So im at my wits end on battling ich... I cant do copper i have qt open atm.. I cant dose my display tank.. I am on day 5 with malachite green.. And i have noticed a change in ich but the medicine is harsh my hawkfish and other fish dont like it. its atsrting to cloud their eyes. So i think ima stop the meds.
What fish are more resistant to ich ? I noticed a few already myself... Tangs and coral beaty angelfish seem to be ich magnets.. My neon dottyback seemed to be resistant as well but then he was riddled with it something my friend did to my tank on vacation which killed 4 fish overnight stressed my dotty back and other fish.. When i got back home my tank was so cloudy i couldnt see in it.. i suspect she had lotion or chemicals on her hands when she put them in my tank to clean my surface skimmer the night prior to my fish dying.
Anyway the dottyback has fought off ich 99% of it is gone. coral beauty died this morning probly from sufocation from parasites and my meds. Oh well.
My damzels.. lawnmower blenny. scooter blenny. flame hawk, all 5 green chromis.. Never get ich.. I never see it on them not even a single spot yet a coral beauty or tang would be riddled..
So it seems blennys hawkfish. damzels and chromis are ich resistant. My royal gramma never really got it either
What other pretty fish are more resistant to ich.. Are butterfly fish more disease resistant ? Is there anything else other then what i listed.. Because im never getting tangs or coral beauty again.. I migjt buy a flame angel though the one i had never seemed to get it but well see.. Or just never get angelfish again either.
My tank is missing that one big'ish fish all i have are smaller fish.. So i meed help i cant win against ich but maybe i can just keep fish like i have that are less disease prone. And keep it at that and focus more on corals
What fish are more resistant to ich ? I noticed a few already myself... Tangs and coral beaty angelfish seem to be ich magnets.. My neon dottyback seemed to be resistant as well but then he was riddled with it something my friend did to my tank on vacation which killed 4 fish overnight stressed my dotty back and other fish.. When i got back home my tank was so cloudy i couldnt see in it.. i suspect she had lotion or chemicals on her hands when she put them in my tank to clean my surface skimmer the night prior to my fish dying.
Anyway the dottyback has fought off ich 99% of it is gone. coral beauty died this morning probly from sufocation from parasites and my meds. Oh well.
My damzels.. lawnmower blenny. scooter blenny. flame hawk, all 5 green chromis.. Never get ich.. I never see it on them not even a single spot yet a coral beauty or tang would be riddled..
So it seems blennys hawkfish. damzels and chromis are ich resistant. My royal gramma never really got it either
What other pretty fish are more resistant to ich.. Are butterfly fish more disease resistant ? Is there anything else other then what i listed.. Because im never getting tangs or coral beauty again.. I migjt buy a flame angel though the one i had never seemed to get it but well see.. Or just never get angelfish again either.
My tank is missing that one big'ish fish all i have are smaller fish.. So i meed help i cant win against ich but maybe i can just keep fish like i have that are less disease prone. And keep it at that and focus more on corals