What is your favorite Angel?

So many to pic from. I do love the look of the Coral Beauty, Centropyge bispinosa . The color is just stunning IMO. :D
coralite said:
EEUUWWW, yuk, maculosis angels are gross. Why get a mac when you can get an asfur which is umpteen times the fish a mac is? There are right next to cortez and old wife angels but we are talking about pretty angels here, not yukky ones.

That's just your opinion. How can you seriously call it gross? Theyre great fish, and are availiable captive bred. I guess we all have our own personal preferences, but you react to it like it is a.......flatworm! A BIG flatworm:p
Ok,,,, you win, at least two of you.... I am going to add both the emperor and the majestic angel at the same time. I believe they are all from different genus than my scribbled angel, hope they have enough room. I also have new live trap arriving today in case some one needs rescue.
I have two in a diferent reef tanks a Majestic in a 90G and a juv Emperor in a 200G reef. i well not put two large angels in the same tank.
I have a Majestic, Keyhole, and Flame angel, also, Copperband, Mandarian, Clark Clown and a Watchman goby all living together.
BigDaddy, Sounds like you have a similar setup to mine, time will tell about the fish load. I also have 2 regal tangs, 1 lemon butterfly, and some a couple of very benign yellowtail blue damsels. And, a 10" snowflake eel. Just recently upgraded from a HOB skimmer to a Euroreef CS-6-2, wow does that ever make a difference!
Hey blueface, Did you see kevinpo's reply when he found out that his majestic was really a blue face? He plans on fishing it out with a hook and resettling it!
Here is a nice pic of a golden angel. It captures some of the potential beauty these fish can have.