate to really make a best recommendation. you may need a pump with a better head flow. reducing 1.25 right of the bat is not in your favor as well.

good luck in the meantime.
you are going to have a lot more problems then flow if you use metal hose clamps in the tank. old pump was showing signs of rust already.

I think you should tell a little more about the tank size and the turn over rate to really make a best recommendation. you may need a pump with a better head flow. reducing 1.25 right of the bat is not in your favor as well.

good luck in the meantime.
:) thanks for the input.
I do not use metal clamps in the water I use plastic. Agreed it can be a nightmare having rusty clamp in tank.
Though I appreciate your recommendation, I was not seeking pump sizing recommendation rather sharing my experience for the community.
That being saod here is this system details(I have 2 other systems btw)
Tank 160G
Sump trigger 39
The flow am shooting for is 5 to 8 times, so flow between 850gph to 1300gph.
System is SPS dominant running full zeovit system.


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Oh one more thing,
I removed the vectra, now am using syncra 5.0 temporarily. Ordered abyzz A400, bit over kill but planing on having it feed a manifold as well.

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I got the feedback from eco tech customer service...
"*I have reviewed them with the rest of our service team and we have determined that the amount of flow you are getting is due to the amount of plumbing in your sump. The flow meters are going to significantly restrict the Vectras flow rate."

So basically ecotech do not want me to measure flow:)) and want me to simplify my 1"pipe 5 feet head pressure straight to tank return plumbing lol...I guess they want me to lay the tank on the ground for vectra to work.
What a poor pump this is..

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Did you calibrate the pump when you first installed it? I have had my L1 replaced 4 times now bc it fails after about 9 months but I am getting way more flow through mine then what you are getting.
Yup checked all that at this point conclusion is simple.
Based on ecotech feedback:

5 feet head pressure, 1" pipe, expect flow around 380gph.

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Hi Guys-

I discovered this thread and realized that ohashimz deserved further attention on his problem. I checked in on the pump's behind the scenes operating conditions during the time that it was in use and identified that something must have gone awry during the calibration process. I apologize for our service tech's earlier response. It was not an accurate conclusion of what's going on here.

The calibration process establishes a variety of parameters for operating the pump but the one that's the issue here is the maximum power draw of your pump. For some reason the pump is set to only draw 30watts of power at max. It could have been a hiccup on the calibration process. Please clear out the calibration which will allow the pump to draw its full power potential and this will resolve your problem, UNLESS something is wrong with the pump; If that is the case then we will be happy to resolve the issue by replacing it.

In short, the flow rate that you were measuring was with the pump running at 30w. It has a 130w cap so you will see MUCH more flow when it is all setup and running correctly.
Hi Guys-

I discovered this thread and realized that ohashimz deserved further attention on his problem. I checked in on the pump's behind the scenes operating conditions during the time that it was in use and identified that something must have gone awry during the calibration process. I apologize for our service tech's earlier response. It was not an accurate conclusion of what's going on here.

The calibration process establishes a variety of parameters for operating the pump but the one that's the issue here is the maximum power draw of your pump. For some reason the pump is set to only draw 30watts of power at max. It could have been a hiccup on the calibration process. Please clear out the calibration which will allow the pump to draw its full power potential and this will resolve your problem, UNLESS something is wrong with the pump; If that is the case then we will be happy to resolve the issue by replacing it.

In short, the flow rate that you were measuring was with the pump running at 30w. It has a 130w cap so you will see MUCH more flow when it is all setup and running correctly.
Tryley appreciate you jumping on this to help me.i used to such great customer support from ecotech I was baffled by the reply I got from your CS on this...
I have done recalibration in the past.
I will do recalibration again and let u know.
Now the pump is out of my setup cause it was hurting my system, but will try to re test and let u know.

Btw, reading further got me worried about the melting issue that's one of the reason I took it out. I have the early rev of the vectra that seemed to be melting based in many reviews. Any chance I can apply the design fix you guys did for later revs?

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Tryley appreciate you jumping on this to help me.i used to such great customer support from ecotech I was baffled by the reply I got from your CS on this...
I have done recalibration in the past.
I will do recalibration again and let u know.
Now the pump is out of my setup cause it was hurting my system, but will try to re test and let u know.

Btw, reading further got me worried about the melting issue that's one of the reason I took it out. I have the early rev of the vectra that seemed to be melting based in many reviews. Any chance I can apply the design fix you guys did for later revs?

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When you originally calibrated your pump, you set the max flow rate at 30watts. If you re-calibrate you will likely do the same thing. Your post states that you are unhappy with this flow rate, so re-calibrating will result in the same end. I am recommending you remove calibration all together so that you can enjoy 0-130watts of the pump's potential.

All early L1's have an unofficial very extended warranty should they ever fail. Don't lose any sleep over it, if your early L1 does have an issue you will be taken care of promptly and to your satisfaction.
When you originally calibrated your pump, you set the max flow rate at 30watts. If you re-calibrate you will likely do the same thing. Your post states that you are unhappy with this flow rate, so re-calibrating will result in the same end. I am recommending you remove calibration all together so that you can enjoy 0-130watts of the pump's potential.

All early L1's have an unofficial very extended warranty should they ever fail. Don't lose any sleep over it, if your early L1 does have an issue you will be taken care of promptly and to your satisfaction.
Will reset to remove calibration.
You answer on the melting issue is not really satisfactory if I may.
What is the extended warranty? When would it end?
If there is a know issue in the device, saying we have a warranty is not exactly assuring..what if the issue occurred a day after the warranty? Again there is a know issue that ecotech admitted..should not the right thing here is to recall and change rather than wait and see?
I cannot afford dealing with down system cause off faulty pump until you change it, unless if the recommendation here is yo buy an extra pump so o use it should the melting happen while waiting on replacment...
I mean no disrespect here, am just holding you to the customer service quality that I am used to in the past...

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Will reset to remove calibration.
You answer on the melting issue is not really satisfactory if I may.
What is the extended warranty? When would it end?
If there is a know issue in the device, saying we have a warranty is not exactly assuring..what if the issue occurred a day after the warranty? Again there is a know issue that ecotech admitted..should not the right thing here is to recall and change rather than wait and see?
I cannot afford dealing with down system cause off faulty pump until you change it, unless if the recommendation here is yo buy an extra pump so o use it should the melting happen while waiting on replacment...
I mean no disrespect here, am just holding you to the customer service quality that I am used to in the past...

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Please give us a call to discuss further, our customer service staff will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.