What are you bringing to the AUGUST frag swap?


Premium Member
You can never start planning too far ahead....

Here's one that I couldn't bring this time, but should be ready before August. I'd love to bring some to spread around.

I started out with these 3 pieces in November

Then, it browned out to the point that I didn't photograph it again. I finally got moved it to a spot with better lighting last month.

And here's what it has grown into:

i think at the next frag swap it would be a good idea to have a table for members to donate frags and all the proceeds could go to the club
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9230300#post9230300 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jessp
i think at the next frag swap it would be a good idea to have a table for members to donate frags and all the proceeds could go to the club
I thought something like that was gonna happen at this swap meet.
It did say on the notice that there would be a raffle AND a silent auction.
I assumed everybody was gonna give a few frags to the silent auction.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9230300#post9230300 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jessp
i think at the next frag swap it would be a good idea to have a table for members to donate frags and all the proceeds could go to the club

The proceeds from a few of my sales went into the club - I think we purchased $45 worth of raffle tickets. I actually prefer that to donating frags. Not only does the club get the money, I also get the chance to win a prize! :D
no wonder you won the free two nights at the weston lol, btw i don't know if you saw what i said in another post about that.

try the mojitos there they are the best i've had
It was a calculated gamble. All but $5 of that went into the hotel jar. :D

I will try to mojitos, thanks for the tip.
I bought $40 worth of raffle tickets too.
I hadn't thought of it in the way of a club donation till you just opened my eyes.

Almost all went into the Picasso jar, but I think that was the jar with the most tickets/interest, and hense the worst odds... :(
Oh well, I can console myself with the fact that it went to a good cause.
Just curious...
Is a frag swap for August still on the drawing board or is it a reality?
I really would like another one, even in a bigger venue.
I know it's a lot of planning and work to make it run smoothly. So if it is a for sure thing, count me in for planning and setting up...whatever I am needed for.
At the FMAS directors meeting it was mentioned as being penciled in for August. Take that for what it's worth. This far out, nothing is set in stone, but the club wants to do 2 swaps per year.
ok don't get me wrong or anything i had lots of fun and all but if we're going to have anothere frag swap and this would be the second one of the year would it not be better to have it in late september so that they are spread apart 1 so we have time for them to grow more and 2 so they aren't so close that it happens every 6 months like the olympics or the world cup something to look to :) just an idea

p.s. sorry for my spelling i'm french
Hi serkel,

August and Februaury are 6 months apart. I am 90% sure that we will have another frag swap in August. If you start fragging soon you will have plenty of time for grow out.

The size of the venue has grown each time with the size of the swap. The board has been adamant that we don't get in over our heads and cost the club a lot of money. The cost of venues is very expensive. I think the hall was a perfect size for what we had. I do know that it was crowded for the first hour, but after that it was not bad at all ;) Having planned the last to swaps myself, I understand what it takes and it is time consuming. We were not even sure we could get the stores to come. But with the amount of support from the members like we had at this swap that should not be a problem in the future. It is a lot of work for the stores.

They tried to do the "donate" corals to sell at one of the other frag swaps I went to. It did not work the greatest because it made the club compete with all the other vendors. As long as we have great auction/raffle prizes this is much better. It would be great to have more great, prizes. I am sure that a lot of club members have things that they can find to raffle off. Thru business friends, restaurants they frequent etc.