Welcome to our new club.

Welcome Gunner. I will be setting up my 125 within a week or so and I will need to buy some things, let me know if you want to go in together. Also, I have a friend who can get killer deals on livestock.
Hello everyone, I will by diving into this hobby when i get back from deployment. Right now i am having trouble finding an Acyrlic sheet supplier in the local area and was wondering if you ladies and gentlemen had any insight into the matter. Looking for about (6) 48"X96" sheets of 3/4" ACRYLITE® GP. or Polycast.
Hello everyone I moved up from Florida to Concord, NC 3 months ago. I have been in the hobby for 4 years now. I had to sell my 150 gallon on the move.I had a 70 gallon tank in the garage collecting dust so I decided to trade it for a 34g Nano setup. I am looking for a light for my tank that will letme keep anything I want to. LMK know what you have because I want to get this setup.

Thanks allot,

I'm not sure about Beaufort, but there is one called Tideline in Charleston which is about 1.5 hour drive from there. There is also another one in North Myrtle Beach that is about 3.5 hours away.

Hey guys. Anyone in the Wilmington area ever use the saltwater from the Oyster Recycling Facility on the island? If so did you have any positve/negative results?
Thanks willt209 I'll definitely have to check out Tideline someone else told me about it. I went to Myrtle Beach last weekend and found this place called Sea Critter Depot and I thought it was pretty nice the owner was super friendly, they had nice fish and coral selection, and good prices.
Hello everyone, I will by diving into this hobby when i get back from deployment. Right now i am having trouble finding an Acyrlic sheet supplier in the local area and was wondering if you ladies and gentlemen had any insight into the matter. Looking for about (6) 48"X96" sheets of 3/4" ACRYLITE® GP. or Polycast.

I have had NO luck finding any suppliers around here. I am in jacksonville. Let me know if you found someone somewhere near by...
Hello all,
Coming down to Ocean Isle next week for vacation. Been in the hobby for 2 years now and was just wondering about any possible collecting locations for snails and such. Any regulations I should know about? What could be found of interest on the area?
I am spending the week at Sunset Beach. Are there any local shops worth checking out while I am in town?
Wish I could be of more help JimmyK but I've found that checking the local phone book and giving the paces a call to see what they got has been the best way to find fish stores on vacation. mgraf I hope some one replies to your post with a positive response if you get one on an other thread you post the response here to I would be interested in the same thing.
Hey Mgraf,
I have been just down tne coast and we rented a kayak. We hit the canals at low tide and have found all kinds of snails, hermits etc.... Check the closeest rental shop and chat a little.....they will hit you up with a fewspots for low tide collecting areas.....
Dark Lotus appreciate the response... Hit the phone books but was hoping for the local spots... I have not found much close. I am spoiled though. We have some great reef shops in Portland.
Anyone in the Wilmington area have any Chaeto they can part with. I am currently in need of some. Let me know if you do and how much you would want for it. Thank you.
Im in myrtle beach. Wheres everyone else at? We have never been able to get or keep a club going from what I was told. So here I am.