What fish are more disease resistant than others


In Memoriam
So im at my wits end on battling ich... I cant do copper i have qt open atm.. I cant dose my display tank.. I am on day 5 with malachite green.. And i have noticed a change in ich but the medicine is harsh my hawkfish and other fish dont like it. its atsrting to cloud their eyes. So i think ima stop the meds.

What fish are more resistant to ich ? I noticed a few already myself... Tangs and coral beaty angelfish seem to be ich magnets.. My neon dottyback seemed to be resistant as well but then he was riddled with it something my friend did to my tank on vacation which killed 4 fish overnight stressed my dotty back and other fish.. When i got back home my tank was so cloudy i couldnt see in it.. i suspect she had lotion or chemicals on her hands when she put them in my tank to clean my surface skimmer the night prior to my fish dying.

Anyway the dottyback has fought off ich 99% of it is gone. coral beauty died this morning probly from sufocation from parasites and my meds. Oh well.

My damzels.. lawnmower blenny. scooter blenny. flame hawk, all 5 green chromis.. Never get ich.. I never see it on them not even a single spot yet a coral beauty or tang would be riddled..

So it seems blennys hawkfish. damzels and chromis are ich resistant. My royal gramma never really got it either

What other pretty fish are more resistant to ich.. Are butterfly fish more disease resistant ? Is there anything else other then what i listed.. Because im never getting tangs or coral beauty again.. I migjt buy a flame angel though the one i had never seemed to get it but well see.. Or just never get angelfish again either.

My tank is missing that one big'ish fish all i have are smaller fish.. So i meed help i cant win against ich but maybe i can just keep fish like i have that are less disease prone. And keep it at that and focus more on corals
What other pretty fish are more resistant to ich..

There is no magic fish. The only solution is careful quarantine practices prior to introduction of any new creature. The only solution for you now is removal of all fish into quarantine, treat with copper and leave the display fallow for 12-13 weeks.
Right now i have a midas blenny and a royal gramma with ich. So, they do get it but i think it may just take longer for them to show signs of it. Now, i have a bangaii cardinal that really doesn’t seem to get or atleast doesn’t show it.
Providing a low stress environment combined with high protein foods will boost immune systems of all fish
Then ick is never a problem
diet and low stress helps a lot!

I have heard before though the mandarin dragonets or maybe all the dragonets don't get ich because of there slime coats???
diet and low stress helps a lot!

I have heard before though the mandarin dragonets or maybe all the dragonets don't get ich because of there slime coats???

I have seen them die in an Ick tank.
I don't believe that one......
So im at my wits end on battling ich... I cant do copper i have qt open atm.. I cant dose my display tank.. I am on day 5 with malachite green.. And i have noticed a change in ich but the medicine is harsh my hawkfish and other fish dont like it. its atsrting to cloud their eyes. So i think ima stop the meds.

What fish are more resistant to ich ? I noticed a few already myself... Tangs and coral beaty angelfish seem to be ich magnets.. My neon dottyback seemed to be resistant as well but then he was riddled with it something my friend did to my tank on vacation which killed 4 fish overnight stressed my dotty back and other fish.. When i got back home my tank was so cloudy i couldnt see in it.. i suspect she had lotion or chemicals on her hands when she put them in my tank to clean my surface skimmer the night prior to my fish dying.

Anyway the dottyback has fought off ich 99% of it is gone. coral beauty died this morning probly from sufocation from parasites and my meds. Oh well.

My damzels.. lawnmower blenny. scooter blenny. flame hawk, all 5 green chromis.. Never get ich.. I never see it on them not even a single spot yet a coral beauty or tang would be riddled..

So it seems blennys hawkfish. damzels and chromis are ich resistant. My royal gramma never really got it either

What other pretty fish are more resistant to ich.. Are butterfly fish more disease resistant ? Is there anything else other then what i listed.. Because im never getting tangs or coral beauty again.. I migjt buy a flame angel though the one i had never seemed to get it but well see.. Or just never get angelfish again either.

My tank is missing that one big'ish fish all i have are smaller fish.. So i meed help i cant win against ich but maybe i can just keep fish like i have that are less disease prone. And keep it at that and focus more on corals

:fish1: Hi, what do you feed your fish, and what size is your tank, and how many fish do you have in your tank? :fish1:
I think im just done with marine fish. Ive lost hundreds in fish and this whole 72 day process is just retarded. Might as well not even be in this hobby. Plus i read copper is fatal to fish as well, they die after a year or two... So whats the point ?

