It was bought as a Red Sea (yellow belly) Regal. The only different one i am aware of is the Regal from the Indo-Pacific region with a white/gray belly and from the research i have done, they do not seem to fare as well. It took us 2 years to find her, and i removed a Majestic and a juvenile Emperor to keep her. She has been good with my sps's and a squamosa clam, but did start to nip at a brain coral (which i removed). She has on the other hand stayed away from my blastomousa (knock on wood) If you are looking for a Regal try to get it locally and make sure its eating. We found many locally but none ate at all. When we saw this one i had them feed it and she went to town on mysis right off the bat and so far she has been eating everything including flakes. The only thing she hasnt ate that i put in the tank was nori. The Regal is perhaps my favorite fish with the Lineatus Fairy wrasse following in a close second. Good luck in finding a regal, if you can find a decent one they are well worth the wait.