was this a mistake?

Siren's Eye

New member
I just bought some grape caluerpa off of ebay for my main tank because I was having problems with brown diatom algea. Now I'm reading all this bad stuff about it and how it will take over and go sexual! I don't have a sump so what should I do with it:confused:
Feed it to fish or sell it to the LFS, they often will trade for it.
It can be invasive in the main tank, as far as it going sexual, keeping it pruned back and dosing/feeding fish/inverts regularly will help a great deal with any macreo algae crashes.

You are trying to balance the plant/macro biomass to the waste produced by the tank.
If you let the plants/macros get out of hand and take over, they will eat themselves out of house and home and then starve and go sexual.

I think this is often why you see folks that do really well with macro's, then they have a crash with Caluerpa or their Chaeto stalls etc after growing great for awhile till the biomass reaches a critical point.

More biomass and macros=> more nutrient uptake. Your waste input is still relatively constant though. So after the macros grow in well and get going, they grow like mad then all of sudden die back. Takes a few weeks/months for this to occur.

Tom Barr
i have had it in my tanks for years now and had no problems i just keep it weel pruned. every other week or so