Well that was shocking !!


New member
Mixed up some saltwater last night, dropped in the pump and heater, plugged them in and was just about to cover up the container when I noticed something floating on the water. So I went to pull out the piece of fuzz when zzz.zz.zzz.zap.............whoa what was that...........just got shocked. So obviously its the heater or pump, now I just had to figure out which one, unplugged both, looked at them and figured it had to be the old crappy heater. So I put the pump in the water, plugged it in and slowy put my finger in the water and..........zzzz.zzzz.zzzzz..zap...........Yep its the pump. Always worried about that with submersible pumps but first time it ever happened.
heh heh

heh heh


I wish I had a dollar for every time I've been zapped.
9 times out of 10 it's a faulty submersible type or heater.

Standing barefoot in water on concrete can maximize the experience :lol:

I wish I had a dollar for every time I've been zapped.
9 times out of 10 it's a faulty submersible type or heater.

Standing barefoot in water on concrete can maximize the experience :lol:

LOL....I always wear shoes now when doing water changes to help minimize this type of experience. haha :wildone:
I've been there! As others have said, it's usually a heater that gets me, but I've noticed stray voltage from old MJ's and had to replace a skimmer pump that was putting out some heavy voltage.
Try the output of a neon sign transformer sometime... interesting to say the least.
I once saw a feint glow coming from a circulation pump. There must have been a break in the insulation and I could see a small arc. I imagine it woulda sucked if I had reached in without unplugging first.