Welcome to our new club.

Yeah it's still going. I know how to get it started again.

I am the only real reefer in the Wilm area. That should have people responding again. I know Sean T has a great tank, so he says, but I haven't met many other reefers in this area.
"Only ree..."
Oh Dear Jesus help me oh lord. :D

Most of the talking is in the yahoo groups.

I'd love to get people more involved here but we are scattered throughout NC and not concentrated like some of the large cities in the country.
Sean T, or anybody else, how do you feel about bulkheads? Are they prone to leak? I am thinking installing a Closed Loop on my 125 setup and this would make a total of 10 holes in the back of my tank. (4x1.5", and 6x1") do you think the bulkheads would leak if I siliconed them into place? Would the holes make the glass weaker or cause it to crack? Thanks for any help man.
Too many holes would weaken the tank.
I love bulkheads.
In my display and sump, I have a total of 24. :D
Well I made it in on Monday, still learning my way around. Havent seen the rhino club yet but did hear an advertisment on 97.3 I will have to check it out soon. What store should I stop at to get my sand, and were is it. Ive seen petco and petsmart. thanks.


You should order on-line. PM if you want.
I almost forgot, Welcome.
WOW, You get Coast 97.3 in VA???
Must have one hell of an ANTENNA :lmao:
I know I need to update my info, but where did you get VA. Look closer I moved 1400miles to wilmington not acoss one state. I lived in Ankeny, a suburb of Des Moines. Anyway, I only have a 29g bio-cube now with a 250w mh and realy dont want to order one bag off the net so is there anywhere I can get just one bag. thanks for the help. tangtangclown I see your interested in fishing. Some family and I want to go deep sea fishing when they come to visit, but price wise the best rate they could find was like 600 for a half day. Do you have any advise in this area.
I have had a busy day and I saw VA, opps.

You can look up the winner queen or the vonda kay. My cousin also does charters on the side. He has a 32 Seacraft. We scuba and bottom fish also. Flounder bite is really good inshore now also. I will check and see if I can get you some sand.
awsome, not sure when family is coming but guessing in the summer so I might ask you again about the fishing later. Its funny you mention the flounder. The short amount of time I have been here, I have heard many people talking about them, when Im just shopping around. thanks
Im glad people started posting here. I am in the Wilmington area.

I would definitely be up for possibly meeting up for lunch with a few locals. Anyone know any good fish stores within reasonable driving distance?
Hey guys, my name is scott and I live here in Wilmington, N.C. I'm running a 75 gallon long tank and am always looking to trade or buy new stuff. At the moment looking for a pair of foxfaces or a single medium sized one. Or if any of yall could recommend a better fish for controllig hair algae please let me know. If anyone has anything interesting for sale let me know!
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