What Going On in Your System Today?




Yesterday I got another copperband. ( Mine looked like he wanted a friend)
Anyway the new one was less then $10.00. Yes practically free for a copperband. The store has about 20 of them. Of course they are full of ich but for that price, what do you want?
If I just put him in my reef he would probably die because I know the store has him in copper and when he is removed from that water, the paracites will quckly kill him so I am treating him with copper. I had to find my bottle of copper as I had not used it in probably 20 years (I hope the stuff doesn't expire) And I had to dig out an old five gallon tank.
Anyway today he is fine and has eaten a bunch of live worms. In a week I will add him to my tank and see how he gets along with the big guy.

If they get along, I may get a third one. I like copperbands, what can I say.

CBs are cute indeed. You mean LFS are still keeping fish in copper loaded tanks these days? Wow !!!!

I hope he does well for you. Thanks for sharing.

Mucho Reef
I did a 10g water change and sucked out a ton of hair algae. Since transferring to this new tank I have plenty of it on my overflows and the back of the tank. None on the rocks. I am using purigen in my skimmer in a sock. It tumbles in there. Hopefully I can get it all taken care of or close to it that way. I went down the the basement and got my new refugium all cleaned out so it should get plumbed in this week. That should also help knockout the hair algae.
Hello! I went online and bought a new skimmer, media basket, and an upgraded pump. Glued a few frags (zoas and a Duncan) to my live rock. Zapped 4 aiptasia. Yay!
My little 10 gallon nano's going thorugh a mini-cycle after a move. doing water changes to reduce nitrate. other parameters good.
I am making a typhoon now with my diatom filters, I do this a few times a year and I found a large watchman gobi that I thought disappeared and he is much larger than I thought he would be. Changed color also. He was brown when I put him in, now he is yellow. Usually they go from yellow to brown. In an hour or so I should be able to once again see the back of the tank as it is a little scurvy now.
I had been batteling the red menace for about a year. The chemical quick fixes didn't work. Biopellets made it worse. I was ready to sell my tank and put up a tv in it's place. My wife told me to get it looking good or get it gone. Don't you love tough love? I spent four months pumping as much gfo as it would take. I hate to think it much less type it but I've been cyano free for five months ! I feel like I should get some sort of chip or token for that. I lost a lot in the process but my peeps in our reef club were generous with frags and I'm in love with my tank again.
I had been batteling the red menace for about a year. The chemical quick fixes didn't work. Biopellets made it worse. I was ready to sell my tank and put up a tv in it's place. My wife told me to get it looking good or get it gone. Don't you love tough love? I spent four months pumping as much gfo as it would take. I hate to think it much less type it but I've been cyano free for five months ! I feel like I should get some sort of chip or token for that. I lost a lot in the process but my peeps in our reef club were generous with frags and I'm in love with my tank again.

Good.... Sometimes it takes someone to give us a good swift kick and get us motivated again.
I added a new Dendro coral to my tank a few weeks ago. It's been doing great, started eating when offered food, but not completely extending it's tentacles. This morning it was in it's full gloral---comepletely extended. It's located in the strong shade under the "leaves" of a bright red section of macro algae. The combination of the yellow/orange/red is simply stunning. Very happy to see it thriving. :)