what do u think of seaworld

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Personally i love it. When i went as a kid i was amazed at life and its wondetful creatures

But do you think its wrong to keep orcas in a pool or make them do tricks?

Also its not just seaworld my pgh zoo does this too with sea lions

There is a lot of controversy lately over this
The same controversy could be applied to our aquariums, along with dogs and cats in apartments. I always thought they gave all the care in the world to there animals and fish. Just like many of us give the best care to our animals and fish, someone will always find fault.
I think there is a difference between keeping animals and giving them the best possible care (like most of us do), while sea world (as a corporation, most of the employees genuinely care for the animals) knows that orcas cannot be kept in pools that size. Their lives are cut significantly, and most of them go insane. Sea World has every right in the world to keep penguins, or other animals that are small enough, or are able to be kept in smaller areas than the open ocean, but not a whale. And the fact that they train their tour guides incorrect information to cover their tracks proves they don't care about the animals, they just want to see profit. It's disgusting, and keeping whales in pools should be illegal.
Sea world gives the animals there the best care possible. Corals on the other hand I'm not sure. I started a donation project in Florida where I would send them corals to grow out in their reef tank. Needless to say only the monti's were growing. The rest had died. Lighting was the issue as some tanks were so deep.

I dont think they need orcas, id enjoy it the same orcas or no.

Id love to see a great white up close in a tank tho.. Or a giant squid imagine that
Personally i love it. When i went as a kid i was amazed at life and its wondetful creatures

But do you think its wrong to keep orcas in a pool or make them do tricks?

Also its not just seaworld my pgh zoo does this too with sea lions

There is a lot of controversy lately over this

Perhaps the tricks that you see are for exercise and enrichment for the animal and to help build a working relationship between the trainer and the animal so that the trainer can care for it as necessary.

It is probably more than blow a whistle and throw a fish kind of task.
I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that the whales they have are either born in captivity or rescued. If a whale that was going to die is held In captivity and the research generated along with the money generated pays for the zoos other beneficial research than it all works out. What I'm really getting at is that sea world along with other zoo's and entertainment type places do a lot more behind the scenes than what most people know or see. Breeding programs for rare and endangered species are really expensive. Do people want to pay to see some veterinarian artificially inseminate a monkey or do they they want to see a killer whale toss a ball or see dolphins do tricks. These facilities don't have to make a profit but they do have run in the black or it won't exist. I can honestly say that a caged animal is not a happy animal but for the future of all animals it can not be avoided. To say sea world does not care about their animals is completely stupid. Their entire business is based on caring for the animals. If you do some research some people praise and some people scold sea world but the bottom line is all the research they have done on all animals would not exist if it wasn't for the entertainment value of the whales dolphins and penguins which all suffer from being held in captivity. Cats on the other hand live almost twice as long in captivity because they don't kill each other or die from disease like they do in the wild. I love the zoo and my kids love the zoo and what makes any of you think that keeping a miniature ocean in our homes has any benefits for the wild at all. I know I don't publish any reports so I am just helping fund the destruction of the world's natural reefs. I try to buy coral frags from locals rather than buying whole corals that have come from the ocean. One they seem to do better and two they don't hurt a reef. In all reality I think Sea world and all aquariums and zoos do more good than harm at least in America.
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Seaworld was a great experience for me personally. This has been a controversial matter for many years and I doubt they'll ever be able to make everyone happy.
The controversy is the few orcas that were captured from the wild in the 80's are large 30+ year old orcas who are aggressive towards other orcas.... Also one, named tilikum, has killed 2 trainers..... Now the problem is that the captive bred orcas are his kids, and the environmentalists say that since he's aggressive, they must be too... Now I do not think that they have seen much aggression from them, but sea world doesn't want to give up this old guy because he's the money(baby) maker....... Now, tilikum, that I know of, is in Orlando, I have no idea why they are lobbying to remove them from the public view in San Diego......
Monterey Bay Aquarium had a white shark for a little while then released it back into the ocean. I agree with the fact that there are two sides to everything, there's good from bad and bad from good, unfortunately your never going to hear about the good for bad. Sea World has made some bad decisions, but they have made way more great research breakthroughs than bad decisions. hopefully they are learning from there mistakes.
Have you seen the movie 'Blackfish'? Available for streaming from Netflix.

I'm not an animal rights nut. I have aquariums, pets and eat meat!

I do believe we should be responsible and humane to other life forms.

KWs are social animals. They travel and live as a group (pod).They do not live in the wild as individuals. At SeaWorld they are often alone and are never part of a pod (family group).

They naturally travel many miles per day. At SW they are often in tanks too small to turn around in easily.

The male's dorsal fin is erect in the wild. At SW the dorsal fin is bent. Remember 'Free Willy'?

Their lifespan is much longer in the wild vs. SeaWorld. 75 years vs. 25, IIRC.

On this board we have discussions about what size tank is appropriate for a fish. Tangs come up often. Expand the concept to a 'fish' the size of a KW and just think how the tiny tank is torture for such an intelligent animal.

Most hobbyists do as much as they can for animals in their care. Expenses be dammed!

SeaWorld is a corporation. Their motivation is profit. It's not a research institution or a learning/teaching facility. They are there to make money. An aquatic Disneyland. They can't profitably care properly for an animal like a KW so they cut corners.

I'd much rather spend my money on a CB fish or aquacultured coral than support the inhumane treatment of such a beautiful animal.
Blackfish really really opened my eyes. Orcas do not belong in captivity. And as much as I'd love to see whale sharks, they belong in the ocean - sorry Georgia Aquarium.
Have you seen the movie 'Blackfish'? Available for streaming from Netflix.

I'm not an animal rights nut. I have aquariums, pets and eat meat!

I do believe we should be responsible and humane to other life forms.

KWs are social animals. They travel and live as a group (pod).They do not live in the wild as individuals. At SeaWorld they are often alone and are never part of a pod (family group).

They naturally travel many miles per day. At SW they are often in tanks too small to turn around in easily.

The male's dorsal fin is erect in the wild. At SW the dorsal fin is bent. Remember 'Free Willy'?

Their lifespan is much longer in the wild vs. SeaWorld. 75 years vs. 25, IIRC.

On this board we have discussions about what size tank is appropriate for a fish. Tangs come up often. Expand the concept to a 'fish' the size of a KW and just think how the tiny tank is torture for such an intelligent animal.

Most hobbyists do as much as they can for animals in their care. Expenses be dammed!

SeaWorld is a corporation. Their motivation is profit. It's not a research institution or a learning/teaching facility. They are there to make money. An aquatic Disneyland. They can't profitably care properly for an animal like a KW so they cut corners.

I'd much rather spend my money on a CB fish or aquacultured coral than support the inhumane treatment of such a beautiful animal.

According to NOAA, the typical lifespan for male Orcinus orca is about 30 years. Females typically live around 50 years. They only talk about potentially up to 50-100 years. There seems to be a lot of variability in wild populations depending upon location, as well. Some populations seem to have shorter lifespans.

While captivity often isn't ideal for a great many animals, many (potentially most) of our animals included, the lessons that can be learned from them are substantial. The parks generate both revenue, research, and public awareness. I think the orcas at Seaworld receive close to the best care in captivity that is currently available. They have always been pretty active and seemingly happy in the many instances I've seen them there (Orlando). The enclosure/tank was definitely easy enough for them to turn around in. Of course, this is just how I viewed it and is anecodotal.

I'm very careful with Blackfish, FWIW.
I never discuss Religion, Politics or Sea World! I prefer everyone hate me for myself....lol
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