Im starting to think just wait it out and let whatever fish die from it and whatever dont die just stick with them and focus more on the corals i have. I killed a couple corals from malachite green almost well they bleached. And my flame hawk who never hides and never gets ich or velvet or whatever the **** it is is always hiding now so malachite green probly messed him up too.

Im glad i didnt convert my larger 135g tank from discus to marine... Ill just stick to fresh water when it comes to fish... Diseases in fresh water are so easy to cure its like a laughing joke... Marine fish and corals are so fragile its just stupid.. I went overboard last month too, buying meds.. new fish trying different ways to stop this.. UV sterilizers i have over 50 watts of UV on the tank now and it isnt doing anything.. not even slowing it down.. I know it doesnt cure anything but its not even slowing it.

Its a 55g tank, fish in it are.

Flame Hawk
Lawn Mower Blenny
scooter blenny
5 Green Chromis
Neon dottyback "whos friendly"
Orchid dottyback
Blue Damzel

Fish i lost so far, flame angel, royal gramma, kole tang.

Corals i have are

Reverse Superman Monitpora
Yellow Poritas
2 bubble corals
Torch coral
Hammer Coral
Green planet acropora
Frogspawn Acropora
Neon Green cabbage coral
Couple chalice corals
and a purple Cespitularia
Purple acropora

The only corals ive ever lost was a birds nest coral it had slow tissue necrosis i couldnt figure out why. And the recent edition is my green planet acropora i put him in my other salt water tank while my main tank was being dosed with malachite green.. within 1 day he had rapid tissue necrosis.. 2 days half the coral was gone.. Today i broke off peices that still look ok in a effort to save it..

So whatever.

The whole fish aspect though again, makes me want to take a baseball bat to the tank.. thats how FRUSTRATING this is.. They need to come up with a better cure for this man.. I was hoping malachite would work.. in fresh water it nukes ich in 2-3 days.. Oh well.
Foods im feeding btw, are mysis shrimp and tetra min flakes. I fed spirulina as well when i had the tang and i put in chunks of nori on a clip.

Yesturday i fed some muscles and clams and my neon dottyback tore that up..

He got over the ich a few days ago, but now again this morning lights on and hes riddled with it again, i wish i could do something for him
I would recommend reading the stickies at the top of the forums about ich. Please. Save yourself (and any more unfortunate fish) from any further stress or deaths.
butterfly fish died today only had him 3 days. my orchid dottyback is dead 3 days as well... This cant be ich this must be velvet my fish just drop like flies.....
I have a yellow tang and a coral beauty both healthy AF... I don't even quarantine because I know my lFS knows whats up.. There are 3 LFS in my area and I only trust the 1, but his corals suck so I go to another one 15 min away and shop corals there cuz his coral selection is amazing... But I would never buy a fish from the LFS with the amazing coral selection. If you don't trust who you are buying from then QT is a must.

Here is a scenario.. when I bought my 4 chromis from the trusted LFS he told me these 4 are the last of 40 I bought and have been in this tank for 2 months... From this statement and inspection I know I don't have to QT.. low and behold 3 months later all 4 chromis still going strong
Like said above there is no magic fish. What you do want to do is feed live foods like they eat in the wild. Stuff with natural bacteria. That will help them develop a more healthy immune system. Have an active sand bed rock work, with things that will eat or destroy parasites. Stress kills fish too. Raises the blood pressure and suppresses the immune system. Right now you have 1 fish for every 5 gallons. Maybe thats your limit. Maybe not.
Ick is easily eliminated with Cupramine, Hypo or TTM.
It is not uncommon and these are the only ways that work.
While it can be frustrating, you have a nice tank.

Go 72-76 days fallow, this works and is the easy part.

Its a crappy lesson, but unfortunately part of this hobby, one most of us have endured at one time.

Brush yourself off, take your hit, then back to reefing

Good luck
I have a yellow tang and a coral beauty both healthy AF... I don't even quarantine because I know my lFS knows whats up..

.....If you don't trust who you are buying from then QT is a must.

If an LFS quarantines fish for three months, they can be "trusted". But this isn't really a question of trust. Unfortunately, the LFS is at the mercy of their distributors, and the entire supply chain.

If the life cycle of Ich is 70-some days, then consider quarantining new live stock for 70-some days.

Anything less is marine-roulette...
I think im just done with marine fish. Ive lost hundreds in fish and this whole 72 day process is just retarded. Might as well not even be in this hobby.

I agree. Reading your entire post, it seems you have neither the patience nor temperament to keep a saltwater tank. If you're that successful with FW, then stick to that!
