What is your favorite Angel?

petedoc said:
I tried fishbase re:clarion angels, it is listed and a black and white sketch is shown, but I can't find a real photo. I'll keep looking.

i posted a real pic of my friends clarion on the 2nd page of this thread.
The blue line is a beauty, the conspiculatus is not so great looking, at least on the marinecenter site. The picture probably doesn't do it justice. According to the fishbase website the clarion is not a restricted fish and it's native habitat is the sea of cortez and the baja peninsula area. Wonder why availability is poor? Anyone have pics or a link to pics of the clarion?
bruddah, thanks for the note about the clarion angel on page 2. Do you know how old it is and the size? I looks almost like a dwarf angel. That blue line angel takes the cake for best color and shape IMHO, right up there with the passer and emporer and majestic. Fortuanately everyone is entitled to their opinion, and beauty is truly in the eye of the reef tank owner! petedoc:cool:
despot101, your flame looks like its on fire!, or is that just computer enhanced imagery? May need to add a flame at some point. How do you prevent evaporation?:eek1:
An adult H. passer looks NOTHING like an adult clarion. An adult passer has a solid, dark blue background pierced by a single white stripe. Males have white pelvic fins.

I would have to say my favorite angel is the black gray angel (pomacanthus arcuatus) although not as colorful it definitely seems to have a personality...

Yes of course they're both different as they grow...but in aquarium sizes...yes...they're very similar as juveniles.

Jon Warner
Warner Marine Research
petedoc said:
bruddah, thanks for the note about the clarion angel on page 2. Do you know how old it is and the size? I looks almost like a dwarf angel.
i have no clue how old this fish is. its about 4".

Originally posted by wmr#1The Clarion angel looks very similar to the Passer angel. Whereas the Passer has brown/golden/orange base coloration, the Clarion has the same blue highlighted coloration but on a vivid orange/red base color!
Originally posted by JimboAn adult H. passer looks NOTHING like an adult clarion. An adult passer has a solid, dark blue background pierced by a single white stripe. Males have white pelvic fins.An adult H. passer looks NOTHING like an adult clarion.

i believe wmr#1 might be refering to the juveniles of the clarion and passar angels. they do look very similar. but as the become adults, they have very different coloration.
My favorite would have to be the Regal. It took 2 years of searching to find one that looked healthy and actually ate well at the store. Here is a picture of ours:cool:

pncstod, that regal angel is wonderful/cool. I am hopeful that I will be equally succesful with my angel pursuit through online buying, kind of a crap shoot though! I will try to publish pics of my scribbled angel soon and the others as they arrive and a sequential aging series. petedoc
Does anyone have any personal experience keeping a Golden Angel in a 'sps'-heavy reeftank? Are they as individualized as most others?
Dallas_joser, Thats a beauty of a queen, how old and how big? Looks mature, and in good health, what do you feed her/him?
It was bought as a Red Sea (yellow belly) Regal. The only different one i am aware of is the Regal from the Indo-Pacific region with a white/gray belly and from the research i have done, they do not seem to fare as well. It took us 2 years to find her, and i removed a Majestic and a juvenile Emperor to keep her. She has been good with my sps's and a squamosa clam, but did start to nip at a brain coral (which i removed). She has on the other hand stayed away from my blastomousa (knock on wood) If you are looking for a Regal try to get it locally and make sure its eating. We found many locally but none ate at all. When we saw this one i had them feed it and she went to town on mysis right off the bat and so far she has been eating everything including flakes. The only thing she hasnt ate that i put in the tank was nori. The Regal is perhaps my favorite fish with the Lineatus Fairy wrasse following in a close second. Good luck in finding a regal, if you can find a decent one they are well worth the wait.
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I loved my Majestic Angel. I will try to keep a Regal angel also (not anle to find a healthy one yet). These two are my favorite Angels.
OMG! it's so hard to pick...as they're all so beautiful. But I have four of my favorites. The french, the majestic, the blueface and the flagfin.