Well water from ACO

ive seen yellow tangs at petbox for pretty cheap.. i asked the fish lady about a purple tang and she said very expensive.. lol
I've seen yellow going for about 5500 to 6000 yen out in town; got mine from him under 2000. Seen the blue tangs out in town for about the same and he is selling his right now for about 3000ish. I just looked up the black tank and I had to go get a cup of coffee!!!! YIKES!!! But now I AM interested in seeing if he can get them both! The BLACK and the PURPLE!!!! Gents, I'm onna quest...
That's not a bad price, even at 6800...Live Aquaria has them going for 129,139,199; small, medium, large respectively.
I can get black tangs for about $400 back home....but even that got hard for awhile....but I still can find them for that. If ACO can get them for a nice price, I might just have to get me one or two.
I have to say that Tiara-san has really helped me out with my office tank. In fact he even provided me a small purple frag from his NFS tank. All my shopping for livestock is done at his place since I know I can rely of getting healthy animals. Come to think of it I think I need to go and see him cause I think I have space in my tank for one more frag...
Every time that I visit ACO I start planning my own coral farm. i fell in love with this hobby at a very early age. my dad has been keeping reef tanks since before I was born. Seeing a setup like ACO has is a huge inspiration for the future.
talked to Taira-san yesterday: Black tang $400 and purple tang $60...think I'll order some purples in the future...need to slow down and get my tank on line first.
do they have any yellow's?
I didn't go yesterday, so I am going today if anyone else wants to join we can coord a time.
what about a flame angel? I saw he sometimes has them. I ordered one but it was DOA. Still wold like to get one though.
Went to the fish lady's grand re-opening on Saturday and was told the Wednesday before this to wait until Friday... they were going for 5500 yen. Got there Sat at 3:15 and they were all already sold out!!!!! sigh....