Welcome to our new club.

Just saying hello, hi, hola, to all the Carolinians. ^Will2002, I know people in Lexington. Used to live in Irmo when I went to school.

Now I'm in Greenville, NC getting ready to aquire a 55g setup.
Well I will be moving to Wilmington Soon! I'm a former LFS and now working a wonderful reef tank. I will be attending the Frag Swap in August if anyone else will be to, I would love to meet some of you. I hope to see the hobby grow in that Area to. I might even open a Small wharehouse for the people in that area to buy stuff at below-retail Price items. I have friends in the Wholesale bussiness that would really HOOK us up. Hope to hear from you soon.

Hey, I have been a member of the yahoo group for awhile but just found this club forum. My tank is still somewhat young, but I would still love to go to a frag swap in Wilmington sometime. Its not always easy finding stuff at Tropical Paradise or Pets+ that is interesting or nano-sized for that matter.
Hi everyone I would love to join I am in Wilmington. I am just now getting into salt water tanks and I love it so far and just found this group today. It is great to find a place with some local people on it. I entered all my info in the yahoo group waiting to be approved or whatever.