what do u think of seaworld

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Not in the lining-my-pockets while ethics go out the window kind of way. And trust me, I'm not seeing that windfall. Athletes get more respect than scientists at a university. New stadiums are more important than new research buildings, don't get me started. Research grant money is very highly regulated. My boss doesn't exactly live in a mansion despite the millions they get to do research. It goes towards supplies, salaries, etc etc.

SeaWorld is all about the bottom line. Above all, it's about the money. Don't be fooled. And, to be honest, they could thank Blackfish - it inspired them to *try* to make things better, but maybe it's too little, too late. Time to evolve or die.
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Not buying it... sorry... it is hypocritical to not fix your own field's ethics before dabbling in others business.
Hey, don't make me your punching bag for all scientists. Go picket outside your nearest university or research park. Hilarious. Yes, I will go and fix things right now, be right back.

So, I can't have interests outside of science? Are you really serious? I have a right to this debate as anyone. Who are you to judge who can have an opinion and who can't? Care to post what you do exactly so I can pick it apart? Oh wait, I'm kind of above that because it's simply not necessary.
The obvious? That you can comment but I can't? Why exactly? Because of my profession?

Hey, uh, no offense but, your profession is screwed up so you really should keep your opinions to yourself.

No offense taken at all, I just spent x number of years beyond an undergrad degree pursuing an education so that I could secure such a lucrative (I wish you had an idea how much a researcher really makes), dirty career working alongside animal abusers. This is great. But yet, SeaWorld is a great, grand place...happy orcas in happy pools.

This thread has officially jumped the shark, so to speak.
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Have you ever kept an orca? Until then, I would just stay out of it. Kind of like how I stay out of the forums against animal testing... I'm not taking any thunder from people that do more good than bad.
Actually if you read my first post, I am not. I actually stated that I have mixed feelings. Again, the benefits outweigh the bad.
That is an opinion. And I disagree. Is that ok? You had your say, that's not exactly "staying out of it."

People who keep the orcas probably aren't the ones making the final decisions - it's some rich CEO with a business background who probably doesn't know as much as they should about orcas (and yes, after googling, it's a guy with 2 business degrees). Yes, they may have marine biologists as advisors, but the bottom line is the mighty dollar.

Orcas aren't going anywhere, unfortunately. There's too much $$ to be made.
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That is what most professionals in both fields feel, as they probably would move on if they did not. And I certainly trust their opinions vs some emotional person who has no experience keeping them or researching new medical advancements.
"Emotional people" like me may help to open the eyes of close-minded people like someone who keeps bullying me.

Jack Hanna supports SeaWorld - I wonder how much they paid him.

And I have no experience researching medical advancements? Where do you get this information? Assumptions again? You know you have to read journal articles on recent advances as part of research right? Of course you knew that, you're "involved with science."

Do you have a personal issue with me? We could take it to private messages - that'd be the mature thing to do. There's no reason to keep attacking me. This has gotten quite personal. Maybe there's a problem with people standing up to you or disagreeing with you, I don't know. Do you think I'm the only person who feels that way? How about those people who have now chosen not to go to SeaWorld any more...interesting how ticket sales have dropped after Blackfishs' release.
It wasn't a statement about you just in general about people that are against it emotionally without looking at it rationally.

Ohhh the bully card... now I know that you have no legs to stand on.
I've stated twice that this isn't personal... but you playing the victim card because you can't read what I wrote in a general sense versus a personal sense irritates me. Respectfully I'm out.
My opinion is emotional, but yours isn't? It's not based on how you feel?

Your argument lost legs as soon as you said science is less ethical than SeaWorld. You'd be torn apart in the science community.
And you can say all you want that this isn't personal. Did you consider how your statements come across? You're not being general in your statements - you've been quite specific as a matter of fact. I know when I'm being disrespected so stop playing innocent. "Respectfully" you're out? I do not think that word means what you think it means.
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