Wave box.....

Fish getting sucked into the Vortech?

Funny I have had mine for almost 3 years now ... only fish to ever get caught were a couple that were already weak and about to die anyways. I am not saying yours were ... maybe I have just gotten lucky ...

My vote is on a vortech in either case ... more options for flow. :)

Yea Im going to get the MP 40....... I can get it for 375
Now wait, I love my Tunze Stream as it has direction as well as flow! Yea yea its takes up about an 1" more into the tank, any heat it gives off also goes into the tank, but you can't beat its directionality.
My mp40 kill about 5 fish and thay were all tangs. the mp40 is week compared to the wavebox . When i had my mp40 it hardly kicked up any dirt. ok water movement but when i put the wavebox the dirt this thing kick up was amazing and i got more polpy ext from it to.
My mp40 kill about 5 fish and thay were all tangs. the mp40 is week compared to the wavebox . When i had my mp40 it hardly kicked up any dirt. ok water movement but when i put the wavebox the dirt this thing kick up was amazing and i got more polpy ext from it to.

And how much does A wave box cost ????
Just wondering, I'm thinking my wavebox in a 220g tank may not be strong enough. Large colonies has a direct effect on flow restriction. Smaller tanks will be more effected by these waveboxs and stream pumps.
I just bought the nano wavebox (new, opened box) for $260..

that, coupled with my nano stream 6055s should take care of my 90 (60" not 48")
Here is one.. (not a FTS, though) (not sure what you're looking for)

HERE is my build thread on my home club site.. (plenty more pictures there (along with equipment)..

since my upgrade i've been a bit unhappy with my 2 mp10 on the 85 so i am thinking of adding the wavebox nano as well
Also if I had to do over again, I would get a tank with EXTERNAL overflows and place the wavebox alone the back wall.
Just wondering, I'm thinking my wavebox in a 220g tank may not be strong enough. Large colonies has a direct effect on flow restriction. Smaller tanks will be more effected by these waveboxs and stream pumps.

You think the Tunze's would be better on a smaller tank? How small? I ask because, I use Tunze's for my larger tanks(~200G), and Vortecs for my smaller tanks.

A LFS in Arizona had a huge reef tank with 2X wavebox's, Closed Loop, and seaswirls, and it had an insane wave. The tank measured something like 8' Long 3'Wide 3'Tall.
Harry you need 2 wavebox for your tank . Just buy the exstention box and plug it in your controller .
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