Thank you for providing all of the links and info. I read all of the articles with the exception of the last one, Amlyoodinium Ocelliatum by EJ Noga. That one gave me page no longer available error.
I do have a new understanding of velvet, it's lifecycle and potential immunity. For example, my ocellaris clown pair showed no signs of the disease this time or the first (they have been with me for about 10 years now, first in my 55 gallon and than the 180 gallon upgrade tank about a year later). One of the articles spoke about immunity for tomato clown fish but maybe some other species of clowns also have immunity. Mine are tank bred.
Second thing I learned from the articles: After copper treatment trophonts detach and become tomonts and stayed adhered to biofilm at bottom of tank or substrate.
This got me to think about one thing I did differently in my tank maintenance the past few weeks. My rock is not positioned directly against the back tank wall but has several inches clearance. I set it up this way deliberately so the fish would have more swimming room and can make complete circles around the rock and tank if desired.
I vacuum my sand bed weekly during water changes in front, sides and back corners, but can't reach the middle back easily. The last few weeks I have disturbed the middle back sand bed a bit (not completely) to try and get at some nuisance algea I wanted to get rid of. Note my sand bed is not deep - maybe an inch around, less in areas. And I have disturbed the back before - just not recently.
Question: Could a tomont survive that long in the sand bed and initial copper treatment and infect my fish now?