Vermetid Worm Outbreak (Tube Worms) - How do I get rid of them? Why do they only see

Truth be told, I have yet to see any biological remedy guaranteed to destroy Vermetid snails; not a fish, not a crab, not anything. If there are only a few vermetids and the tank is small, I have read instances where the hobbyist has gotten rid of them through a combination of manual removal and nutrient control. But once they reach 'plague' proportions, you'll have to let them crash. And they will. Unfortunately, this will take time, hastened only perhaps by the implementation of the same manual removal/nutrient control previously mentioned. Sorry I don't have better news.

Never heard of that.

So they will just all of a sudden all die off and crash at once?
Don't know but I've had it happen once and can bear witness of it happening twice more in a friends tank. Pure conjecture here but it's as though they literally overpopulate themselves to the point that they can no longer sustain and starve themselves out. This took a couple years when it happened to me but I have a very large system. They also wreaked a great deal of havoc to my corals beforehand so I'm not so sure it's worth the wait.
Going by that biological logic..they would have reach carrying capacity. Which means you should encourage their growth. And cease all manual removal? Not saying its wrong but just a scary prospect.
I have bad news my live black worm feeding idea (elimination of particulates stemming from feeding) my cbb doesn't like them. I'll try a couple more times.
I tell you after a while you just give up hope removing them and try to ignore them.

I keep debating if and when I set up a new tank, should I use this live rock with them and add new rock because the tank will be larger or should I just use all dry rock. Seem people still get them after a while somehow? Any thoughts from anyone on this topic??
I take mine off with a sharpened flat head screw driver. I get a lot of the ones that have the spiral tubes and those things are hard to break off.
Prepare to be saved . . .

I had vermetids from the very beginning and would epoxy them as much as I could, but they always were around and every time I did work in my overflow or moved rock I would get cuts from the little buggers. I hate vermetids! The cure is Interceptor Spectrum. Apparently the praziquantel is lethal to them. I treated a little over a year ago for red bugs and just happened to notice that the vermetids died along with the redbugs and the snails have been gone with absolutely zero nada zip not one returning. 6 months later treated my daughters 38 just for vermetids and there too all are gone with none returning. I would use all the same protocols as if you were treating for red bugs. If anyone does try this solution, I hope they will report back if it was effective for them. Obviously my experience is anecdotal and not scientific so please take it as such and understand treating a reef with any "medication" especially one not legal to be purchased in the US without a prescription is something we as reefers should not take lightly.
Are they really hurting anything. I think you will see the population surge and then crash and stabilize. Leave them be. And no, they won't burrow out the back. It's a snail and that's its shell. It's permanent shell.
Prepare to be saved . . .

I had vermetids from the very beginning and would epoxy them as much as I could, but they always were around and every time I did work in my overflow or moved rock I would get cuts from the little buggers. I hate vermetids! The cure is Interceptor Spectrum. Apparently the praziquantel is lethal to them. I treated a little over a year ago for red bugs and just happened to notice that the vermetids died along with the redbugs and the snails have been gone with absolutely zero nada zip not one returning. 6 months later treated my daughters 38 just for vermetids and there too all are gone with none returning. I would use all the same protocols as if you were treating for red bugs. If anyone does try this solution, I hope they will report back if it was effective for them. Obviously my experience is anecdotal and not scientific so please take it as such and understand treating a reef with any "medication" especially one not legal to be purchased in the US without a prescription is something we as reefers should not take lightly.

Makes sense but if you Dosed the whole Tank that will kill all the good organisms in your Live Rock making this a very very Bad idea.
Prepare to be saved . . .

I had vermetids from the very beginning and would epoxy them as much as I could, but they always were around and every time I did work in my overflow or moved rock I would get cuts from the little buggers. I hate vermetids! The cure is Interceptor Spectrum. Apparently the praziquantel is lethal to them. I treated a little over a year ago for red bugs and just happened to notice that the vermetids died along with the redbugs and the snails have been gone with absolutely zero nada zip not one returning. 6 months later treated my daughters 38 just for vermetids and there too all are gone with none returning. I would use all the same protocols as if you were treating for red bugs. If anyone does try this solution, I hope they will report back if it was effective for them. Obviously my experience is anecdotal and not scientific so please take it as such and understand treating a reef with any "medication" especially one not legal to be purchased in the US without a prescription is something we as reefers should not take lightly.

This is an excellent post Joe. I've had these Vermetids over the years in one tank or another. Have them in my current tank. I may treat my rocks and corals with Interceptor Spectrum when I upgrade my tank next year.

I've tried to starve them out etc...I've used double 100micron filter socks etc, got the water sparkling clean, but it didnt control their numbers.

What I have noticed is that FLOW helps control their numbers. IE FAST FLOW. I run my MP10's at around 85% on CONSTANT in my 47G. It seems like they cannot feed properly using those tiny threads in fast flow. The fast flow breaks up their threads which they catch food particles on.

They are restricted to the slow flow areas. I have a bare bottom tank so I am able to run lots of water flow.

They are not bad like other pests...but they can be annoying and unsightly.
What is interceptor spectrum??

It's a pet medication for dogs for the prevention and control of heartworm and intestinal worms. The active ingredients are milbemycin oxime and praziquantel.

SPS keepers use it to eradicate Redbugs from their systems.

In most countries (USA, UK etc) you need a vets prescription to obtain it. However, many people have been successful with getting hold of it by ordering from overseas online drug stores.

We are not allowed to post links etc.
Is it harmful to liverock, fish etc

Honestly since you joined in 2004 I'm a little surprised this is new information, but none the less . . . Interceptor originally came in a different formulation and was discovered by Dustin of ORA to kill Red Bugs. The newer formulations have other ingredients besides the original primary agent. There is a GREAT DEAL of information about Interceptor on RC so if you are having a problem with either Red Bugs or Vermetid Snails I would urge you to spend some time searching through all the threads on this very topic. In general it is "Reef Safe" except it kills shrimp, crabs, and some copepods.
They are not bad like other pests...but they can be annoying and unsightly.

I have a few in my tank, I actually kind of like them, but I think Im seeing more and nore of them & the corals next to them look like they're being affected, closing off or looking damaged in that specific area. I dont have any non reef safe organisms in my tank so I assuming it's these 'net-throwing tubeworm-like snails'. I just added a melanerus wrasse to see if it handles them... maybe not, but I wanted one anyway & I never had these to deal w before when I had a melanerus in my tank before. As a matter of fact I had no issues w any pest w a melanerus in there before. I dont want to inceptor the tank, I have too much to damage by doing so, so if the wrasse doesnt work, super glue it is. Atleast for the ones near corals.
Can you just crush/scrape them off the rock or do you have to pull tHe tube out of the tank?

I'm seeing them popup all over my sink it it would be much easier to just smash them with a screwdriver.

Can you just crush/scrape them off the rock or do you have to pull tHe tube out of the tank?

I'm seeing them popup all over my sink it it would be much easier to just smash them with a screwdriver.


Doesn't work. They still continue to pop up all over. :headwalls:
what about using just Prazipro in the tank ????
treating it as it was a parasitic infestation??

any thoughts ??
my tank is covered with them
Im very close to drop the bomb ( Interceptor)
but I dont want to kill the shrimps ,crabs and pods

thank in advance