Vermetid Worm Outbreak (Tube Worms) - How do I get rid of them? Why do they only see

My Halloween Hermit was picking and breaking the few i have in my tank, not sure if he even helps or not but he was pickin at them lol.
I had to tear down my tank, sterilize everything, dip small frags in bayer and transfer the frags to another tank in order to rid myself of a plague. It was a lot of work but it worked for me.
I had to tear down my tank, sterilize everything, dip small frags in bayer and transfer the frags to another tank in order to rid myself of a plague. It was a lot of work but it worked for me.
Thanks Mr Brooks
I is what we all a trying to avoid..
My tank is well establish an I'm not going to ruin it because I this snails
I had these vermetid in plague proportion. I tried the yellow Coris wrasse and the numbers went down some. I was told to try a long spined urchin. It mowed through the vermetid . I used to have hundreds of them now just a few. I also don't have coraline any more
I dont know if it will help in your situation. But for me the combination helped a lot. I do miss having coraline. I dont think the urchin eats them rather just knocks there enclosure down. I sill have them juts alot less.
If you can see them and they are fairly large just use bone cutters and cut them off I have a small pair of nail clippers ( scissor type) that work awesome for them .. Takes a short snap and they come off in whole, others out of reach or tiny use super glue or epoxy imo.. I've been able to control them this way for years, not eradicate but at least I don't have to deal with the snot all over my tank =)

I think the explosion could just be due to your tank maturing and natural reproduction or an increase in nutrients allowing them to flourish..
To tell the truth I don't know if there Is
A liquid form, usually th interceptor
Is a pill crushed and dosed to the tank
I've had some issues with vermetid snails lately. It seems I have two varieties, one large variety with a purple shell that seems to only grow on coral, the other is smaller, white and grows on the rock and glass indiscriminately.

The purple variety seems to have come come in on a frag of frogspawn, and was apparently unaffected by Bayer dip. I have been manual removing these purple ones and they seem to be more controlled now (I worry they may irritate the coral). The white ones are so widespread manual removal is not an option and I'm not too concerned about them.

My main problem is the purple ones may irritate coral and they also poop long brown beads that look ugly in the tank. Just my experience.
All the rocks are out of my tank after a bleach and Adriatic acid I went ahead and picked all the suckers out of the rocks I did use a. Side nail cutter
And actually iy works good
All together I collected 2 lbs of shell/ snails
Also all the corals went
Through inspection
And somè got sacrified
.one more week and rocks are going back in the tank